Fashion Week Recap: Day One, 18 Hours

Fashion Week, Day One. In a nutshell, here’s what that entailed: 18 hours, four large coffees, three runway shows, two pairs of shoes and a handful of subway transfers. In other words, it was a busy whirlwind of meetings, fashion shows, public transportation and caffeine runs.

Here’s a recap of Day One:

6:30 a.m. Snooze. I’m so not a morning person.

8:50 a.m. Hop on the train to head uptown. My first show of the season is Nicholas K, which is in… oh, 10 minutes. I’m late, but these things never start on time anyway. I’m good.

9:23 a.m. After a hectic rush hour train transfer at Times Square, I finally arrive at Lincoln Center. I nervously steal a glance at my phone — which has already depleted 12% in battery. Shit, I’m really late.

best booties for fall, 2013, shoe trends9:26 a.m. Press check-in. The girl behind the desk definitely just judged the nervous sweat forming on my upper lip.

9:28 a.m. I’m jogging through The Tent at this point — luckily, I slide sideways through the door right as it’s closing, the lights dim and the music starts. There’s no chance I’ll be snagging a seat, so instead I quietly duck behind the PR girls and sit in The Pit with the show’s registered photographers. This isn’t allowed, but hey, I’ve got Instagrams to take.

9:30 a.m. One of the PR girls is yelling (mouthing) at me to move, but I pretend not to see her. How did she spot me?! Oh, it’s because I’m laying on the ground and I’m wearing neon pants. I hope Kelly Cutrone doesn’t notice.

9:35 a.m. Nicholas K wraps. Lots of layered, nature-inspired looks in neutral tones. I particularly liked the braids that the female models were rocking.

9:40 a.m. I decide to head back outside to observe the crowd and take some street style photos. My next show — BCBGMAXAZRIA — doesn’t start until 10.

fashion week, street style, mbfw, day 1

9:45 a.m. Giuliana Rancic makes her way across the plaza. She isn’t swarmed by photographers, which surprises me — perhaps they don’t recognize her cute new bob haircut.

9:50 a.m. Run into my girl Bianca Posterli from Glam Media. We’re style-spotted by Lydia, who takes a few photos of us before we duck back inside.

10:05 a.m. B and I make our way to The Theater (one of the rooms inside The Tents) and take our seats, where we’re greeted with an onslaught of camera flashes, photo-raping VS angel Selita Ebanks. I’m more focused on the fact that Kelly Framel is seated directly across from me.

10:22 a.m. A-listers Giuliana Rancic and Heidi Klum take the seats directly in front of us. Nice! Even more photo-raping ensues. B and I make a mental note to stalk the major websites later to see if we made it into the background of any photos. (*Editor’s note: Yep, see below; via.)

front row at fashion week, heidi klum

10:30 a.m. Models storm the runway to a remixed version of Daft Punk’s Get Lucky in flowing dresses, sheer paneling and pastel prints. I think my mouth has been agape the entire show! I can’t wait to go broke over shop this collection.

11:40 a.m. Heading into the office for a few meetings and some quality computer time. (Yes, I work full-time — even during Fashion Week.)

12:15 p.m. At this point, I’ve changed into a T-shirt, zip-up sweatshirt and flats — all of which I stash under my desk. My feet are thrilled with the decision!

4:58 p.m. Coffee run. I need it.

7:02 p.m. Reluctantly, I change back into my Fashion Week duds. Time to head downtown for the #PhillipLimforTarget celebration (and shopping soiree). I honestly can’t remember the last time I wasn’t doing my make-up in a cab.

7:26 p.m. Holy shit. This place is packed. There’s a line around the block, but luckily one of my girlfriends comes out to save the day and sneak me through a side door.

7:32 p.m. Another run-in with Bianca. Every rack is practically empty, but Bianca bogarted a bag for me — I love her! I managed to score a few of the leopard pieces, too. Time to check-out and cocktail, stat.

7:45 p.m. Spotted the man of the hour — Mr. Phillip Lim himself! (*Editor’s Note: I’m not yet fully recovered from this.)

phillip lim for target, #philliplimfortarget

7:50 p.m. Wow, this check-out line is not moving.

8:28 p.m. Why is the bar so far away and not right here in this check-out queue? Next year, Target. Take note.

9:15 p.m. Ah, finally outside. $200 later. Whoops! There’s still a line snaking around the lobby of the building. I debate shouting at everyone that there’s nothing left to buy (or drink), but instead, Bianca and I focus on finding a destination complete with chips, guac and tequilla.

9:25 p.m. Mission accomplished. Happiness and bloating ensues.

10:45 p.m. Despite my mounting FOMO, I decide it’s time to call it a night. I’m exhausted, my ankles are swollen and I have lots of writing to do. You win this time, feet!

1:42 a.m. Finish up this post. Time to lay out tomorrow’s outfit, set my alarm and face-plant into bed. It’s back up and at it in a REM cycle and a half!

How are you enjoying my Fashion Week updates thus far? Feel free to follow along on Twitter and Instagram for live updates all weekend. Happy Friday! Hope you have fun (and fashionable) plans in store.


  1. No but seriously, Hallie. I am SO impressed that you were able to get all this up and it’s so GOOD! I read it with my mouth open. Is it too much to ask that you do this all week? LOVE this.

  2. Absolutely loving your play-by-play by Fashion Week!! It’s so fantastic and we feel like we’re right there with you!! Hope you’re getting enough shut-eye!!

    Trendy Mondays - your online fashion destination for independent European designers

  3. You are totally making my week with these posts. Can I come with you next year? Just kidding.. No, seriously, can I? I love this. I am so jealous, but loving these recaps! You are awesome!


  4. This might be my favorite post you have done to date, I love it! I feel like I’m right there with you with swollen ankles :) PS. I am so happy to hear that Phillip Lim is coming out with TARGET STYLE!!!!! Right up my alley. Did someone say Christmas presents??

  5. I laughed out loud after envisioning you on the ground by the PR girls at the show as they try to get you to scatter but you pretend to not hear them, haha! Get it girl. Sounds exhausting and busy but sooo worth it! I can’t wait to rape the racks at Target once Phillip Lim hits stores. Eeeek! Looking forward to your next FW post 😀

    Because I’m Obsessed

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  13. Pingback: Fashion Week Recap, Day 1: 17 Hours | corals + cognacs

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