Beyond the Runway | NYFW Recap #1

in events, fashion week

My time in New York for Fashion Week was — as always - an absolute blur.

I’ll be sharing a few trend reports and runway recaps with you later this week/next, but in the meantime, here’s a bit on what we got into when we weren’t snow-hopping across Lincoln Center in heels and obsessively instagram’ing that runway.

To kick things off, I made my way west of Chelsea to the Showroom Seven to play with pretty baubles from Erickson Beamon. It was here that I discovered my latest fashion obsession: Israel-born designer de jour Alon Livne.

After channeling some serious self-control and not buying out the entire lot, I made my way across town for brunch and blowouts with a few favorite bloggers (including Jessica and Lacey, below), courtesy of the Glam Network.

Later in the day, Lauren and I stopped by the #AmexFashion lounge at Milk Studios (where lots of shows are produced). We dined on wine and flipped through an impressive array of photography from New York-based ar-teest, Diego Uchitel.

To round out the night, we ended at the rooftop of the Hotel Empire to check out a fun, Project Runway-inspired event (including some awesomely illuminated drinks), sponsored by Aquafina.

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