The Versatile Blogger Award

Wow, I’m so thrilled - my first mini Blogger award! Thank you to fellow blogger Theresa from The Stiletto Diaries, who has recently recognized me with The Versatile Blogger Award.

Accordingly, those who receive the Award are to link the person who awarded it to them, write seven facts about themselves, and award it to seven other bloggers.

Here’s my seven fast facts:

  1. I have lived in three of the US’s greatest cities: LA, NYC and (currently) Chicago.
  2. My weekend drink-of-choice is champagne. Why not?
  3. My favorite make-up products are by Benefit Cosmetics.
  4. I’m planning to run my second half-marathon in August. 
  5. I’m 5’4″ — but really, 5’8″ + on a good (shoe) day. Platform pumps are a petite gal’s best friend.
  6. The last CD that I purchased was Kanye West’s My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.  
  7. My daily summer style consists of cotton dresses, Michael Kors wedges and a cognac (duh) fedora. 

… And here’s seven savvy Bloggers whom I think are deserving of this award. I love the personality-ridden posts of these blogs!

  1. Alyson, The Average Girl’s Guide
  2. Hannah, Endlessly Chic
  3. Anna, Fash Boulevard
  4. Emily, Emilina Sassperina
  5. Kate, The Permanent Tourist
  6. Sharon, Fashion-isha
  7. Jess, GorJess Fashion for Less

Congrats, ladies! Can’t wait to read your fast facts - and thanks again, Theresa! xx


  1. You are so welcome! How luck are you to have lived in those cities! It's funny about what you wrote about being 5'8, depending on the heel. I've said the same thing. Keep up the good work. I LOVE your blog!

  2. Congrats and thanks for your sweet post - fellow VBA'er :) How wicked you have lived in those 3 cities - I visited Chicago last november, spent a fortune on Michigan avenue - fab !!
    Following you - hope you follow me to!! LOVELY:)
    Happy weekend.
    A xx

  3. Congrats girl! You are so awesome! I appreciate the nomination! You are too sweet!

  4. OMG. Thank you so much. you are too sweet. You really made my night. I'm so excited. To only have the blog for 3 weeks now and be noticed is really great. you rock. can't wait to read more post.

    And don't forget to follow on Twitter for all the latest celebrity fashion news, from an LA stylist.

  5. Thank you SO much for the shout!! This is my first honor and it means a lot coming from a fellow Scrippster and Dreamer!!!


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