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In addition, sometimes I'll share affiliate links of retailers that I personally support via Twitter or Facebook. If you click through an affiliate link when buying an item, I will be partially compensated for your purchase. You're under no obligation to click through via one of the links when shopping online, but, if you do, you'll be supporting my blog as well.
You, my readers, and overall editorial integrity are the two most important aspects of corals + cognacs. Know that I will always retain 100% control over the content on corals + cognacs, all opinions are that of my own, and that I will always disclose to you the items for which I have been paid and/or gifted.
Lastly, please note that the sentiments expressed on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent those of my employer. If you have any questions, I encourage you to contact me. Thanks again for reading corals + cognacs!
Hi, nice to meet you.
I'm Hallie, a Midwest native, New York City transplant and the mind behind corals + cognacs. If you're looking for an online destination for stylish inspiration and musings on Manhattan living, you've come to the right place.
Here's a bit more about me (and if you'd like to keep in touch, you can find me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook).
I hope you enjoy reading corals + cognacs as much as I enjoy writing it.
FAQ //LOCATION: New York, New York •BY WAY OF: The Midwest (Cleveland/Chicago) •HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR STYLE? Attainable, trendy and fun. I’m constantly wearing unexpected pairings – like statement pumps and a graphic tee. •FAVORITE ITEM IN YOUR CLOSET? The vintage Gucci clutch I thrifted for $40. •ANY OBSESSIONS? I like my coffee black, my heels high and my martinis dirty. •GUILTY PLEASURES? Complex carbohydrates and shoe shopping -- both in excess. (And SoulCycle, as a result.)
ARE YOU A FULL-TIME BLOGGER? No, I work as a Development Manager and Contributing Editor at •WHY DID YOU START YOUR BLOG? I've spent nearly seven years on the corporate grind, where sartorial humor and an expertly crafted color-block can get lost in the boardroom. As a result, I decided to create a blog -- a space where I’d hoped my writing, styling and excessive shoe collection would be better comprehended. •WHAT’S IT ABOUT? Living stylish and spontaneously in New York City – and beyond. I aim to inspire others to have fun with fashion and to live lightheartedly •HOW’D YOU THINK OF THE NAME? To be honest, the name just came to me. I’m a big color-blocker and a sucker for alliteration in writing. It just fit. •WHAT’S THE CORRECT WAY TO WRITE IT? corals + cognacs.
HOW DO YOU PRONOUNCE IT? corals and cone-yaks. •WHAT KIND OF CAMERA DO YOU USE? A Canon T3i with a 50mm f/1.4 lens. •DON’T YOU FEEL WEIRD TAKING PHOTOS OF YOURSELF? Absolutely. Everyone looks at me like I’m insane – especially when it’s cold. Wouldn’t you? •DO YOU WORK WITH ADVERTISERS/SPONSORS? Yep! Shoot me an e-mail and let’s talk. •HOW ELSE CAN WE KEEP IN TOUCH? On Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Ironically, I spent most of the past weekend in Hilton Head — and offline. I’m sure you can relate to this, but when you feel like you’re living a lifestyle that’s constantly connected, you crave time away from social media.
Over time, I’ve really grown to have a love/hate relationship with it. Quite frankly, I hate how social has transformed (/is often treated as) a soapbox and platform solely for self-promotion.
While I’m going to go into greater detail in this post, my advice for managing and growing your social media presence can be summed up in two very simple sentences:
Share updates that are purposeful, consistent and authentic.
Don’t just post for the sake of broadcasting.
Broadcasting. Ugh.
Seriously, don’t be that person. Would you walk into a party of 100 people and announce, “Hey everyone! New post! NEW BLOG POST! CHECK OUT THESE PHOTOS OF ME ON MY AWESOME BLOG!”
I really hope not. (And if so, you’re not invited to my party.)
Sure, there’s a promotional aspect. I utilize it too. But let’s remember what each platform is rooted in: Being social. Sharing. Creating conversation. Being a freakin’ human being.
Now, I am not an expert. I have, however, spent many years working in strategy-driven agency environments, so I have lots of formal digital experience underneath my belt. My advice is just a suggestion — and what’s worked for me; at the end of the day, it’s your brand (and voice). You do you.
First things first, a question that some of you have been asking:
Yes, it was. (I recently changed my handles from @coralsncogancs to my name, @halliekwilson.) Reason being, I now cast a wider net on social media. It’s no longer just corals + cognacs readers who might follow me; it’s SoulCycle riders, too. When it comes to social media, you’ve got to consider who you’re reaching and why.
