Link Love, Vol. 39

New York City is one big, beautiful mess this week, but I must admit… This city sure is pretty when it snows.



PEAK: Jess & I sat down and caught up over margaritas and guacamole (in excess) this week. Sometimes all you need is a tequila-based beverage and your best girlfriend to set the world straight. Am I right?

PIT: Beyond this damn blizzard that hit yesterday, let me tell you guys: I. Can. Not. Sleep. I’m not sure if it’s all the music I’ve been listening to around-the-clock for SoulCycle-related things (or the amount of endorphins I have pumping through my body), but I’ve been hitting the pillow and waking up with the same stream of consciousness/thoughts. No REM. Weird, right? Any tips?

And, oh: You know what’s bad? Often times, I need to look back at my Google Calender to remember what I did that week. (Which reminds me, make sure you read that article about “being busy.”)

Here we go…


Sales & Such

cute-outfits-for-when-it's-snowingFrom the outfit post: “Snow Day”


Links I Loved

  • Aaand I’m crying. Have you seen this video?
  • A helpful guide to remembering people’s names.
  • Bookmarked this: 10 ways to keep your food fresh for longer.
  • A good read for those of us who have ever said “I’m so busy.” (Guilty…)
  • Fellow blogger Dana just took her first SoulCycle class. Here’s how it went!
  • My agency gals will get a kick out of this — a video about hiring drones instead of people.
  • The backdrop of this post is gorgeous — and Katie’s advice for bloggers (new or not) is spot-on.
  • A big congrats to my friends Emily and Blair, who just launched a stunning lifestyle site: Wandeleur.


Popular on c+c this week



Have a happy weekend! You can find me on…
Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | snapchat (@coralsncognacs)


  1. wahhh your sale links are making me want to partake in some major retail therapy….gotttta resist, great picks though!!!

  2. Honestly I take a sleep aid almost every other night to get the deep sleep I need in order to feel rested.

  3. I swear by Bach’s Rescue Sleep liquid melts. It’s specifically designed to ease repetitive thoughts / help you “quiet” your mind but it’s not something that will knock you out. I took it regularly when I was studying for the bar exam (aka the most stressful few months of my LIFE) and it really helped me maintain a consistent sleep schedule.

  4. That drone link got passed around at the agency I work at! As for sleeping tips - chamomile tea, no screens an hour before bed, and I find reading a physical paper books makes a world of difference. And as much as I hate to say it, easing up on the night wines always helps when I’m having trouble sleeping. It sounds counter-intuitive (red before bed, anyone?), but it does make a difference when your body isn’t trying to process toxins while you sleep, at least to me. Perhaps Google it - it’s scientifically backed! Hope you get some rest soon.

    • So funny, right? I actually used to work at MRY! Love a fellow agency girl…

      Thanks for the sleeping tips. Red before bed, haha! I love that — but so true - and I need to get better about shutting the computer well before bedtime. x

  5. Pingback: 2015 in Review | a touch of teal

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