
There’s a bit of a different dialogue happening here today, but FIRST, let me take a selfie talk about style and such.


Coming off my week-long Chicago bender, I’ve been copping out on the outfit front.

I won’t go into too much detail here, as we’ve talked about my feelings toward all-white ensembles. There’s so easy — especially when paired with a pop of ruby-red. And when have I ever needed an excuse to wear these red shoes?


Back to today’s dialogue: What are you listening to? Yes, you. And at this very moment.

I’ll go: The hum of my broken air conditioner and my elder next-door neighbor working in his at-home meth lab. (I’m, like, 90% sure that’s what it is. I would say I hope he doesn’t have Internet, but his wi-fi password is Bre8kingBad and HEY, dick, it’s not the name of your network you want to be case-sensitive.)


Usually, though, I’m listening to music.

The Sound of Meth situation is only because I just walked in the door from SoulCycle, a cycling class that I love because it mutes my anxious mind with 45-minutes of heart-pounding beats. And the fact that my ears are still ringing. (Though this could also be due to that little music festival bender in Chicago… Any of you a doctor?)


I love music. I love it so much.

In fact, I never ever leave my apartment without access to it. Whether I’m walking, writing, working, cabbing — even sleeping — I’m one of those obnoxious, sorry-can’t-hear-you people who constantly has her over-the-ear noise-canceling bits of heaven/Beats headphones on blast.

Music is actually a very significant cornerstone of my life. I don’t talk about it much on corals + cognacs because I wasn’t sure if you, too, loved music; hence the different dialogue we’re trying today.



A lot of people ask me where I source inspiration for c+c — be it for styling, writing, public speaking, and so on.

The honest answer is that a lot of my inspiration stems from music. Some days it’s a specific artist, beat or lyric, but mainly, it’s the fact that music allows my mind to whiteboard and to wander. Especially when I’m writing.

That said, I realized recently that I don’t often (or ever, really) share with you what I’m listening to. I’m off those noisy meth lab beats, by the way.

At the moment, it’s a mix of these sounds (which are also embedded below). I could go on and on and on about how good each they are, but I won’t. This is a safe place currently reserved for style and satire and laughing at all the weird-ass situations I tend to get myself in….

…And, of course, to stare at porn/shoes like these.


*Wearing: Zara lace top (similar/on sale), Gap jeans, Alice + Olivia pumps (also styled here and here), Ecco tote (also styled here), Beats by Dre studio headphones (I use these for running/at the gym) | *Beauty: NARS matte lip pencil in Dragon Girl, NARS blush in Love Joy, Benefit Gimme Brow

Lydia Hudgens Photography


If you’re still reading, you must be like me: The right soundtrack can just set the tone for your day. Soundcloud is my go-to, and the songs I’ve had on repeat this month are embedded below.

If you’d like me to start sharing more about the music I’m listening to — or anything lifestyle-focused in general — feel free to comment below or tweet me. I’ll find a way to work it into my content based on popular demand (or lack there-of).

In the interim, here’s a few songs to help kick off your weekend.

And don’t worry, I always, always love your comments about my shoes, too. Sound off… (See what I did there?)

Have a great weekend! I’m heading out east with C.Wonder today; you can join me here. x, Hallie


  1. Good Morning Hallie! Your playlist is now officially MY playlist. It’s currently playing as I type. I’ve been listening to the “La la la” on repeat since I heard it for the first time last month. I’m also a music addict and while I can’t rock my headphones like I used to (the BEST creepy subway encounter deterrent EVER), I do get to listen to SIRIUS/XM in the car now. Perhaps a little too much… yesterday my 5 & 3 year old were singing “Turn Down For What.” #goodparenting
    Have a great weekend! XO

    • Stella, thank you so much for your comment! I’m laughing out loud at your #goodparenting reference. HAHA!

      I just discovered Sam Smith this year and I eat up everything that he touches (/sings). That song is all kinds of amazing. Glad you like it, too! Enjoy and have a great weekend. x

    • Also dying at this comment hahah. I have a brother who’s 10 years younger than me…(whoops, mom & dad) and the first song that he learned all of the words to was “Big Pappa”, he was 5 years old at the time hahahah. #greatparenting

      • “Big poppa” is a great jam. U definitely get bonus child rearing points for that one! Well that, and having your local liquor store clerk know your kids by name. Aspire for higher, right? #sorrynotsorry #mommyjuice

        • Jen, your “whoops” comment has me literally LOL’ing… Hahaha! Stella, please let that liquor store reference NOT be hypothetical….

          Haha, you two are killing it. I want and fully intend to be you when I grow up. x

  2. Great shoes! And I actually LOL’d at the line about your meth neighbor’s case-sensitive Wifi name.

    I’m going to the Hamptons with C.Wonder today, too! Look for me? Would love to meet you!

  3. I didn’t realize how deeply we had this in common, Hal! Music has always been a huge huge huge part of my life, ever since my mom made me take up and instrument in childhood to managing my friends’ bands in high school to nearly moving to LA and working in the record industry there (seriously, I was this close to that happening instead of NYC!). Love this post, and I always give whatever you repost on SoundCloud a listen :)

  4. Thanks for sharing your playlist! I’m music obsessed as well, and have been for as long as I can remember. When I was in high school I went through a serious punk rock phase and wore a guitar pic around my neck that I caught at an Allister concert hahaha (thought i was sooo cool). I also decided to wear converse to homecoming. My football player boyfriend at the time was not as amused as I was. Obviously didn’t care what he thought!

    Will be listening to this playlist on repeat, perfect Friday jams.


  5. Currently listening to…my co-worker talking about his move to Hawaii at the end of August and wanting to punch him in the face.

    Currently on my playlist…Iggy Azalea, Chromeo and Ed Sheeran, but I’m definitely gonna give your list a go b/c I love discovering new (to me) artists and songs.

    Thanks for sharing, and have a relaxing weekend, Hallie!

  6. I’m totally that person walking down the street bopping to their headphones not listening to anyone around her. And I’ve got Wagon Wheel stuck in my head so it’s been on repeat all day.

  7. Girrrrrl, just when I thought I couldn’t get enough c + c you brought music into the picture. Let’s jam. Also, supes classy in white today.

  8. Great outfit, great music, great everything! Since our new neighbours moved in last summer, my mom is 99.9% sure they are running a crack house (just because my city’s mayor is a crack head, doesn’t mean everyone is. . .) But 2am garbage bin runs, and a rottweiler as a guard dog? Meh, sounds legit.


  9. Hi Hallie, I really like the lifestyle stuff on your blog :) Also, thanks for sharing your playlist and those red pumps!

  10. I can’t wait to listen to this playlist when I get home tonight! Music is a significant part of my life too and I can’t imagine traveling around NYC without my music.

    I’m always looking for new music to listen to so I’d love it if you shared more playlists like this. Also, loving your all-white outfit with a pop of red!

  11. Pingback: My Marlena | Win an MZW Bag of Your Choice! | corals + cognacs

  12. Pingback: This Week - Hitha On The Go

  13. Pingback: Link Love, Vol. 16 | corals + cognacs

  14. Pingback: Your Soundtrack to Summer | corals + cognacs

  15. Pingback: 20 Fashion Finds for the Fourth of July - corals + cognacs

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