Cool Sh*t to Share, Vol. 5

Happy Friday, guys. Here are this week’s links!

aerial view of nyc central park from above

Peaks & Pits

Peak: Being back in New York was such a treat. One of my favorite things is exploring the city on my own — byChloe in the West Village was definitely a highlight. So delish!

Pit: I managed to spill water on my laptop this week… Apple says they can fix it for a casual $800, but it seems to be working okay (knock on wood) at the moment. Here’s hoping it doesn’t fritz out on me in the middle of one of my Soul classes!

Here are this week’s links:

  • Simple, succinct, accurate: Three ways to live a more intentional life.
  • I was bummed to hear about Lady Gaga’s recent breakup. You, too? Earlier this week, I went back and re-read one of my favorite interviews of hers, which is all about the life of passion — it’s worth a click.
  • Been trying these new Coconut hydrating masks from the makers of yes To…! Only $2.99 and they couldn’t smell more like summer.
  • I really enjoyed Victoria’s take on how friendships change over time… This is something I’ve gone through in my late-20’s especially. Can you relate to this, too? Hard, but somewhat inevitable.



Have a happy weekend! You can find me on…
Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Snapchat (@coralsncognacs)


  1. That is my biggest fear when using my laptop and having coffee/tea/wine…who am I kidding, mainly wine, at the same time. I’ll sacrifice a rug but not my laptop. Fucking sucks, but sending good juju your way that it may continue to work without any issues! 🙂

  2. So interesting that travel is your most popular! But cool! Love that - it’s so interesting to find out what people like.

    Love this! Happy weekend girl.

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