Your Soundtrack to Summer

Every summer has a story…


The past weekend epitomized mine, entailing lots and lots of good company, iced coffee and rooftop rosé. A bit too much booze, at that, but hey — so my story goes…

hudson-river-nyc outdoor-cafe-west-village

Similarly, every summer has a soundtrack.

You know, a set of songs that makes you wax nostalgic, wind down the windows and crank up the volume. (If you’d care to join me in feeling really f-king ancient, LFO’s “Summer Girls” was released in 1999. That’s 15 years ago.)


… It’s Tuesday, the weekend is far too many days away and that afternoon slump is sure to settle in soon.

Personally, I know that daydreams of cloudless days and fruit-based cocktails have more magnetism than what’s glaring at me from my (never ending) list of shit to do, so it’s time to turn to music.


If you’re new to c+c, we discussed our music passion a bit last month. That post — and playlist — ended up being very well-received (you guys have great taste), so we’re back in action today with Round Two.

I just put the finishing touches on my summer soundtrack for July, so once your coffee sets in and you’re ready to slay your workday to-do’s with some mood-enhancing jams, grab your gear and get to it. (Here is June’s, if you missed it.)

It’s a smile, it’s a kiss, it’s a sip (or seven bottles) of wine, it’s summertiiime… (Though no country here, sorry.)

*If you’d like to test the aural waters/you don’t yet trust my music-curating magic, I’d suggest easing by listening to the Monsieur Adi (Beyoncé) & Porter Robinson songs on this playlist. Then, let’s chat.


Click here to listen (and bookmark!) on Soundcloud

images 5 & 6 via Stephanie Sterjovski


  1. Can’t wait to listen to this! (although I think I’ve already heard a lot just from following you + some Soul people on Soundcloud, haha). Speaking of music nostalgia, I have a feeling you’ll love this:

  2. I can’t listen to music while working b/c my office is LAME, but I’ll give it a go when I get home…

    P.S. If you’re interested in sipping on something non-rosé this weekend, there’s a spicy margarita recipe today on FY!

  3. Pingback: Currently. « That Charming Life

  4. A) flawless taste in music, girlfriend.

    B) WHERE IS THE BROWN LEATHER BAG FROM? I’ve been searching all my life for one just like it, only I didn’t know it until I saw yours. Stun.Ning.

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