In Defense of the First Date Outfit

Honesty hour: Do you have a man-repelling piece that you can’t rid your closet of?


Samesies… And I’m wearing mine today.

It’s not that I can’t get rid of it; it’s that I just won’t. That said, let’s talk in defense of the first date ensemble:


I remember when I first laid eyes on this little 3.1 Phillip Lim gem (the top).

I noticed the floral print on Lucky magazine’s Editor-in-Chief, Eva Chen, during Fashion Week in September, and I could tell from the eclectic mix of color, texture and embellishment that it was, indeed, a la Lim.

I’m decent at ID’ing designers, but let’s call a spade a spade here: I’m a total slut for this particular designer dossier.

Thus, imagine my delight when I came across it up-close-and-personal on the clearance rack at Otte New York. At an additional 20% off and with just one size left… Mine.

YAS! It was a truly serendipitous moment. (Yes, I’m single, if you’re wondering; which we’ll get to in a moment.) The boxy, futuristic fit was an added bonus and — holy shit! — it has sequins and mesh detailing. Done and done.


When I wore it to work with a pair of black pants a few days later, a co-worker stopped me to ask where it was from.

I proudly relayed the story of my major fashion find, to which she responded, “oh, cute. But yeah; you can never ever wear that on a date or anything.”

… Well. I. Uh. Well.


I suppose she’s right, in some regard. Which inspired me to recreate the original outfit with a dose of date night appeal.

I did a bit of research on the topic first-and-foremost, and every article I found was all: “How To Be More Attractive to Men!” and “What He Wants You to Wear on the First Date.”

Hold. Up. What the what?!

(Side-note, I also came across a few handy write-ups on “Dressing for Your Court Appearance,” which I bookmarked just in case… Just. In. Case. Is that you, Universe?)

Depending on the guy (or gal), of course, he likely isn’t going to notice labels or trends. Although if you’re a male and you, too, were capable of immediately identifying this Phillip Lim number, call me.

Either way, I’ve always felt the key to dressing yourself for a first date (or for any day, at that) is super-simple and exactly that: Dress [for] yourself. Right?

Channeling confidence through what you’re wearing is the perfect way to convey who you are. What you wear is more or less just personal branding, after all. And if that happens to be through a boxy-fit, Tommy Bahama-resembling designer blouse from the clearance rack of a little boutique in Nolita, so be it.


The moral of the story and/or the Cliff Notes version is this: If I can’t find a guy who will appreciate the perfect transitional pairing to my faux-leather mini and strappy summer sandals, do I even really want one? (Kidding, here, Mom and Dad.)

As the saying goes: Feel good, look good, get the guy (/gal), conquer the world… Or something like that. All in a day’s work, my friends.


*Wearing: 3.1 Phillip Lim top (similar/sale options), Target skirt (similar here; love this version), 3.1 Phillip Lim large Pashli satchel, C.Wonder bangles (I want all of them), Zara sandals (similar) | *Beauty: Urban Decay eye shadow (from the less expensive Naked Basics palette), NARS matte lip pencil in Never Say Never, NARS blush in Love Joy, Benefit Gimme Brow

Lydia Hudgens Photography


  1. Haha this is great and I completely agree.. I dress for ME! I’m sure I put on tons of outfits and my husband is like ‘uhh.. Idk what that is!’ But God love him.. he would never say a thing!
    Anyway.. you look super FAB here! Go girl! MUAH! : )


  2. So good. Although I’m no longer concerned about “first date appropriate” — just celebrated 8 years of marriage to my partner — I love this outfit, and I love your mantra. If the relationship is worth investing in, he’ll want to know you’re comfortable in your clothes, and most importantly, in your own skin. Own it, girl. Own it.

  3. Ditto to what Julia said ;) I think Natalie Joos wrote a post with a similar idea in mind a few years ago in reference to a crazy top she owned. But I think, if it’s you, own it and your confidence will show!

  4. As soon as I read the title of this post I thought, “On a date, dress however it is you feel most confident and beautiful!” [And forget what the man may think…] I’m glad we’re on the same page.

  5. I love the leather skirt on you! My bf always tries to steer me away from buying more striped tee shirts…I think he thinks they are too tomboy-ish. But I love them, they are super comfy and look great with skinny jeans. Go with your gut!


  6. I 100 percent agree! If a guy doesn’t like what I like … then too bad. And you look amazing in that outfit! Werk it

  7. I don’t think this top is that man-repeller-y (I also don’t think that’s a word.), especially when paired with a skirt giving off a ‘come hither’ vibe. You look hot. Period.

    But, I still appreciate the underlying message of the post.

  8. Ugh, I hit “Enter” before I was finished typing. Damn you, fat fingers! Continuing…

    I also appreciate being married to a man who knows that I’m going to wear whatever the hell I want so he has never, not even once, made a negative comment about my clothes. When you find your Magic Matt, hold on tighter than that ‘come hither’ skirt ;)

  9. Love this!

    I’m WAY more likely to look and feel confident in this getup than a body-con dress that my date is going to drool over. Especially if I’m tugging at it the entire time… no one wants to witness that haha.

    My boyfriend questions about half of my closet…he particularly has a vendetta against rompers and booties but that doesn’t stop me! But hey, he’s stuck around for 4 years so at the end of the day as long as your happy and confident that’s what your guy wants.

    Here’s hoping I come across a Phillip Lim gem on a clearance rack soon ;)


  10. Wait one second. I do not think this blouse is that crazy, I definitely have seen more man repelling things before. Totally date worthy.

  11. Great pairing!! That skirt looks way more expensive than it is- those are the best finds, aren’t they? Women do dress for women, even when were technically supposed to be glamming up for the men. Whether you’re single, dating, or married that doesn’t change- I think it’s just a mark of confidence and security in who you are. Personally, I think those attributes are way more sexy than your highest pair of stillettos, anyday!
    xo, Stella

  12. LOL I love this post! I just adore your humor! And the item in my closet that makes my hubs go “wtf” are my peep toe sling backs. He calls them “mom shoes” and every time I put them on he asks me if I’m going to go pick up the kids from soccer. (We don’t have kids)


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  15. GORRL, your legs look amaze in this date night look. I doubt it man-repells, but at the same time I’m not a dude. And love the rule: always dress for yourself :)

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