Link Love, Vol. 35

It’s been a busy week (month, really), but I’m slowly starting to bring this year’s content calendar to life. Changes — no, improvements — are subtle, but they’re based on that survey you took about six months ago (which, yes, I know I say this often but I will share it you soon). There’s a lot to look forward to!

who what war closet

In the meantime, I want to kick off today’s post a bit differently.

A friend of mine, Nola, insists on initiating group dinners with a game called “Peaks & Pits,” wherein everyone around the table shares his or her highlight and lowlight of the week. Have you heard of it?

Perhaps it’s because there’s no cell phone required (quite the opposite, actually), but this interpersonal activity has become one of my favorite get-together traditions, so I thought why not bring it to the blog, too? (Naturally…)

I’ll go first:

Peaks & Pits, Jan. 23

PEAK: Last night, my girl Grace celebrated the launch of her re-brand, The Stripe. I was blown away by every little detail — and to see so many people (cross the bridge to Brooklyn and) come together to celebrate her success was a really cool thing. Plus, there was champagne and cupcakes. And a make-your-own macaron bar. I’m proud of you, Grace (and I’m still riding that sugar high)!

Pit: Four letters: USPS. You feel me? Oh, yes. The lovely New York City postal service has lost two of my packages this week — utterly unable to locate them. Let me tell you, nothing ignites a pre-coffee rage blackout like bitch-at-rest face at the Post Office in the morning… Three days in a row. Namaste!

If you’d like to share your peaks and pits, feel free to use the comment form below. (Or tweet me, email me, send me smoke signals, and so on.) Otherwise, here’s our weekly dose of workday procrastination:

Best of the web:

  • Your dream desk, realized.
  • Wait. People are putting butter in their coffee?
  • Yum! I’m making this kale and sweet potato salad this weekend.
  • Have you ever drank activated charcoal? Accordingly, it’s good for you.
  • You know I’m a sucker for a good read; I loved this post from Laura — especially her real-life analogies.
  • These two blog BFs are so damn cute. Congrats on your 100th post (and then some), guys!
  • BHG is looking for the Best Blogs of 2015. If you want to nominate me, you can vote here. (I appreciate it!)
  • Are we friends on Snapchat? Find and add me — I’m @coralsncognacs.

Shopping, sales & such:

Lastly, here’s what’s been…

Popular around corals + cognacs

metallic jimmy choo shoes


Images via


  1. Pits and peaks - keep it coming!!! Peak: my Charleston BFF and I cooked dinner and watched a movie at my place two nights in a row this week because her bf was out of town (#singlelife). Pit: minor WTF am I doing breakdown on Monday night. It happens. Have an awesome weekend, Hallie!

  2. I feel you soooo much on the USPS drama. I only get things delivered to my office now for fear that everything will end up lost forever if they drop off at my apartment!

    xx Larisa @

  3. Peak: meeting some of the ladies I’m going to be working with on an upcoming collaboration! Pit: a constant stress headache that has left me with little motivation to dive into half marathon training. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! :)

  4. Peaks and Pits was actually on an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians a few years ago. Yes - I watched a few years ago - couldn’t tell you what is happening on the show now. But I distinctly remember Kim talking about Peaks and Pits as a start to every family dinner conversation growing up! Maybe that’s where Nola got it. Sounds fun! My fiance and I always like to do a “favorite part of the weekend” convo Sunday night before bed. Especially if we’ve been away that weekend.

    Peak: finding a pair of rose gold Rebecca Minkoff pumps on sale for $46 originally $225. Steal. Thank you Piperlime sale.
    Pit: Taking my puppy to get fixed - this morning! Poor little man.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. I’ve been taking activated charcoal my entire life! Not as a supplement but during times when I had upset stomach or some sort of food-related woes. It does wonders and I’m so excited to see people finally discovering it!

  6. So funny you say that about USPS, because I hadn’t had a problem(other than them acting totally uninterested in serving customers in a timely manner when I go in) until last week — lost package, lots of phone calls, two employees who spoke Spanish far better than English…ahhhh! But thankfully the package was found, hopefully yours will be too!

  7. I LOVE this idea! I’m totally going to initiate it with my dinner club friends and see how it goes:

    Peaks - Finding a pair of fashionable sneakers that I’ve been looking all over for that popped up randomly on Nordstrom in my size and snagging them before they were gone again

    Pits - Biting it on the ice on Sunday and falling down the stairs #fail

  8. That’s so funny that you bring up the mail because my mom was just pissed that a lot of things she mailed took FOREVER to get to where they needed to be! Ugh!!

  9. Hello! I would say that my peak this week was the opportunity I had to make a new friend and talk to her about Christ (I’m a missionary for my church). The pit would be that I am really really sore from going to the gym every day this week! #worthit! Have you had anything else awesome happen this week?

  10. I call this game “Crappy & Happy” — I think “Peaks & Pits” sounds a little more mature.

    Peak - Coffee with Lauren from La Petite Fashionista where we talked all about connecting bloggers in Wisconsin.

    Pit - my boyfriend’s pretty sick…wishing there was something I could do to make him instantly better.

    Namaste! :)

  11. I love the activated charcoal from Heartbeet Juicery. It’s a little odd (and scary? because the first thing that comes to mind when I think of charcoal is art supplies) at first but they advised taking it on an empty stomach, waiting 20 minutes and following with lemon water.

  12. Pingback: Link Love, Vol. 36 - corals + cognacs

  13. Pingback: Snow Day Layers | @coralsncognacs

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