The Vault, Vol. 2: Most Popular Posts of 2015

Happy New Year, friends! How was your first day back in the office? (Caffeine-fueled on this end, to say the least…)


In keeping up with tradition, today I’m sharing Volume Two of “The Vault,” the year’s most popular content from corals + cognacs.

If you’ve been a c+c reader for a while now, today’s post will take you back — in a great way… After all, we’ve been through a lot together this year. If not or you’re newer ’round here, don’t worry; this will be a really great way for us to get acquainted.

I’ve done this in the past and it’s always one of my favorite posts — as well as a great way to kick off the year. (Before we move on, here’s what you loved from 2014; it’s definitely worth a bookmark!)


Crazy to think that 2015 has come and gone, but what a year it was…

From quitting my job to starting a new career and moving halfway across the country, I think I’ve learned more about myself in the roller-coaster of the last 365 days than ever before.

Of course, beyond life’s milestones were lots of memorable mini-moments… Meeting lots of amazing new people; having one seriously memorable summer in Chicago; finding a fulfilling hobby that eventually became my career — the list goes on.


All-in-all, 2015 was a rather life-altering milestone for many of us, myself included — and that’s what the year’s most popular content seemed to focus on.

So, without further adieu…

Here are the most popular blog posts from 2015:



On the life front, whoa. I almost can’t believe everything that’s happened in the last year. And if we’re being honest, it kinda felt like an avalanche… A great one, no less, and ain’t that the way it goes.

In July 2015, I packed up and moved back to Chicago to follow my passion and embark on a brand new career path (which we’ll get to).

Despite only having lived in New York for two-and-a-half years, I actually felt ready for the transition. When you find a calling that’s fulfilling to your soul (pun not intended), you just follow it. You chase it. And if you’re lucky, it’ll teach you that “home” isn’t really a geographical concept.

*Click to read: Goodbye, New York




Some of the most seen and shared blog posts of the year are thoughts on How to be a Better Blogger — which each summarize my advice and experience on how to turn your blog in a business.

Over the course of the year, we covered everything from finding work/life balance to, of course, mastering social media and even making the most of your time at blogging events.


*Click to read: Mastering Social Media

I’ll definitely be continuing this series next year, so tell me: What type of experience, blog- and business-oriented topics should I continue to write about in 2016?



Most noteworthy of all, of course, have been my posts about the massive shift in my career… And, well, life.

About a year ago exactly, I began a very green, new-to-me journey in the fitness industry to become a SoulCycle Instructor. Four months prior to that, I’d quit my job as a digital marketing professional, despite having built my career up for seven years behind a desk. Scared as hell? Yep.

Worth it? Yep. Yep, yep, yep.

*Click to read: Why I Quit My Job

home office ideas inspiration

The most popular post on my site — of this year and of all time — probably won’t surprise you. It’s the one about how I got into SoulCycle’s Instructor training program. It was a journey, to say the least, and the day this story it was published, it actually crashed my site!

*Click to read: How I became a SoulCycle Instructor


After I’d gone through training, successfully became a SoulCycle Instructor and started to learn the ways of the fitness industry, I shared some feelings on how becoming a fitness instructor has changed my life.

My priorities started to shift elsewhere in my life, too. For example, I was surprised to find that I’d stopped caring so much about things like Fashion Week.

Of course, this lifestyle shift has meant a massive shift in my wardrobe, too; so the post about where I shop for workout clothes was wildly popular, to.

*Click to read: How becoming a fitness instructor changed my life


What were some of your favorite posts of 2015 (on your blog, if you have one)? I’d love to read them, so comment below or tweet them and share.


2016: What lies ahead

Now, you know I’m always about transparency here, so here’s what’s in store around the site over the next year:

I’m redesigning the site. I love the blog as-is, but I ultimately want it to be more functional, interactive and easy for you to search and find the content that you’re looking for. I’m in the process of working with a designer now, so you won’t see the site updates until summer 2016. (It’s a long process!) I won’t reveal too much of this, but if you have suggestions for changes, feel free to comment below.


I’m creating more personal career-, lifestyle- and fitness-focused content. I love doing outfit posts and creating style-centric content — and I will absolutely continue to do so — but I’ve found that you guys really like it when I post about other things (as is evidenced in today’s recap post).