Without further adieu:
How do you gain attention to and grow your social media platforms? - Kierra, Lavishingg
By focusing on quality, consistency and authenticity. Seriously. Engage with other people — and don’t try to play the 100 hashtag game on Instagram, just focus on your content.
Do you have a strategy for each social media outlet, or do you just post when you’re inspired to? Any tips? - Anita, Always Anita
Yes. Oh yes. Get to know each of your social media audiences — because, guess what? They’re different on every platform.
I know, it’s annoying. But my (and your) Facebook audience is different from Instagram and Twitter audiences. Users on each want different things (shorter phrases, outfit snapshots, direct links, etc.) and are online during different times of the day. If you haven’t already, implement post-testing strategies to see what works for you.
How do you grow your following without becoming anti-social (a.k.a. the girl glued to her phone)?- Natalie, CincinNatalie
This is a big part of being able to freelance — as well as achieving work/life(/blog) balance. You want to appear like you’re always accessible and online, even if you’re not. For that reason, scheduling tools are the best invention ever. EVER! Which brings us to…
What are your favorite tools to schedule social posts & how often do you do it? - Jess, 26 and Not Counting
I use Tweetdeck and Ahalogy to schedule Twitter and Pinterest content, accordingly. (Another one worth looking into is CoSchedule.) I only schedule to schedule Facebook posts, and I do this sparingly. Using a third-party scheduler will tank your EdgeRank (the number of people who see your Facebook content).
Scheduling blog content is something that I do when I’m writing a post. I try to be mindful about ensuring I have enough content circulating every day, but there are some days where that doesn’t happen or when I stay completely off social media. That’s okay, too. Quite honestly, people probably won’t notice a brief absence.
You do an amazing job of re-posting older content in fresh ways — how do you stay organized? Especially with photos? - Rose, Blonde in this City
Thanks. Everything gets scheduled all at once — creating a blog post isn’t done when I hit “publish.” I create unique social assets for each platform by cropping my photos. Then, I write (edit and re-write) social copy and schedule them accordingly: later that week, month and yes, even that year.
Develop a system that works for you to ensure you aren’t being too repetitive. I also hashtag #cncarchives so people can easily browse my archives on Twitter.
What do you think is the most powerful social media platform for blog promotion? - Joyce, rejoyce today
It depends. What are your objectives? If it’s blog traffic, you probably want to invest most of your time in Twitter and Pinterest. You have to trial and error which works best for you. Instagram has become a micro-blog in-and-of itself, so you can treat it as such.
How do you grow your Instagram account? I’ve been hovering around the same number for FAR too long!- PJ, A Girl Named PJ
We all go through this. I actually wrote a dedicated post on how to take better Instagram photos, so check that out. Instagram has become a highly stylized version of our lives, which is fine, but don’t be afraid to humanize the experience. Give people something they can aspire toward, feel something about or relate to. Don’t just share updates for the sake of broadcasting.
What if you feel you’ve peaked on social? How do you keep growth consistent and avoid the plateau?- Amber, Ember & March
You’ve never peaked — and plateaus are totally normal. Find new brands, bloggers, audiences and people to interact with — and do it regularly. Or shift your focus to a different platform for awhile, sometimes we just need a mini creative sabbatical.
I would love to know a bit about what your numbers are like – page views, etc. At what level of did brands find you valuable? - Lindsey, Building a Vision
While I’m not comfortable sharing my pageviews (gotta draw the line somewhere, right?), I will say this: Once you can demonstrate that you’re an authority in your field, you have leverage. Do you influence people? Prove it. Screenshot tweets and comments that showcase purchasing behavior or specific feedback. Build a case to market yourself.
Yes! I’ve always wondered how “good” is good enough for brands, what types of numbers and information are they looking for? - Alyson, Crushing on Clothes
Numbers are great, but if you’re able to show a brand why you’re valuable to them, they will want to work with you. This all comes down to how well you can package yourself (in an honest manner).
In this day-in-age, the best partnerships are as much about organic integration and unique content creation as they are about sales.
