11 Lessons NYFW Taught Me (About Life)

A friend and I were talking about this yesterday, but holy s—. Fashion Week was less than two weeks ago!

phillip lim for target, pashli, bag, target, phillip lim

Despite how much time it feels has passed (months), I’m nearly 100% back in the swing of things at the office and in life in general. But not without sharing 11 things I learned during my time in The Tents… Here goes!

  1. Do you really need to bring all of that with you? Probably not.
  2. Yes, you should leave 10 minutes before you think you need to.
  3. No matter what you did the night before, there’s nothing a salt bagel with chive cream cheese and steaming cup of coffee can’t cure. Or at the very least, dent.
  4. Be conscious of that whole Bitch At Rest Face thing. You’re more approachable (and photogenic) when you’re smiling.
  5. Be nice to (PR) people. It’s a small world. And you never know whose intern is managing the list at that after-party.
  6. Your go-to look doesn’t have to be the most flattering one. Confidence is the best accessory, right? If you like it, just freakin’ wear it. For some of us, this includes space suits and pants that may double as pajamas.
  7. Get (your wardrobe) in shape. Especially if you’re in the serial snoozers club. If you’re in a closet rut, treat yo’self to something that’ll spice up everything else you’ve got in there (like a you-can-wear-this-anywhere top).
  8. Making a statement can be as simple as claiming a signature lip color as your own. (I’ve recently embraced a vivid plum hue for fall.)
  9. You haven’t worn those shoes yet? No, Oh, yeah. They’re going to introduce a world of pain to those poor feet of yours.
  10. If you’re wearing white and you’re inevitably prone to clumsiness like I am, stick to champagne or white wine. That Merlot has a mind of its own and your pants are prime real estate.
  11. Haters gonna hate. Let ’em — for some people, the only taste of success they have is when they take a bite out of you.

What about you — any lessons learned during Fashion Week (regardless of whether or not you were in attendance)?

For more Fashion Week coverage, click here.


  1. Love this Hallie! Last year’s NYFW was both an eye opening but awesome experience - and I totally agree with everything you say! It’s much more exhausting and draining than you think it will be! But super amazing and I love how many people you meet and friends you make. I seriously hope I can go to the Fall shows or at least next spring’s!
    Nikki at http://www.bedazzlesafterdark.com

    Enter my giveaway for a Phillip Lim for Target mini satchel here!

  2. #4 - story of my life! I’m just sitting around spacing out and people ask me if I’m upset or angry. Yeesh!

    Rebecca {at} Preppy Panache

  3. Okay, I didn’t go to NYFW this past season, but some of those lessons are just life lessons. I think the two that stick out the most and sadly lacking in today’s world are the simplest - BE NICE TO PEOPLE and don’t wear shoes the first time out for 8+ hours. Common decency and common sense! And it’s a good thing there was a bagel station at my office today because after reading this I had a MAJOR bagel craving. :)

  4. Those are great lessons in life, not just NYFW! Like the bitch resting face - I’ve definitely got it and need to make an effort to look friendly! And I also like the idea of making a lipstick shade your own!

    I think one thing that’s inspirational about your blog is how confident you are - which you made a point of mentioning in your NYFW lessons. I truly see your confidence in all yours posts and it’s refreshing. And you have a voice! Love that about your blog.

    The end of mushy blog comment. Sorry!

  5. Love this! I think many of these things are true no matter if its fashion week or not. Personally, I think numbers 2, 5, 6 and 11 are really important. Oh, and 10 too!

  6. I have SUCH a bitchy resting face problem — definitely need to work on that! And I loved all of your roundup posts, definitely the biggest takeaway is to always be nice and to just roll with everything; people who try to tear you down aren’t worth it!

  7. LOVE this Hallie. Thank you for sharing your lessons learned. I can definitely relate to the wearing white and new shoes points. I made the mistake a couple seasons ago of wearing new shoes all around and boy were my feet upset with me. Thanks again for the fun read this morning. :)

  8. Everything here is genius, especially #3 (although I’ll take a cup of earl grey tea)! A great pick me up anytime!
    I need to work on #6 not just when it comes to outfit posts but to fashion week in general. If you’re a bit more confident (and nice to a PR person), you never know where it will get you. And confident is the key, not cocky.

  9. “Haters gonna hate. Let ‘em – for some people, the only taste of success they have is when they take a bite out of you.” Can we get this put on some sort of graphic so I can pin it, print it, and live by it daily? LOVE LOVE LOVE. Great post, Hallie!

  10. I would probably be too intimidated to go (not that I was invited, lol), but I think it’s awesome that you went, and learned some life lessons along the way :). Your last point is great-not just for fashion week, but general life. Gonna keep that in mind!

  11. Pingback: Link Love: 09.27.13 - Glossy Blonde

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  16. Great blogpost, the tips and lessons you give are really true and can come in handy at most fashionshows, blogger or PR events! Personally I attended my first ever Fashion Week (in Holland but hey it is a fashion week) and I learned that if you want to approach some one who is like a celeb or something, just try! I really had one of the nicest conversations ever with a dutch celeb in which he told me that bloggers are the future, so kind! :)

    Well, I loved your blogpost! :)
    xoxo Saranda


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