From how to turn your blog into a business or what you can do to take your Instagram to the next level… These take a lot more time to produce, though, so while I may fewer times per week, it’ll be shit that’s worth the wait, so-to-speak. Wink.

I’m developing more consistency. I’ll fully admit it, I am the QUEEN of saying I’m going to post something and then I never seem to get around it. So awful! (Remember how I said I was going to post about my weight loss journey? Yeah, still working on that.) This isn’t because I don’t want to or because I get lazy, it’s just that I honestly let “perfect” becoming the enemy of “done” or “good enough.” I waste so much productivity doing this and I’m resolving not to this year.

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I’m (likely) re-branding. Oh, boy. This one really scares me, but I think it’s time. And I felt the need to tell you this up-front because I, too, have gotten very attached to ‘corals + cognacs’ as a brand.

When I first started the site, it was a hobby and I never actually thought it’d grow into what it’s become. For the four (nearly five) years that I’ve been blogging, “Corals” has evolved well beyond the fashion blog realm, so I think it’s time to dissolve the brand name into something bigger, better and more representative of the things that I want to write about and sign my name on. (Don’t worry, while the name may change, the site’s DNA won’t/nothing else will.)

Last but not least…

I will shift the conversation. My conversation, at least. And make a better effort at avoiding the noise.

Is it just me, or is almost all of the “content” around the blogosphere (and on Instagram) that we see now sponsored and paid for? And, um, not disclosed?


That’s not to say I don’t take on sponsorships — I absolutely do. And I’ll continue to do so — when it makes sense. A girl’s got to pay her rent and after all, and growing your paid partnerships is a part of the evolution process when you’re a digital content producer. But honestly, I am so damn sick of scrolling through my social media feeds only to see post after post of something that is so irrelevant, sponsored and not disclosed as such.

But rather than focusing on what everyone else is doing, I’m staying focused. Keeping my priorities on authenticity and honesty. Yes, of course I’m still going to take on brand partners, make money off my blog and create sponsored content, but only when it’s relevant, organic and makes sense. At the end of the day, this is a job — but I’m going to make sure I’m being as authentic, forthright and genuine as possible about it… And that’s always been a promise.

(Not sure if you’ve noticed the shift in our digital realm, too, but to my fellow content producers: I hope it’s inspired you to step into the same shoes and take control of the conversation. Create because you want to, not just because you’re getting paid to!)


That’s it for today — I’d love to know your thoughts on the content pieces above, as well as the changes I’m taking into account for 2016. Don’t forget to read the most popular posts of 2014!

Thank you, as always, for spending a part of your day with me here on corals + cognacs. I’m so proud of the friendship we’ve built and I can’t wait to see how the community continues to grow in 2016.

Let’s make it a big year — for all of us!

Lots of love,
Hallie x


  1. I love this, Hallie! Thanks so much for sharing. As a longtime reader of your blog, I can definitely say that while I LOVE your outfit posts, your more personal written posts are consistently my favorite type of content you post! I would love to see more of that in 2016. Thanks for always being an honest force to be reckoned with in the blogosphere. :)

  2. Hi Hallie!

    So excited for the future of c+c. I know it will be nothing short of amazing! I love your outfit posts. I can so relate to your style. On the flip side, your personal posts are what really brings c+c to the next level. Ive said this to you before but your blog truly teaches me to love my life more. It’s inspiring, kick-ass and so unique. Keep posting. Can’t wait to see what 2016 brings you and c+c!
    See you in class, sister!


  3. Love this post Hallie! Personal career & lifestyle posts are my absolute faves. I rebranded last year and it is scary but worth it. I’m excited to see the new name/direction you’ll be taking the blog, it’ll be great I’m sure & totally worth it. And, girl, you nailed with the last point!!!!!! Sometimes I can’t believe the sponsorships I turned down last year but they made no sense whatsoever to my brand/ blog content whatsoever. We definitely need more transparency in the blogosphere. Thanks for another fab vault series!

