Pretty Pleats & An Autumn Palette

Well, today’s post went in a very different direction than I’d intended.


When I got home from dinner last night, my smoke alarm was going off.

You know that annoying as hell “Hey! [beep] Your battery is low! [beep] Change it! [BEEP]” sound? Oh yeah. She reigned.

Here’s the cliff notes version: After way too many minutes (and half a bottle of wine), I finally located a Bodega that was (1) open, (2) had mother fuckin’ Duracell V9-plus lithium ion batteries and (3) would deliver to my apartment. (God bless you and your knowledge of the East Village, Jess.) The delivery minimum was $30, but that’s a small price to pay to stop my ears from bleeding.


So, anyway, it’s 1:48 a.m. and I’m sitting on my bathroom floor finishing up this post.

To clarify, the bathroom is the space in my 415 square foot apartment that’s the farthest away from said beeping sound, so that’s why I’m here. Hopefully the batteries arrive soon.

… Or I’m going to need more wine.


At any rate, on to the task at-hand: Another day, another cozy knit and swingy skirt. Though this time in a different silhouette.

I’ve really been embracing the midi skirt trend this season. And can you blame me? They’re chic, feminine and functional. Plus, it’s hard not to love a skirt that makes you want to take a twirl. This red version is another favorite closet contender.

Nordstrom has a seriously amazing selection of midi skirts right now. Hide yo wallets! (Just kidding, shop here.)


As an added bonus for my nine-to-five gals, midi skirts are just as sexy as they are office-appropriate. Here’s how I’d style this skirt on the job.

Now, a disclaimer to fellow petite gals: If you have as smaller stature, I would not recommend wearing your midi skirts and (and dresses) with flats. Last time I did that — wore black flats and tights with this dress — my co-worker aptly told me that I looked like a Hasidic jew. In my defense, it was just for the commute commuting — but she was right.

In sum, wear heels.


It’s 3:16 a.m. The batteries are here, my wine is empty and the beeping has stopped. With that, I bid you goodni… ZzZz


*Wearing: COS necklace, skirt (similar) and sweater (similar), thrifted D&G booties | *Beauty: Stila all-day liquid eyeliner, Benefit instant brow pencil, NARS blush (in ‘New Attitude’), NARS matte lip pencil (in ‘Never Say never’), Essie ‘Merino Cool’ nail polish

*Click to shop: Pleated midi skirts | brown ankle booties
This post (below):



Lydia Hudgens Photography


  1. I cannot stop gazing at that gorgeous skirt you’re wearing! The color is gorgeous, and looks especially good against gray. I don’t envy your late night beeping problems. I bought a carbon monoxide detector, but had to take out the batteries because it was constantly making noise. Thank God for wine!

  2. I saw that skirt when I went in COS in London! Immediately thought of you—and actually wearing a COS skirt of my own I purchased today (navy wool, not so bright and pleated…weird for me, ha). Anyway, I saw your snapchat when jet lag woke me up in the middle of the night…glad the beeping stopped & you were able to get some sleep!!

  3. That beeping noise is the worst! My parents had one that kept going off at like 3am every couple of months… unfortunately, it was one that was at the top of the stairwell with very high ceilings. It was a little precarious to fix it. I’m glad it all worked out in the end. That skirt is beautiful!!


  4. Oh my goodness! Hallie I love this look and I really love this post.

    I had the very same (insert expletive of choice here) thing happen the other morning when I was treating myself to a very rare lie-in. To make matters worse, I have a puppy, a very nervous puppy…

    Long story short, we left the house until the hubs came home (I may have told a few people Maddie’s a service dog - eek!) and fixed everything.


  5. Thank god for 3am delivery service! Gotta love the city that never sleeps…

    Speaking of, do you have a post with recommendations for people traveling to NYC? I will be in NYC the weekend of Nov 21-23rd for my 30th birthday and was hoping you’d have some must try restaurant recommendations. I would try to search your post for topics such as NYC…but that applies to about 90% of your posts so I thought I would just ask!


  6. You are a champion! I cannot believe you wrote this with that beeping sound going off for two hours. I have experienced that same hell and I have since completely removed the two smoke detectors that are the repeat offenders.

  7. Ughhh, an expiring battery is the worst friend a lady can have in the city. I actually tore mine out of the ceiling two years ago. You’d think it would shut it the F up, but no… It started to shrill. I’ve since learned my lesson and lost the deposit on that apartment. #LessonLearned

  8. I feel your pain. Once upon a time my neighbor’s fire alarm beeped for a full 1.5 days (low battery) and I heard it through our paper-thin walls. She was out of town and I just about went stir crazy! Luckily, the super had a key and was able to replace the batteries and I finally experienced a good night’s sleep without the need for ear plugs.

    Gorgeous outfit! Love the color combo

  9. I love this skirt so much! Mustard yellow + pleats is a-ok in my book! And there’s nothing worse than an obnoxious beeping smoke alarm - in our last apartment, ours was about 10 feet up (on the ceiling, what the hey!?) and juuuust out of fingertip reach while perched precariously on a stepstool. Oh old apartment, how we do not miss you at all…

  10. Pingback: Weekend Whimsey Vol. 31 | PreppyPanache

  11. LOl I just spit out my coffee reading that with flats you looked like a hasidic jew. I work with them and I can totally see that ha! I love the color combo here and you’re definitely rocking this midi! I’m vertically challenged and I can’t do flats with midis either.

What do you think?