Prabal Pieces | Diet Dr Pepper’s #OneofaKindStyle Sweeps

For today’s post, I’m taking a break from my Fashion Week coverage (there’s a two more to come — I saved the best for last!) to team up with Diet Dr Pepper on what makes my style unique.

Whenever someone asks, “How would you describe your style,” I never know how to respond. Most of the time, my answer isn’t consistent. Truth is, my unique style is constantly evolving and tends to change over time. (I’m excited to see how this takes shape when I move to New York!)

One theme is consistent, though: When the weather dips, my wardrobe tends to go to opposite route. Perhaps it’s an effort to channel clear skies and warmer weather, but when it’s cold, raining or the like, I pack a seriously colorful punch into that day’s ensemble.

*Wearing: Prabal Gurung for Target blouse | Express leggings | Rachel Roy shoes | thrifted clutch

Diet Dr Pepper had me thinking about style and flair in more ways than one — with so many (awesome) fashion blogs out there, what makes corals + cognacs unique? I’d be interested to hear your opinion (e-mail me or leave ‘em in the comments below), but in my opinion, what makes my site its own is that I’m not afraid to share the good, the bad and the fugly with you guys.

Case in point, these photos — Lisa and I had some serious issues with the wind, the temps and a stubborn ass pigeon.

Mother Nature: 3 (incident one and two) | Hallie: 0

Be sure to check back in for more updates (and a chance to win one of 30 prizes) on the Diet Dr Pepper sweeps, kicking off March 4th!


With delicious one of a kind taste and zero calories, Diet Dr Pepper is as unique as you are. We know it’s a long road to get to who we’re meant to be. Along the way, we make choices, we make mistakes, we get up, and we keep going. And like an amazing work of art, we become one of a kind. At Dr Pepper, we celebrate all that makes us an original, from your unique style to adventurous spirit. To check out more one of a kind stories, watch our films at | Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Diet Dr Pepper via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Diet Dr. Pepper.


  1. What I love about your blog is the color & ‘realness’. Some blogs I can’t get a grasp on what the person is really like- you share your personality & that’s why I cyber stalk you (total creeper)! You’re FUN! And you love color!! High five to that!

  2. Haha, I happen to love the pigeon photobomb pic. Your body position and facial expression is great. I want to add a thought bubble to the pigeon. Something about what he’s wearing.

    On another note, I’m glad you broke out the Prabal Gurung from Target. I’ve been waiting anxiously to see how the bloggers are styling these pieces. I bought a few things myself, but they all seem more appropriate for warmer weather, so I’m holding out.

    BTW, I’m a little bummed you are leaving Chicago before we got the chance to meet for longer than 2 seconds. Congrats though!

  3. You’re adorable, and I love the pigeon photo bomb. I think you are different from other fashion bloggers because you are real and genuine. Xoxo you almost New Yorker

  4. The clenched fist comment totally cracked me up! I had that going on in one of this week’s posts, too.

    I think what makes you unique is that you wear what you love. You can tell in every photo that you genuinely like what you have on and feel good in it. Even when you’re freezing.

  5. I think it’s your personality specifically and your humor. I actually didn’t love your blog when I first started reading it(more than a year ago — I only started commenting recently). I didn’t dislike it, but it wasn’t one I loved and needed to check first thing every morning. But I think that was because I didn’t totally understand your humor — with time, I “got to know you” as much as a blog will let me and started to really enjoy it, and now I need to check it every morning. You also probably grew as a blogger in this time to some degree(again, not that you weren’t enjoyable when I first started reading!), but really, the people who’ve had their blogs for years just always appear a little more seamless and settled — creating a slightly more enjoyable read.

    Also, that blouse, LOVE. My Target didn’t have it in my size — going to Minneapolis this weekend to visit my sister, we might have to swing by a Target or two there…

  6. what a funny pigeon! love the half tuck and the outfit itself. great to see a familiar bridge, will be back in chicago soon enough! keep up the great styling

  7. Pingback: Diet Dr Pepper | What Makes Your Style (even more) Unique?

  8. Pingback: Express your unique style everyday | Brick Road Creative Studios

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