2012 Mini Moments

Happy New Year! There’s something really awesome about the first few days in January. Are your spirits higher this week, too?

I’m back to reality of the working world, so that outlook may change for me over the course of today. In the meantime, here’s a quick trip down memory lane — many of you are new’ish to reading my blog (hello, welcome and thank you!), so this should help get you up to speed on all that you may have missed in the past year. 2012 was an incredible year and I can only hope 2013 follows suit.

Cheers to new opportunities, new priorities and a fresh start!


  1. What a whirlwind your 2012 has been. I can’t believe your blog has only been going for a little over a year. You have accomplished so much.

  2. I am in love with this timeline! What an Awesome year Hallie! I can’t wait to see what 2013 holds for C+C! Love this blog - a must daily for sure.

    - Lauren//PRBlonde

  3. A Happy, Happy New Year to you my dear! This was such a cute idea! Love your blogging timeline! This year definitely has given me new inspiration not only to “breathe new life” into my blog (i.e. expanding to include more lifestyle related content), but to live a healthier and more active lifestyle (i.e. the most popular new year’s resolution ever!). I hope that we get to know each other better this year! Here’s to a great 2013! :)

    xo, Stephanie :)

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  5. LOVED this recap and congratulations to all of the amazing things that have come your way as a result of impressive, hard work. xo here’s to 2013!!!

  6. Love your timeline. You are such a hard worker and incredibly stylish icon for Chicago. You always seem so honest and sincere as well! You deserve all these fabulous milestones & more! Cheers!

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