Link Love, Vol. 46

Happy Friday, friends!


There’s a lot to look forward this weekend…

Anyone have good plans for the Derby? One of these years I’m determined to get my ass to Kentucky and channel my inner southern belle, but I digress… For this week, we drink mint juleps in overcrowded bars!

Peaks & Pits, May 1

Peak: There’s something about a new month that makes me feel motivated, rejuvenated and refreshed. It’s like turning to a brand new, fresh piece of paper in your favorite notebook, you know? We have 31 days to write our new stories — let’s kick ‘em off with a bang. (Plus, it’s May. WARM WEATHER IS HERE!)

Pit: This week was crazy. To be honest: I’ve felt so busy the past few weeks that I have to physically pull up my calendar to remember what I did this week/in order to recap my week. (And honestly, this blog and my job bring me so much freakin’ joy I simply couldn’t narrow this time-around.) Fulfilling though it may be, most nights I am utterly exhausted. Over the next few weeks, I’m going to be more mindful of carving out time to relax, recharge and refocus.
As always, I encourage you to share your peaks & pits in the comments below.

Sales + such


Links I loved

Trending on c+c


One other thing I wanted to mention:

Mother’s Day is May 10, and FTD (the brand Jess and I have been working with/that we went to Pasadena with) is having a really awesome holiday promo. Now through May 11, you can upload a photo to Instagram telling everyone why your mom is special by (1) tagging @ftdflowers and (2) using the hashtag #FTDMyMomIs (and @ftdflowers). Then, submit your post on their Facebook page and boom, you’re automatically entered to win a year of flowers for both you and your mom.

More details here — and hey, either way: You know mom’s gonna appreciate the social media surprise.

FTD My Mom Is Contest


Have a happy weekend! You can find me on…
Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | snapchat (@coralsncognacs)

And of course, you can ride with me at SoulCycle this weekend! All levels welcome.


  1. Peak: my first TV interview aired this week, Pit: I said “kind of” three times during it haha. I’ve got some work to do there! I loved that post on eating healthy on a budget. It makes me so sad when people say they can’t afford to eat healthy. A bunch of bananas costs just as much as a box of processed breakfast bars in most places. Now I know I need to adjust the times I’m hitting up the farmer’s market!

  2. Love your links this week! 1. I have been OBSESSING over that Whitney Eve dress, pretty sure I have looked at it at least 10 times this week. 2. 3 cheers for what seems to be the easiest DIY, aka this non-crafter might be able to not screw it up completely.

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