Postcards from Paris: The Louvre & Luxembourg Gardens

The post-vacation blues are starting to settle in, you guys, so I thought we could remedy that with another round of postcards from Paris — this time from our trip across town to the Luxembourg Gardens and Musée du Louvre.

best croissants in paris

After a day of getting settled, we started to ease into our mornings with a bit of a routine. I’d get up, walk a block to the nearest coffee to-go shop (a rarity in Paris, we’ve found) and order us flat whites, double espresso shots and croissants.

If there’s one thing we taught the people of Paris, it’s that Americans are highly-caffeinated — and we like to stay that way.

The cutest café in Paris

On each walk to-and-from, I remember marveling at how calm, collected and seemingly automated the Paris “rush” hour was. Everyone was quiet, polite, quick in their step and yet not-at-all in a rush. The opposite of New York City, in other words.

We’d take our time getting ready in the morning and often got a late start, but hey, when in Paris… Do as the Parisians do, right?

For that, I blame ongoing jetlag — and, well, wine. So much wine.
Because we drank lots of it.

My most anticipated sightseeing stop (beyond the Eiffel Tower, of course), was the Musée du Louvre — one of the words largest museums and the city’s most iconic monuments. It’s something I’ve Pin’ed many times but never actually seen in-person.

Ironically, it was closed upon arrival, ironically, because Beyonce and Jay-Z were touring it that day. ‘Merica.

This thing is so amazing looking, though, and I must have taken more than 200 photos of just the structure itself. I did my best to edit and share the best-of-the-best with you, but it was tough to narrow.

musee du lourve in paris lourve-museum-in-paris lourve inside the lourve museum in paris museums in parisinside the lourve the lourve museum lourve in paris musée du lourve

That golden hour light, though…

louvre-museum-in-parisparis statues architecture in paris

Another favorite afternoon anecdote is the lazy mid-week picnic we spent sprawled out in the Jardin du Luxembourg (from the striped ensemble I posted about yesterday).

After taking the Metro (train) across town, we stopped into a few local markets and boulangeries (so freakin’ fun to say) to pick up various supplies for the day’s picnic provisions — so, cheese and carbs. Lots of cheese and carbs. New York’s subway system has well-versed us in handling public transit overseas (not the case for me in Japan, though).

baguette-bakery-in-parisapartment buildings in parisFlower shop in ParisFood market in Paris Food markets Paris fall-fedoraparis-buildingsespresso in paris

Mid-day espresso shots, of course.

Parks in Paris Seating in the Luxembourg Garden in Paris Jardin du Luxembourg Picnic in the park a-picnic-in-paris

The Luxembourg Gardens are gorgeous — and the best part, of course, was the people watching.

Our most entertaining observations were the various groups of students taking their lunch periods. The public high school kids would sit in circles and feverishly type on their phones, giggle and chain smoke.

So Gossip Girl, but instead of the steps of the Met, they’d sit in the park.

… And, um, so different than my own high school days — where my senior lunch break was spent texting in T9 from my Motorola Razr and blasting Britney from the manually-rolled-down windows of my two-door Chevy Cavalier.

Luxembourg Garden in ParisBest almond croissant in Paris

Otte Brigitte hat fall fedora

Luxembourg Palace Paris

There’s Jess! Here’s what she wore on this day’s excursion…

luxembourg Luxembourg Paris Luxembourg Paris France Luxembourg Garden in Paris

That’s it for today, but there’s more travel content to come — including photos from Notre-Dame palace and Love Lock bridge, so stay tuned! In the meantime, in case you missed ’em, here’s a few links to more of my posts from Paris:

Postcards, Vol. 1: Eiffel Tower exploring
Personal style/outfits: Practically PJ’s | A striped ensemble | Pretty in Pink



  1. I second Monica… MAJOR wanderlust. Everything looks so gorgeous! I can’t imagine how wonderful it must have been just to watch people go about their day. The golden hour of light is so amazing for pictures of buildings- makes them look majestic and mysterious. I can’t wait to take a trip to Europe myself!

  2. Paris is one of those cities that has the power to make you feel a certain way…glamorous, cultured, romantic…pretty much everything a girl could wish for! These are stunning photos and I’m glad you gals had such a great time. Can’t wait to hear about the shopping….

  3. Pingback: Paris-Inspired Style: Black, White & Stripes | corals + cognacs

  4. Your pictures are gorgeous! Paris in fall seems just as beautiful as Paris in spring, if not more so. Cannot believe Jay-Z and Beyonce shut down The Louvre though! I don’t know whether I’m impressed or disgruntled by that (I think both).

  5. Pingback: Link Love, Vol. 27 - corals + cognacs

  6. Pingback: Life is Beautiful, Las Vegas | Music Festival Fashion

  7. Pingback: Postcards from Paris | Notre-Dame, Gardens & More

  8. Pingback: Postcards from Paris | Pont des Arts & more

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