    Xo Miriam
    Scripts of Flair

  4. As usual, I love everything you wrote up above. As someone who’s gone through a weight loss journey of her own, I still want to hear about yours! Buuut I’m also the queen of saying I’m going to write about things and letting my own need for perfection get in the way (hence why it’s January 5th and I still haven’t posted any sort of goals like I promised) - so I feel you there. I’m really excited to see the new site/rebrand and can’t wait to follow along as you navigate 2016 :)

    My most popular blog post last year was me announcing that I lost my job. Eek! haha. I’m in a much better place now, but I hope that 2016’s most popular post is filled with a lot more happiness! I’m already planning my next trip to Chicago and I think another ass kicking is in order. See you on the bike 😉

  5. Can’t wait to see what 2016 has in store for you! I always loved your lifestyle/health posts, so that’s GREAT news to me that you’re doing more of this! I’m excited to see your rebranded and redesigned site. Happy New Year :)

  6. I loved this post! If I’m being honest, my style and your style don’t really match up (not that you don’t have great style! Just not things I would typically wear). But I keep coming back to your blog on a daily basis because I love your voice and I love your honesty. You seem to be your authentic self on here which is so refreshing. The fact that you are conscious of your sponsorships and want to partner with brands because it makes sense and not just because it makes you money is amazing! I agree there is so much noise out there that doesn’t feel authentic or real in any way. Keep up the great work and I am so excited to see what comes next for you and this blog (:

  7. Hallie - As a long time reader, I’m excited for more personal content! I am also less interested in many bloggers as a result of increasing and fairly irrelevant sponsored content, so I’m happy to hear you echo my thoughts and that you’ll continue to move in a different direction. Thanks for putting out a great product!

  8. Its mo secret that I’m a big C&C fan but I’m an even bigger Hallie K. Wilson fan! Can’t wait to see what this year has in store for you. Here’s to “authentic partnerships!” Cheers!

  9. All of the yes here! I’m so excited I found your blog in 2015 and can’t wait to see what you get into in 2016. Your approach on things is so refreshing and real. Keep doin’ you, cause it’s working and has definitely made you one of my favorite blogs to follow!

  10. I was going to write something long and musy, but after going through people’s comments - they basically stole the words from my mouth! All of this proves just how kickass you are, Hallie! We keep coming back because we love getting to know you! (And I just happen to be lucky enough that you’ve personally helped inspire me as a blogger and SoulCycle’r ;))

    Cheers to 2016, girl! Xx

  11. Amen to this post! Thanks for always showcasing how to be the best version of ourselves. Your honesty, authenticity and passion are what make you a great blogger and even better friend. Here’s to a great 2016!

  12. I always love your transparency and no bullshit take on blogging- it’s always so refreshing and it’s what keeps me coming back! Can’t wait for everything in store for this coming year and beyond for Corals… or shall I say Hallie. xo

  13. I wrote a whole post on stopping misleading disclosure practices because it bothers me so much. I have nothing against supporting a fellow blogger in his or her sponsored post, but I don’t like feeling lied to when I get to the end and see a tiny mention (or none at all).

    I even broke out the FTC guidelines and quoted them all throughout. I was in a mood that day haha.

  14. So excited to see whats to come in your life and blog Hallie! It really has been incredible following your journey and I know whatever comes next will be amazing. I also understand completely how hard making that major ‘rebranding’ move can be as I’m going through it right now. Sometimes you just have to stop pushing something that isn’t right and make a change even if it’s scary as hell (which you know all about I’m sure).

    Happy New Year!

    Caroline //

  15. I’ve followed you rather ‘silently’ for a very long time (a little after you first started). It wasn’t until I too started blogging (only 6 months ago) that I started commenting on your social media here and there. I have to say you are one of the bloggers I look to for inspiration & just love your content. You’re honest, authentic, tell like it is, and it’s why I keep coming back. I have followed and unfollowed a lot of bloggers through this uprise in digital influencers and it is so tacky for a lack of a better word to scroll through and see someone all of sudden promoting something so out of their norm. I’m excited for your growth and changes this 2016. Keep it up.


  16. Pingback: Friday Faves - 2016, Week 1

  17. So much good stuff in this post!! I appreciate your authenticity with sponsorship and everything. Echoing many commenters, love all your content, outfit posts, Friday links, inspiration. . . . I’m sure expanded content will be great too. Would love more fitness material. Maybe that will fit in with your new role with Nike. Congrats, btw.

  18. Thanks for addressing some of the problems with sponsorship in blogs today. Whenever I see content that’s obviously sponsored but not disclosed as such, I lose a bit of confidence and trust in the blogger. I always appreciate knowing when something’s sponsored, and often sponsored content alerts me to a great new product. Sponsorship definitely isn’t the problem, it’s non-disclosure. Keep up the great work, I love your blog!

What do you think?