Weekend Inspiration

Happy Friday! I wanted to pause from sharing bits of life and style to provide a little thought-provoking inspiration as we head into the weekend.

This is a quote that I read during my move to New York — it’s resonated ever since, but I recently stumbled back across it under a bit of different context.

albert einstein quote, inspirational quotes, about moving, life

Five months ago, packing up six years of my life (spent in Chicago) and waving goodbye to my friends and family was a difficult pill to swallow. Every day since, though, I wake up feeling motivated, happy and blessed that I had the will and the confidence to make such a leap.

There’s something beautifully awakening about venturing down an uncertain path in life. It can be scary, sure, but really, all you can do is put one foot in front of the other and trust that the best is yet to come.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! I’m spending mine on a plane, as per usual. See you back here next week.


  1. Hallie this is such great inspiration and I absolutely love the context in which you reflect on this quote. I think whether its doing something out of your comfort zone, switching careers or moving across the country - it is good to challenge yourself to step away from the crowd and follow your heart!

    congrats on your accomplishments in NYC!


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