What were some of your go-to sites or books you used to get started, or what do you still use now (HTML coding help, SEO information, blogging basics, etc.) - Gretchen, Gretchen Runs
Two of my friends started a great website for bloggers: The B Bar (and lots of their resources are 20% off through the end of the month). I’ve also written a few posts about this:
I’d love to know how to get your voice heard with all of the “noise” because there are SO many blogs out there. - Alyssa
I know my voice and I stick to it. Stay true to your brand and give your audience the content they want and they’ll give it legs by sharing it, pinning it, etc. (And for what it’s worthy, my mantra: When the tide rises, we all float. There is plenty of success to go around!)
I’ve recently started my lifestyle blog and I wanted to ask you about advice on how to get things going in the beginning when you have so few readers and followers.
It sounds silly, but you have to “be” what it is you’re seeking. For example: Looking for bloggers that are experiencing the same things you are? Click here. Re-read this post, click on someone’s link in the comments and leave them a comment. Tweet them. Scroll through their Instagram and become friends with them! That’s how I have made all of my blogger BFFs. Truth!
Last but not least, I want to summarize one piece of advice for you guys:
Truthfully, I’d encourage you not to focus on follower acquisition. Seriously. DON’T DO IT!
Pour your whole heart into producing amazing, high-quality content. Make your images pin-able (clear, focused and interesting) and your content shareable.
If your work (and blog posts) are engaging, informative and pretty to look at, your readers will do the leg-work for you and share the love. (And with that, I have to say — thank you guys so much for your comments, e-mails and the like. I may suck at responding on the occasion, but that’s part of my own work/life balance struggles. I see and appreciate every single one of them!)
Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below. And, oh, is it weird if I ask you to share this post? Wink.
Hi Hallie! You are so right about being authentic and posting quality content, and your following will grow organically from there. I’ve been shocked how people share what you write so often, if it speaks to them. I love how you’ve grown your blog and now added in the group fitness aspect as well. Changing to your first name was an excellent idea! Thanks for this informative post! Have a great day!
Loved this post, obviously! You give such great tips. I’ve been feeling like I fell into a bit of a social media rut, but this post made me want to kick it into second gear and get back on track with engaging with followers and not worrying so much about my numbers (to a certain extent). KEEP KILLIN’ THE GAME *fist bump emoji*
Great post! So many wonderful tips. Especially the one about not focusing on number of followers. It can be easier said then done sometimes, but it’s always a great reminder. Thanks for sharing!!
Great advice, Hallie! It’s been fun following your blog over the years, and it’s nice that you can give insight into what you’ve learned through blogging.
Thanks, Hallie! Loved this series & especially the tips on repurposing old content - we’ve been trying to figure out how to do that ourselves. We’ll be sharing, for sure
I love the idea that when the tide rises, we all float! Thanks for this post, as always — it is amazing. I am excited to sit down this weekend and rethink I do some of my social media. There is so much good food for thought here - a true testament that you make it look easy! xo
Thank you so much for all your advice! It’s all been extremely helpful to me. I feel like we’re all your students in a really awesome lecture. It’s been fun!
Thank you for sharing your insight with us! I just now remembered that you shared that Pinterest app with me over on Twitter eons ago and I spaced it off. I’m looking into it now!
Great post, Hallie! I have always felt like you have one of the best communities around your blog! The comments are always super positive and GENUINE. People build on your blog post to talk more about their own experiences…and isn’t that what blogging is all about??
Meg of An Affair of Character
you are so insightful on basically everything I wanted to ask! and by the way, thank you for answering my question I got really excited when I saw that you did haha! I see so many bloggers and shops on instagram who are clearly only in it to gain a following and it kills me! I just can’t see how you can only want big numbers. I would way rather have a loyal small amount of people who read my blog or follow my instagram than have 90003454 readers and followers who only followed me to “win $1,000 to kate spade!!!!” haha
and one more question! What is your opinion of leaving a blog link at the end of a comment? I keep seeing mixed reviews. some people see it as spammy while other people thing it’s great to do! I do not want to seem spammy, I just want to make it easy for someone to see my blog if they want to!
Sure! Great question(s): As for snapchat, it won’t let me. I tried!
Things to note about Facebook: My Page is mainly for blog readers/to alert fans to new posts. My personal profile has become more SoulCycle-oriented, so anyone who friends or follows me on there will receive those updates. In addition, Facebook only lets you change your page name/URL once — I don’t want to do that in case I rebrand in the (distant) future. Hope that helps! x
Loved this post! Thanks for sharing such great advice. My social media followers have been kind of stagnant lately and I really want to up those numbers and user engagement. I’ll definitely give these tips a try
Consider it shared! You’re the bomb, Hallie. xo
Love this! I recently just started a blog and you really do feel overwhelmed so any advice and tips are always appreciated!
