The Best Winter Boots

When rain, sleet, snow, snow and more snow are in the forecast, the question you’re likely asking is: What shoes are best for this mess?


… And this, my friends, is a game you will rarely (if ever) win at.

For most of us, today’s post could just as easily be titled: How dafuq do you protect your feet from the polar vortex?

East Coast or not, though, you’re probably dealing with some form of mild rain, frequent flurries or snowstorms of epic proportions. Thus, one thing is for sure: Weather-proof boots are a must.


Ah, February.

Despite yesterday’s high-heel walking conditions (exercised with caution, of course), it seems that the polar vortex is boomeranging its way back to us this weekend.

Finding a pair of shoes fit for inclement weather isn’t fun. In fact — yesterday, I almost broke out my (gasp) Uggs.

Yeah, I said it. I SAID IT!

I have an all-black pair from approximately a billion years ago, and you know what? I kind of miss them. Some days when I’m around the apartment, I embrace their (and my) inherent basic and wear them proudly. With fleece-lined leggings and a chunky knit? Come on — so perfect. Naptime chic.

I think we can all agree our once-beloved Ugg boots have gone through a little mid-life crisis. (… Same.) But if you think about it, Birkenstocks made their triumphant return to the fashion scene last summer, so perhaps it’s only natural that Uggs will do the same this winter.


All right, calm down. Don’t shun me. I know you’re secretly warming up to the idea…


Judging by your comments and feedback from this post earlier in the week, it seems there’s one thing we an all agree on: Shopping for snow boots causes one serious headache.

With the back-ordered L.L. Bean Boot nowhere to be found, it’s clear that there’s a demand for stylish and durable winter boot acquisition.

Thus, in lieu of today’s link love, I’m rounding up an array of this season’s best weather-proof boots — ones that you’ll actually want to wear.


And don’t worry, non-Ugg wearers — if you can’t fathom slipping your feet into the slouchy shearling boots (in public, anyway), I’ve got some alternatives for you.

(Here are the best boots to slip your feet in this winter:
(Click to shop)

If you’re looking for more specific shopping assistance, here’s a few suggestions:

  • Sorel is my favorite snow boot brand (these, specifically), but they can be hard to come by. Baffin is another great option with a very similar aesthetic — this white pair is super-sharp.
  • These Northface boots are cute, and they have a cool roll-down feature. All of their winter gear is great — period.
  • Bogs is a great alternative to Hunter boots. Their classic high-handle boots are 100% vegan (and waterproof) and they stretch, so they’re easy to get on and off.
  • I recently discovered Khombu, a brand that’s all about fashion for the elements (i.e. weather). They have a dead-ringer for the Duck Boot!
  • Teva’s have always been synonymous with sandals for me, but I was surprised to find that they make super-cute boots, too.
  • These Kamik boots are at the top of my list. They’re fashion meets function waterproof, two-tone quilted nylon package.

*Shop winter boots fromZappos | Nordstrom



  1. True confession: I totally rock my 8 year old ugg boots to and from work during the winter. They’ve definitely seen better days (like in high school, where they should have stayed) but I can’t get over the fact that is feels like I’m wearing slippers - and that, is hard to beat first thing in the morning. On the bright side, Vogue posted an article a few weeks back about their return - perhaps pigs are starting to fly?!

  2. I seriously love shopping for boots and winter shoes! I’m moving to California later this year though, so I’m having to control my urges! I know, I know #firstworldproblems

  3. I got my first pair of Uggs for Christmas….of this year. I know, I never wanted to jump on the whole craze, but Winter’s are annoying and long, and I don’t care if they are super ugly, my feet stay warm and I stay happy. So like the true honey badger that I am IDGAF, I’m going to wear my Uggs this winter. Sometimes function wins over fashion.

  4. I rely heavily on my Hunter’s to get me through right now. Unfortunately for the work week, they are bright pink, so I should probably add a neutral to the rotation. Great picks, Hallie! Have a good weekend :)

  5. There is nothing more important then good winter boots right now! I’ve been wearing double socks under my boots or fleece lined leggings under my pants on super cold days — I’m not messing around with these cold Chicago winters.

    … is it Spring yet?

  6. I have a love/hate relationship with shopping for good snow boots, or any type of boots really. No matter what I do, and no matter how functional they are, I know they’re just going to get ruined (even if I’m just walking to/from my car at work, but who knows when you’ll have to dig yourself out of your parking spot! #upstateNYproblems) and I’ll have to get a new pair the next winter anyway. Those gray ECCO boots are sooo cute though!

    • The trick is finding patent leather boots I think, or at least boots with patent leather bottoms . For some reason it tends to resist salt stains the best out of any material. I also have the Helly Hanson boots pictured above (middle row, 5th pair down from the top) and those are great, too (they’re waterproof).

  7. ugh, i hate that this has to be a discussion point - why do we live in cold places!!! haha, seriously sorel boots are my life saver with the snow chicago’s had recently, but i love some of these other picks…. a girl can always use options?

  8. Why hasn’t there been a post on this before? Thank you! I live in Wisconsin and if I see one more blogger wearing heels without tights I will scream. That’s just not realistic for so many readers although I know NY can be mild at times. I won’t be looking at bare legs until May.

  9. Oh, and I also bought my first pair of Ugg boots this past year after hating on them for YEARS. I’m probably too old to be wearing them but they are so comfy and warm, I don’t care! And yes I feel so basic wearing them, ha.

  10. Sorels are my absolute can’t live without boot right now for the weather in Boston! With all the slush, ice and days of snow to come, they are an essential! Thanks for rounding up an awesome list Hallie- I’m not judging you on the Uggs, I’m in full support

  11. I have a pair of Ugg Children’s waterproof snowboots that are similar to the adult ones you posted and they are the bomb! I wear a size 7 womens which ends up being a 5 or 6 in the childrens. The boots are also $100 cheaper than the adult ones. boom. Any ladies with average to small feet should check out the kids section!

    xo, Maddy

  12. Pingback: Link Love, Vol. 37 - corals + cognacs

  13. Pingback: Link Love, Vol. 78 - corals + cognacs

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