Link Love, Vol. 44

Happy Friday, my friends! Today’s Link Love round-up is coming to you mid-day, since yesterday’s post on “How to Take Your Blog (or Biz) to the Next Level” went up a little later in the evening. (Did you read it? What’d you think?)

bradley theodore nyc

Peaks & Pits, April 10

PEAK: I had the pleasure of going to a Beyonce-themed yoga class with SELF Magazine this week. Having spent so much time over the past few months waking up to a jarring alarm clock (over and over, as I am an awful snoozer), this was a welcome change of pace. Check out Y7 if you’re in New York!

PIT: This weather, man. I’m OVER IT! Spring, where are you?

Here’s this week’s round-up of links, sales and such:

Sales & such

Links I loved

  • Yep! Here’s why working out is the new going out.
  • Hell yes to this: Why you should get over your FOMO.
  • This is so inspiring: The best fashion blogs by “older” women.
  • My friend Julia wore the cutest jumpsuit to a wedding last weekend. Gimme!
  • An interesting (and informative) read about bloggers and FTC disclosure rules on Instagram.
  • SoulCycle just launched their first mobile app — hooray! I might be biased, but you should bookmark this Instructor’s schedule.
  • Uh, yep. I have a total girl crush on Jenn from Style Charade. I’m booking the next flight to Chicago and raiding her entire closet.
  • Goals: Why one fashion editor got rid of her things and lived as a nomad.
  • The key to living a happier life is all about perspective. THIS!

Trending on c+c this week

bradley theodore street art


Have a happy weekend! You can find me on…
Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | snapchat (@coralsncognacs)


  1. I read your post late last night and then again this morning 😉 I loved it and I appreciate you taking the time to answer all of our burning questions - looking forward to part II! SoulCycle isn’t a franchise, correct? My friend and I were discussing her desire to become a spinning instructor again last night and I had sent her your post a few months back to give her a little kick in the behind. She’s starting on a smaller scale and training with a lifetime fitness here in the Kansas City area and I’m so excited for her!

  2. A great link roundup! Thanks for sharing. I also love Schutz shoes though I’ve never actually purchased any (yet). Congrats on becoming a spin instructor, I’m a diehard Soul Cycle fan. You should teach a class in LA!

  3. Working out is definitely the new going out. I’m always so thrilled when friends want to catch up over a gym class and smoothies instead of dinner and drinks… Have a great weekend!

  4. Looks like you forgot one of the links! (The one about FTC guidelines. I read it and totally wished they enforced the rules more…there are so many shady bloggers with huge followings and it’s such a disservice to the readers who are ultimately paying the bills!) Ugh, I totally agree with you about the weather. It freaking snowed on Wednesday and I still see snow in the forecast. It barely snowed all winter here and now that it’s April, Mother Nature is like, “WAIT!!! HERE’S THE SNOW I FORGOT THREE MONTHS AGO!”

    xo Kimi

  5. Pingback: Tuesday Web Candy | Honestly Jamie

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