Link Love, Vol. 90

Friday, guys. We made it!


Coming to you from 30,000 feet this morning, as I’m off to Dallas for a blogging-focused conference… (I’ll be tweeting and ‘gramming, if you’d like to follow along.)

In my very small suitcase is just a few staple items: A neutral pair of pumps, a body-conscious cotton dress and my Cuyana leather tote, among some toiletries and workout-wear.

Let’s get to it:

Peaks & Pits

Peak: Finally got my hair did at Civello Salon on North Avenue (in Chicago) this week — it was much needed! If you’re in the area, book your appointment using the code “HALLIE25” for $25 off your first visit. Amazing! Check out their prices and such here. Feel free to reach out to me with questions.

Pit: Not much progress made on the unpacking front, but hey — being busy isn’t a bad thing. Oh, also — it snowed in Chicago on two separate occasions this week. Come on!

Sales & Such

*Shop this week’s links:


Links I Loved

Ask me anything

“Do you do do quarterly taxes for your blog or just annually? Is there a difference?”

I do them annually, but I try to keep track of expenses, receipts and the like on an ongoing, monthly basis. That way come tax season my life isn’t a total shitshow… This post will provide some additional insight on how I manage my money.



Trending on c+c this week


Have a happy weekend! You can find me on…
Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | snapchat (@coralsncognacs)


What do you think?