Wanderlust | Let’s Go To…

I suppose I should have told you this earlier, but with Fashion Week and all of my friends deciding to get married at the same damn time (hi, guys!), I kind of forgot that this was happening myself…


At any rate, we’ve got another international trip on the horizon — in two weeks!


This time, we’re Europe-bound. We’re heading to Paris and Oslo in October!

Eeeek! It’s hard to say what I’m most excited for… I’ve never been — and neither have my jet-set cohorts, Bianca and Jessica. We don’t have much planned beyond exploring and coffee shop sitting, but in Paris especially, there will be wine-soaked picnics along the Champ de Mars and lots of Sancere sipping along the Seine. So, lots of booze. And shopping, I imagine.

And crepes. I’m told there will be lots of crepes!


Of course, with our trip being two weeks away, it’s time to shop, pin and plan. (If you have any suggestions, do let me know in the comments.)

That said, here’s a few pieces I’m buying and links I’m bookmarking to help up the ante on my Parisian profile:

  • I need this gorgeous skirt. For Paris and in life. End of story.
  • I came across Megan’s blog while Pinterest hunting — I’m hooked!
  • I love Victoria’s favorite moments from her most recent trip to Paris (her third).
  • I will never have a better reason to purchase this striped turtleneck, so.
  • For a chic alternative to functional footwear, I’m picking up a pair of all-white Nike’s.
  • Nearly all of my in-flight essentials are from Flight 001. They have everything!
  • I hate bringing loads of make-up with me when I travel, so this compact is perfect.
  • How tres chic would these wide-leg pants look with a cropped knit and wedge ankle booties?
  • I’m a huge fan of Carin’s blog (and photography), so I’ve been scouring her site daily for inspo.
  • TGIPayday! Just bought this striped shirt. It’s perfectly Paris — and you can’t beat that sale price.
  • One of the most popular posts (ever!) on c+c is my packing guide from a trip to Asia. As a result, I’ll do a similar piece for how I’m planning to pack for Paris (in a carry on, sûrement)!
  • My friend Natalie lived in Paris for a few months — it’s fun to browse her archives.


Bisous, my friends! Happy Friday. Hope you’re gearing up to have a great weekend. Would love any and all Paris recommendation that you might have!


Photos via


  1. Cold. It’s cold there. And beautiful. Get a museum pass to skip the lines. Ask your concierge where to eat a nice dinner. Try snails, they’re actually really tasty. Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower and dip champagne , climb the steps to the top of Notre Dame. You’re going to have so much fun!!

  2. Paris is my favorite city in the world! And honestly nothing beat sitting at a cafe in the middle of the day, soaking it all up. We tried to balance seeing the sights while still making time for that & it was the best plan. I’d recommend a 1/2 day trip to Versailles, cuz you gotta get some touristy stuff in there! We spent an overnight in Normandy but not sure that really goes along w/the girl trip plan?

    I’m so jealous!

  3. I forgot to tell you! Coffee in Paris will surprise you in that it is decidedly not the best thing you have ever tasted, and you sort of have to seek out a really good cup. I always stick with the cafe noisette (or you can just order ‘une noisette’) at most cafes. You can read more about this on David Lebovitz’s blog (an American expat pastry chef who has lived in Paris for a lonnnng time now. His blog is an AMAZING resource for Paris recs too, you will love).


    I also agree with Kellie that you should take the trip out to Versailles. It’s pretty ridic!

    One last navigation tip and then I promise to shut the eff up. Just in case you haven’t seen this in a guide book or online, the last two digits of the ‘zip code’ listed with a Parisian address indicates the arrondisement (neighborhood) it is in. This will be helpful if you come across a recommendation, and notice it says something like 75004 (which means it is in the 4th, the Marais), while you are currently standing in the 7th.

    Have the best time ever. I can’t wait to hear all about it!

  4. Omg girl, you are going to have such a good time! Versailles is a must see and a great location for a boozy champagne picnic. Sacré Cœur is neat along with the surrounding area of Montmarte (think Moulin Rouge). Also, nutella & banana crepes…’nuff said!