Great advice! Thank you!
Hi Hallie! You are so right about being authentic and posting quality content, and your following will grow organically from there. I’ve been shocked how people share what you write so often, if it speaks to them. I love how you’ve grown your blog and now added in the group fitness aspect as well. Changing to your first name was an excellent idea! Thanks for this informative post! Have a great day!![:)](../../wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
Loved this post, obviously! You give such great tips. I’ve been feeling like I fell into a bit of a social media rut, but this post made me want to kick it into second gear and get back on track with engaging with followers and not worrying so much about my numbers (to a certain extent). KEEP KILLIN’ THE GAME *fist bump emoji*
Pink Champagne Problems
Great post! So many wonderful tips. Especially the one about not focusing on number of followers. It can be easier said then done sometimes, but it’s always a great reminder. Thanks for sharing!!
Primp & Proper
This is wonderful advice - thanks so much for sharing!
xo, ellie
These posts are SO helpful! Thanks again, Hallie xx
Great questions and the most important advice…”Know your voice and stick to it.” Thanks for the reminder (and encouragement).
Happy Tuesday!
Great advice, Hallie! It’s been fun following your blog over the years, and it’s nice that you can give insight into what you’ve learned through blogging.
These are such great tips! Thanks so much, Hallie!
This is such a great post. Thank you so much. PS we notice when you have not been online
I love these posts. Thank you so much for these.
Will def share this post! Could you link my blog next to my question? thanks so much and love hearing your advice!
This was such a great read. Loved this post! X
“you do you”. new mantra found! thank you, Hallie. (btw, i can’t wait to ride with you again. your Soul classes are amazing).
Thanks, Hallie! Loved this series & especially the tips on repurposing old content - we’ve been trying to figure out how to do that ourselves. We’ll be sharing, for sure![:)](../../wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
Definitely adding this to my webgems! Thanks for putting this together!
I love the idea that when the tide rises, we all float! Thanks for this post, as always — it is amazing. I am excited to sit down this weekend and rethink I do some of my social media. There is so much good food for thought here - a true testament that you make it look easy! xo
Thank you so much for all your advice! It’s all been extremely helpful to me. I feel like we’re all your students in a really awesome lecture. It’s been fun!
Love this post! The ones dedicated to blogging/business are becoming some of my favorites!
Thank you for sharing your insight with us! I just now remembered that you shared that Pinterest app with me over on Twitter eons ago and I spaced it off. I’m looking into it now!
Great post, Hallie! I have always felt like you have one of the best communities around your blog! The comments are always super positive and GENUINE. People build on your blog post to talk more about their own experiences…and isn’t that what blogging is all about??
Meg of An Affair of Character
you are so insightful on basically everything I wanted to ask! and by the way, thank you for answering my question
I got really excited when I saw that you did haha! I see so many bloggers and shops on instagram who are clearly only in it to gain a following and it kills me! I just can’t see how you can only want big numbers. I would way rather have a loyal small amount of people who read my blog or follow my instagram than have 90003454 readers and followers who only followed me to “win $1,000 to kate spade!!!!” haha
Lovely Little Rants
and one more question! What is your opinion of leaving a blog link at the end of a comment? I keep seeing mixed reviews. some people see it as spammy while other people thing it’s great to do! I do not want to seem spammy, I just want to make it easy for someone to see my blog if they want to!
Love this post!
Thanks for all the insight, Hallie! And I love reading all the comments, too!
So crazy helpful as always. I love that you take the time to get to know your followers and write posts like this.
Following up on your decision to change your social media handles, but not your snapchat or Facebook. Care to expand?
Sure! Great question(s): As for snapchat, it won’t let me. I tried!
Things to note about Facebook: My Page is mainly for blog readers/to alert fans to new posts. My personal profile has become more SoulCycle-oriented, so anyone who friends or follows me on there will receive those updates. In addition, Facebook only lets you change your page name/URL once — I don’t want to do that in case I rebrand in the (distant) future. Hope that helps! x
Loved this post! Thanks for sharing such great advice. My social media followers have been kind of stagnant lately and I really want to up those numbers and user engagement. I’ll definitely give these tips a try![:)](../../wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
Thank you so much for this post, so helpful! It’s refreshing to see someone really trying to help new bloggers!