Summer State-of-Mind: DIY Denim Shorts

If there’s one sure-fire way to kick off your summer, it’s taking a pair of scissors to a former pair of your favorite jeans.


I’m talking about DIY, guys — not Anger Management.

Today we’re paying homage to a few things — the fact that National Tequila Day is a mere week away (July 24, but who’s counting), and the good ‘ol jean short. Le Jort.

To preface today’s post, let me just say: I’ll throw down serious cash for certain material objects (shoes, admittedly), but if there’s one item that it really pains me to pay retail for, it’s a pair of cutoff shorts.

I’m not a seasoned DIY’er by any means (except that one time), but give me a sharp edge and a washer/dryer spin cycle and I can create a freakin’ masterpiece with the best of ’em.

But maybe that’s because it’s super easy.


My five-step formula is pretty fool-proof to follow, too — it goes a little something like this:

  • Step 1. Grab an old pair of jeans — I wanted a fitted style, but you can opt for a larger/roomier pair than you’d normally wear (or buy a pair one size too big) for a boyfriend-style fit.
  • Step 2. Line your jeans at an angle, marking them with chalk (or use masking tape, like I did). Make sure the inner seam isn’t bunched to one side.
  • Step 3. Cut one leg at an angle (using the bottom of your masking tape as a guide), leaving about 3-6″ at the in-seam/crotch. I left more, since I wanted extra room to roll the bottoms.
  • Step 4. Fold the jeans in half to mirror the other leg.
  • Step 5. Line the second leg with masking tape — this time cutting above the line.

how-to-diy-jean-shortswhat to wear with cut-off jean shorts

Et voila.

For immediate wear, roll the bottoms 2-3 times. To obtain more of a worn-in look, run ’em through washer/dryer to give those freshly cut edges a cool, frayed finish…

In New York, we don’t have in-unit washer-dryers, so, yeah. My options were limited.

rolled-shorts-diy cute-floral-shortsdiy floral shorts

Where’s the tequila tie-in, you’re wondering? Behind the scenes, girl. Cheers (and be careful with those scissors).


If you’ve been a reader for a while, you may recall some of the content I’ve done with Sauza over the past year. Last season, a few friends and I created this fun video — and this year, it was all about Margarita Moments. Today’s post was inspired by the brand’s summer campaign, where-in the tequila cowboy (tequila cowboy!) makes hi-… Well, I’ll let you see for your self.

He may not be King of Crafting, but what he lacks in jorts-making, he more than makes up for behind the bar. (We have so much in common!)

And lastly, in case you were wondering, these really were jeans I used to wear — you can see how I styled ’em here. Any DIY secrets or drink recipes you have that help get you in that summer state of mind?

tequila sauza

Fine print/Disclosure: Sauza® is a registered trademark of Tequila Sauza S. de R.L. de C.V. (“Tequila Sauza”) and is used with permission. The information, comments and ideas expressed on this website do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Tequila Sauza, its affiliated companies or any of their directors or employees.


  1. This was a really great post/idea. I never thought about making your own shorts but this made it simple and easy.

    It was such a pleasure to meet you on Saturday at the Her Campus Conference; you were so warm and welcoming, it was awesome! Thank you for all that wonderful, real blogging advice as well :)


  2. I have two things to say about this post.

    1. I think you have kick-ass style so it makes me very happy that I have the same jeans. High five!

    2. Did you know Target actually made cutoffs with this print the summer after the pants. But their version were very, very short and had a crochet appliqué on the side. I prefer yours!

  3. 1. I think you have kick ass style, so it made me happy that I own the same pair of jeans. High five!

    2. Did you know that Target actually made cutoffs in the same print? Except they were really, really short and had a crochet appliqué on the sides. I prefer your version!

  4. My favorite flared jeans from high school 10 years ago are still folded in my closet and I have been debating transforming them into shorts for awhile…a few glasses of wine on this Saturday night in and it just might happen…

What do you think?