Me & Public Speaking

Some things in life are better in moderation… Like me and public speaking.


I’m candid. Really candid. I’m a woman with too many thoughts and questions and things to say.

I always wonder if people realize what they’re getting into when they ask me to speak openly at their panels and conferences. Like, LOL! They trust me? Do they read the weird shit I write and project onto the Internet?

Okay, then. It’s cool if I say exactly what’s on my mind and make no apologies for potential discomfort, right?

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Summer Brew Style

In anticipation of the Fourth of July, I’m wearing what I like to call my Summer Brew Style today.


You know, your go-to ensemble that’s equal parts casual, comfortable and appropriately patriotic. An outfit that’s perfect for mid-afternoon patio lounging with an ice-cold lemon-flavored beer… Because, well, sometimes good things happen to those who don’t wait (’til happy hour).

I’m such a bitch for talking about this on a Monday, aren’t I?

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