> January Photo Review Comments Feed" href="https://coralsandcognacs.com/2012/02/my-offline-life-january-photo-review.html/feed"/>

I realize it’s February, but I have to be honest with you: I just took down my Christmas decorations this week…. Most of them, anyway.

January was a highly caffeinated month, as you’ve noticed if you follow me on Twitter or Instagram: Blogging, working, traveling, event-going, curating, resolution-fulfilling… I’ve even come to appreciate global warming, given the mild winter we’ve been having in Chicago. (That’s totally going to bite me in the ass when it’s snowing in June.)

What have you been up to this month? I hope that January was great to you, too.

January 2012

2012: On to the next!

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2 Responses to My Offline Life >> January Photo Review

  1. Love these photos! I am glad you are having a mild winter. One of my BFFs lives in Chicago and I know she is enjoying the mild winter. Fingers crossed that it stays this way.

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