Birthday Reflections

It’s been a crazy span of a few weeks with all of the traveling I’ve been doing, so I thought I’d switch things up and keep it short-and-sweet for today, since it’s a special one…

Here’s a few things I’ve felt particularly grateful for this past year. If you need me today, I’ll be off drinking champagne and dancing on a table somewhere. Join me?

This year, I…

  • (1) Bought shoes… A lot of shoes.
  • (2) Styled my first-ever fashion show on behalf of Macy’s for Fashion’s Night Out. (3) I traveled often and to a number of different destinations, but most notably, to (4) Fashion Week in New York. Talk about a dream come true! However, my frequent travels have made me subsequently happier (5) to call Chicago home.
  • (6) Worked hard. Really hard. And as a result, I’ve had the good fortune to do some really cool stuff with some really cool people, (7) including a TV segment for ABC, a video shoot for Marshall’s and a nation-wide campaign for Lady Footlocker (thanks, Glam).
  • Above all else, I (8) had a lot of fun with (9) a few good friends.

… Cheers to the next year; here’s hoping it brings half as many blessings. In the meantime, I’m reminded:

{initial images via 1, 2, 3, 4; quote by c.s. wonder}


  1. Hallie you are AMAZING and so inspirational! I love your positivity and I just know each year you are going to accomplish more and more! Happy Birthday to on stylish, genuine, bubbly, fabulous (the list goes on) lady!!

    <3 <3 <3 Amanda

  2. Happy, Happy Birthday!!! We are *almost* birthday buds - mine was yesterday!! ;) I’m so glad I’ve found your blog!! Have a wonderful year!!

    Oh - and I’m hosting my very first giveaway on my blog!! I’d love for you to check it out! :)

    xx, Jordan

  3. Happy birthday, Hallie!! I have so enjoyed reading and seeing your adventures in travels - can’t wait to see what’s in store for you next! Have a fabulous one!
    xo, Megan

  4. Happy birthday! You have certainly accomplished a lot of wonderful things this year, so wishing you much more with the new year! Your website is fab and like someone else said, you’re an inspiration; keep up the great work!

  5. Happy, Happy Birthday! I just stumbled across your blog, and I must tell you I spent about 45 minutes reading it! You have a great voice behind your writing and your style is amazing! Just wanted to compliment you on how much I enjoyed reading :) You definitely have a new fan!

  6. HAAAAAAPY, HAAAAAAPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!! I am so glad that we “met” this year! You are an awesome gal, talented blogger and someone I hope to meet IRL someday! I know there are great things ahead for you. You definitley motivate me to not give up on my dreams and keep working hard on my blog - all good things come in time, right? Anyway, again, Happy Birthday girl! Hope you have a fabulous one! :)

    xoxo, Stephanie :)

  7. Pingback: Stay Glossy During… A Night in Soho |

  8. Pingback: Oh-so-stylish Weekend Look | Sneaker Wedges

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