Chicly, Chicago

As a writer, I will occasionally find myself wistfully wandering various neighborhoods in search of a nudge in the right direction for some spectacular form of blog inspiration.

Luckily for me, I live in Chicago. Inspiration is not hard to come by in a city that boasts many of the Midwest’s most awe-inspiring buildings and structures, a curiously provocative array of independent boutiques, and so much more.

Chicago is a city of classic elegance, sky-scraping innovation, and incredible perspectives of  architecture, which are practically offered anywhere you are in the city, like these three spots. My favorite thing about being a Chic-agoan? Living in Chicago enables me to shape and fashion my life and look according to my own metropolitan point-of-view.

 Wearing: Dress, Hype (from ideeli) / Bag, BCBG / Espadrilles, Vintage ($9)

The Independent Fashion Blogger forum asked this week, what inspires you about your neighborhood?


  1. hey,

    i love your blog, so cute.

    defiantly following.

    follow me if you like…

  2. Ah! I love the pictures! The last one is breath-taking! I'd love to visit Chicago sometime! All the events that you posted looked like so much fun! I love your outfit! Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog and for following me! I greatly appreciate it!
    -The BF Mashup

  3. Thanks for your lovely comment, and for giving me the chance to find your blog!
    Beautiful views and outfit. I have never been to Chicago, hopefully one day I'll come!
    And I gave my sis those same shoes as a present!

  4. Love the fresh look of your outfit and the fantastic views of Chi-town! It's definitely a destination for my family sometime in the future :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your awesome comment!


  5. Super love your over sized clutch and I envy those Wedges…..thanks for visiting me ..Following u now hope u follow back and keep visiting!!!
    Much love

  6. Chicago is the ONLY big city that I am DYING to go to yet haven't been! Love how you describe it! Can we talk about how cute that dress is?? Fab!

  7. i love chicago! my best friend/roommate from college moved out there and I only visted her once in the harsh unforgiven month of Janurary. Even then I fell in love with the city. I def. want to go back when it's warmer to visit. Great photos! I love the aqua blue bag and shoes!

  8. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Chicago. It's always on my list of places I wouldn't mind living + I have a few friends from college that still live there.


  9. Great outfit! Love the bright turquoise.

    Chicago is very inspiring. I've only been once, but I totally fell in love!

What do you think?