Link Love, Vol. 57

Happy Friday, my friends! Today’s post is up a bit later than usual, but we have last night’s champagne-packed dinner to thank for that. (Find me on Snapchat for the *real* behind-the-scenes, there: search ‘coralsncognacs’!)


Peaks & Pits | July 24

Peak: It’s been a very good week — great SoulCycle classes, catching up with visitors in town, reacquainting with brands and former agency friends. Tough to highlight a peak this week, but I think I’ve finally found a photographer in Chicago. My sister does a lovely job, but she works full-time, and I imagine my asking her to take outfit photos regularly gets annoying. So, yay! Outfit posts will be returning on a more frequent, regular basis very soon. Thanks for being patient!

Pit: I still don’t have furniture. So, there’s that.

Anywho, still got desk and a place to sleep. What else does one need, really?

Before we get into this week’s links, a lot of you have started to ask me about my music. Here’s two links: One to Soundcloud and another to the Spotify playlist I use for SoulCycle inspiration/playlists. Would you like me to start curating playlists on each platform (for work, working out, etc)? If there’s enough interest, I’ll make more of an effort to do so.

Let’s get into it:

Shopping & Such

Links I Loved


Outfit originally posted here

Trending on c+c

Lastly, two quick things if you’re local to Chicago:

I’m teaching at both SoulCycle studios this weekend — Old Town and the LOOP! Saturday night, I’ll be at the Shedd Aquarium’s annual summer soiree. So excited! Tickets are still available here.


Have a happy weekend! You can find me on…
Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | snapchat (@coralsncognacs)


What do you think?