Link Love, Vol. 48

Food for thought this Friday morning: Isn’t it weird how nothing seems to change day-by-day; but when you look back, everything is different?


That may be my jetlag talking, but whaaaatever. On with today’s post… But first, let’s get our coffee.


New York welcomed me home last night with a most stunning view — we flew directly over the city during sunset.

My week in Chicago was wonderful. I spent most of it wandering around the city, riding at SoulCycle (the Old Town studio just celebrated its one-month anniversary!) and picking up where I left off with old friends. In sum: Lots of sweating — and in return, lots and lots of carbloading, boozing and the like.

Also, my new favorite thing is Nitro coffee — which looks like Guinness but is actually jet fuel. (Not really, but kind of. Let’s just say it gets the job done!) To my Chicagoans, get thee to Beatrix and see for yourself!

If you haven’t taken a little digital detox in awhile, I’d highly recommend indulging yourself. (Spoiler alert: Nothing will happen if you stay away from social media for a few days!)


On to this week’s link round-up — of which I’m a huge fan of today.

Shopping & Such

Links I Loved

  • Weekend goals: This sweatshirt is everything.
  • I love him! Here’s how Tim Gunn spends his Sunday morning.
  • Yes to this: Here’s why we should stop the glorification of busy.
  • Mackenzie shared seven things she learned during a cross-country move.
  • Change is good: My pal Julia just re-designed her blog — it looks amazing!
  • For those of us that are beauty challenged: Grace’s guide to applying highlighter.
  • She’s so wise. Victoria shares some interesting insights on the future of blogging.
  • A great read from my friends at Wandeleur with tips to make yourself unforgettable.
  • Thanks for this, DailyBurn. Mistakes you might be making when you set up your spin bike.
  • Behind the scenes of Mindy Kaling’s InStyle cover shoot — as if it were possible to love her even more.


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Have a happy weekend! You can find me on…
Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | snapchat (@coralsncognacs)


  1. Love the link round up this week! It sounds like you had such an amazing time in Chicago and it’s always nice to get away for a couple days and take a break from social media. Loved reading about Mindy’s cover shoot, she looks amazing and is simply the best! Still upset they’re canceling the Mindy Project :(

    xoxo Nicole

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