Hot, Hot, Hot

Want to know the fastest, sure-fire way to (1) ridding your body of a hangover and (2) hating yourself?


Yoga. Hot yoga. Sixty minutes of it.

Well, that, and wearing pants in the summer (the hating yourself part).


It gets really, really hot in New York City — particularly in July and August. Like, the kind of hot where you’re sweating the moment you switch the tiny AC unit propped in your window to “off” and open the door in the morning.

I feel for the work-goers who have to head out in this heat everyday wearing a suit of sorts — and I really feel for those who have to do this and ride the subway. (The back sweat discussion is right this way.)


Thankfully, I work in a pretty lax office environment, so shorts and dresses are the seasonal norm. (I actually wore a similar version of this look not too long ago.)

But as I’ve mentioned, we don’t have in-unit washer-dryer units here in the city (most of us don’t, at least), so some days you’ve got to dip into your closet archives, pull on a pair of wax-coated denim and pretend like you don’t have sweat dripping to uncomfortable, unspoken depths of your lower body.

cute-floral-shirt phillip-lim-pashli-loren-hope

The same goes for that sixty-minute hot yoga cleanse, too.

Here’s hoping your neighbor doesn’t judge the rosé-scented smell seeping from your pores during half-moon pose.


*Wearing: Club Monaco vest (THE vest!), floral Loft blouse (also wearing this style on repeat), Joe’s Jeans wax coated denim (love this style and this style), Ann Taylor sling-back pumps (love this Kate Spade pair), 3.1 Phillip Lim medium Pashli satchel, Tory Burch sunglasses , Loren Hope earrings c/o Julia’s store, Lemon Stripes | *Beauty: YSL Rogue Volupte lipstick in Opera Rose (#29)

*Click below to shop this post:


Lydia Hudgens Photography


  1. I’ve spent the last 3 days in the city (away from my oooooh so posh living in drive-everywhere Pennsylvania) and I have no idea how you guys do it! I was also a fool and mostly wore jeans because I’m an idiot…but still. props to all of you.

  2. Bahaha I love this- my lack of in-unit-laundry has definitely put me there a few times this summer… and if I just can’t bear pants, then I usually have to opt for some very-inappropriate-for-the-office dress which I instantly regret upon walking in. So I feel you!

  3. Major props for wearing pants! I don’t live in NYC but I’ve heard about how hot and humid it can get. I’m in the desert of the west-land of no humidity-but even still, I’m sweating just looking at these photos!

    xo Kimi

  4. I love this look. Luckily, it’s been relatively cool in T.O. this summer (and raining enough that an ark is in the works), but I feel your pain about melting on the subway. I’ll never understand why it’s so freaking hot in the summer. Umm, hello subway operators, there is this amazing invention called air-conditioning. It would be nice if you used it.


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