  5. In one word- croissant. You MUST have one. I went to Paris with my best friend for my 21st birthday years ago and we grabbed a croissant running to catch our train to head to our next destination… first one of the trip and we seriously regretted not having one sooner than our last day. They were simply amazing! Words cannot explain. Also- espresso. I still dream of that tiny little mug filled with a double shot. Oh course, the Eiffel Tower at night- enough said. Have an amazing time! And someone earlier commented cold… I went in February and it certainly was- but I am SURE it’s GORGEOUS in the Fall. We asked our concierge a lot of map directions and restaurant recommendations. Absolutely makes the trip worth it! Also, tell everyone you’re Canadian. You’ll be treated with MUCH more respect 😉

  6. Eat croissants. For breakfast, lunch and dinner. There are no bad croissants in Paris, just thinking about it, makes me want to book a ticket again. Versailles is a must! Notre Dame and the Luxemburg gardens. Also, I’m a huge sucker for Laduree, the one in Paris is outstanding. I would go just to gaze at the rooms and ceilings. Have not been to Oslo, so can’t WAIT to see your pics.

  7. 1. Totally agree with Victoria and others. Versailles is a must. We paid a little extra for a guided tour, rather than an audio tour, and it was worth it. Our guide was full of stories and tidbits that made it much more interesting. I wish we’d had more time to booze in the garden, but it was raining like a mofo.

    2. We also did a guided tour of Notre Dame but not of Sacre Coeur. Both were beautiful, but we enjoyed Notre Dame more b/c we walked away with so much more knowledge of its history and secret symbolism. Also, we wanted to see Sainte-Chapelle but couldn’t squeeze it in. The photos online look amazing!

    3. After touring Sacre Coeur, we spent the afternoon walking around Montmarte, eating cupcakes and taking photos of graffitied walls and colored doorways. It was totally unplanned but is one of my favorites memories of our trip.

    4. When you buy something, remember to let them know that you’re American b/c you’re entitled to a tax refund. They’ll give you a piece of paper. Fill it out, put it in the envelope, drop it in a box at the airport. They say you’ll receive the refund within 3-4 weeks. Wrong! More like 3-4 months, but if you spend a lot of dough, it’s worth the wait. I got almost $1,000 back, I think.

    5. Have fun!

  8. I LOVE Paris!! They have really nice mini grocery shops that you can buy wine/cheese and fresh french baguettes. We took some wine and snacks and sat in the garden facing the Eiffel Tower. You should do it at night so you can enjoy the light show too. Have so much fun, can wait to see your posts! 🙂

  9. The Musee des arts decoratifs (right by Louvre) is phenomenal. When I visited they had a Christian Lacroix exhibit, and now it’s Dries Van Noten. If you’re willing to take a half-day, hop on the train and visit Giverny to see Monet’s gardens. About a 45-min ride, and one of my favorite memories from when I went to France! Very surreal. Oh, and go to the Marais district if you need a falafel fix. Bon voyage!

  10. I actually did a Paris and Norway trip in March of this year! It was really great but the climates were totally different, Paris was warm and sunny, Oslo & Trondheim were cold and snowy, so it was difficult to pack for both climates!

    You definitely need to go to Versailles, I highly recommend it! You will be in awe. Also, take time to get off the beaten path and wander through the little side streets of France, you see a completely different side of the city. Here’s what we did during our 5 days in Paris: http://www.allthingskate.com/blog/03-18-2014/5-days-paris

    In Norway it was so cold, and the atmosphere was so different than Paris (and so much more expensive). I only spent one day in Oslo, and then we road tripped to some fjords and just saw the BEAUTIFUL Norwegian countryside and the Atlantic Road. Norway felt more laid back and low key than France. Here’s more of what I did in Norway: http://www.allthingskate.com/blog/03-20-2014/5-days-norway

  11. Angelina’s for hot chocolate. Almost unreal.
    Le Marais for vintage shopping and Les Philosophe’s quirky waiters and giant salads & authentic falafel & people watching model off duty-esque parisiennes
    L’Entrecote if you eat steak. Fries & green sauce if you don’t.
    Paul’s for brie & lettuce sandwiches and pain au chocolates.
    Le Bon Marché for the most beautiful clothes/shoes on earth.

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  13. Musee d’Orsay is a must see! The museum was once a train station and is beautiful. There are some amazing works of art there, Manet, Monet , Van Gogh, it’s almost as if you walked into an art book. http://www.musee-orsay.fr/en/visit/welcome.html

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