
It’s back on the grind after a weekend for the record books…


Last night, I was walking home from a friend’s and I got to thinking: Do you ever pay attention to the natural flows of your life?


I think we can all relate to this, but one thing I’m constantly striving for in all areas is balance — whether it’s with work, blog, working out or just in general. And while I haven’t quite mastered the art of remaining balanced 100% of the time, I’m constantly working at it.

Or better yet, I’ve just learned to let go and embrace it.


We’ve talked a bit about this, but I’ve been really enjoying more of an offline life this summer. On the one hand, it really teaches you to be present — but it has resulted in a bit of writer’s block. And by writer’s block, I mean (crazy fun) late nights and (rather awful) subsequent hangovers.


Awhile back, a friend and fellow blogger — Hilary Rushford — taught me the notion of creating seasons for our lives. For example: Some seasons, you may be really into in your work, your blog or another hobby. You stay in, channel your focus and work, work, work.

In another, your priorities shift to people and places — being social, saying yes, going out more, and so on. (Clearly, I’m currently in the latter — which I’ve noticed tends to coincide with warm weathered months.)

joe's-jeans-spotless-denim topshop-tank-top

This mindset has really helped alleviate work-related guilt and any stress toward feeling overwhelmed by the expectations I project onto myself — like putting up a blog post five times per week, or answering every. single. e-mail.

You’re nodding, yes? Do you think the notion of seasons is relevant to your lifestyle?

I mean, after all: It’s all too often that we put aside our own personal needs to prioritize our jobs and careers, isn’t it? While work is certainly a big — and important — part of our lives, it shouldn’t be all of it.


For now, I’m in a season of living. A season of not digitally enslaving myself. Of carving out time to make good memories — not (always) good choices…

But don’t worry — as August comes to an end and summer starts to wind down, I’m getting back into the habit to posting more frequently and robustly.


While I have certainly missed sharing stories on the blog and connecting with you guys on a regular basis (though we do that daily on Instagram and Snapchat — @coralsncognacs), I know in my happy heart that I’ve been focusing my time in the right place.

… After all, living your life will only inspire your work.


*In this post:


Colored ring necklace: COS
Aviator sunglasses: Ray-Ban (more colors/styles here)
V-neck tank top: Topshop (now in five new colors; also love this style)
White jeans: Joe’s Jeans ‘Stay Spotless’ denim (similar here on sale)
Ankle-strap sandals: Zara (but I’d recommend the Steve Madden style)


Hair styling: Living Proof’s No Frizz collection (introductory kit here)
Lipstick: NARS velvet matte lip pencil in ‘Never Say Never’
Eyebrows: Benefit Instant Brow pencil



Iron & Honey Photography


  1. Love your post, and I’ve been missing your blog. I understand that sometimes it’s good to be a little free and more relaxed. I’ve been working hard on a project for 3 months, and as it closes, I’ll be glad to relax some. Other interests are coming up as well. Hopefully they will all pay off soon. I think interests, priorities, and focus changes, and that is a good thing and doesn’t have to be permanent.

    • I agree — and the idea that seasons are non-permanent really help to further alleviate any guilt we project onto ourselves. Thank you for your sweet words, Cathleen! Appreciate you reading (always) and taking the time to share. xx

  2. Very true! Feeling guilty isn’t worth it. I hope you’re enjoying your summer and while I look forward to the posts you do share, I respect you stepping back from the online world a bit. There is a time for everything!

  3. This is a breath of fresh air. Thank you SO much for sharing. I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying – and living – your summer! xo

  4. Gorgeous photos but I especially appreciate how much you’ve been talking about being offline lately. I also try to carve out time (especially on weekends when the Hubs isn’t working) to be present and wholly in my experiences. It changes your perspective and makes me feel happier and balanced and yet I’ve also experienced some writer’s block because of it. Now I’m struggling to put my newfound revelations to words — so glad to know I’m not the only one Hallie!

    Sed Bona

  5. As per the usual, you spoke right to me! I have been feeling guilty for not blogging as much as I should and being more present for things this summer! I know once it cools down and I am inside more, I will be more focused!

    Thanks for being so positive, Hallie!


  6. Loved your post and love you blog 🙂

    One post idea I had that I’d love to see from you is a round up off your favorite workout clothes. You’ve got the CUTEST outfits for soul cycle and I’m always in search of great workout clothes

  7. I can definitely relate to this – I’ve been feeling so guilty for not publishing posts as much and not working harder, etc etc etc. But I’m having a really good time enjoying the summer weather and spending time with friends, so I know that what I’m doing right now is exactly what I should be doing. I know that as soon as the weather cools down, I’ll stick my butt in a coffee shop for hours at a time and get back to the grind.

    Way to say exactly what I’ve been thinking!

  8. “A season of not digitally enslaving myself” … uhm, yes. Love this notion and the idea of seasons in your life. I miss your blog too, but keeping up with you on snapchat is fun! I feel like a stalker sometimes lol but it’s a great way to help your readers feel a part of your offline life.

    xx Larisa @

  9. OK, Can we just talk about how long I’ve been obsessing over this necklace? I think since your Paris trip? I didn’t almost trip onto my keyboard when I found that I can get it shipped to the US, nope totally dignified.


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  11. Pingback: White wide-leg denim | @halliekwilson

  12. Pingback: Heart Happy: Vol 16 | Pearls & Twirls

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