Weekend Wardrobe: Wine Tasting in Nashville

On a typical weekend, we intrepid wine tasters would sooner be seen browsing the aisles of Trader Joe’s discount selection; but on a weekend worth celebrating, we ventured to a vineyard in Nashville, Tennessee, dressed head-to-toe in comfortable frocks, fedoras and SPF.

Photo Credit
-Audrey Hepburn, Photo Credit


Photo Credit
Photo Credit
This post is dedicated to my good friend and bride-to-be, Angie.


  1. How fun! You all look beautiful and those fedora are too cute!

    I am actually going to Nashville (1st time!) to visit a friend this fall. I'd love to visit the winery. Do you mind telling me the name?

    Thanks so much!

  2. Cute outfits! Looks like y'all had a lot of fun! I love the combination of turquoise and white.


  3. I'm so glad you found my blog! It's always nice to know fellow bloggers in Chicago. Your photos are gorgeous, I love looking at all of them. Great style as well, can't wait to see more!

  4. Ooh, wine tasting! What an experience to go to the actual vineyard! Looks like fun! As always, I love the pictures!

    -The BF Mashup

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