An Announcement

I have exciting news to share today, you guys…

new york city skyline


Holy. Shit. I don’t know how I was able to keep such a secret quiet from you for this long (even though I’ve only known for a week), but yes, after nearly six years in Chicago, I’m moving to Manhattan.

And fast… Like, next week. I won’t bore you with logistics — partially because I’m still figuring them out — but in a nutshell, my amazing ‘rents are coming up this weekend to take a few miscellaneous items and my out-of-season shoe collection (yeah, really) back home. I’m sub-letting my apartment furnished, packing two suitcases and hopping on a one-way flight.

new york city dreams, new york city quote

So, there you have it. Exactly one week from today I will be a (slightly homeless) resident of New York City. I am so excited to take this leap of faith in my life and I’m so grateful to have my readers along for the ride. WE’RE GOING TO NEW YORK! Can you believe it?

Stay tuned, you guys (and follow along on Twitter and Instagram, if you’d like) … It’s about to be one wild ride.

Here’s to being single, going broke and chasing your dreams.


    • OMG LOL! You are the sweetest. THANK YOU! I can’t wait - and thankfully I have no time to feel anxious/nervous because this is all happening so fast. Better to rip off the band-aid, right?! NYC OR BUST! x

  1. OMG I’m so pumped for you!!!!! That’s pretty much the exact same way I moved here 7 years ago and I’ve loved every single minute of it. Can’t wait to make plans to catch up! xoxo

  2. That’s super exciting! Can’t wait to follow your journey here. Not sure if you’re serious about the “slightly homeless” bit, or looking for a roommate situation, but I know a few people if you’re interested.

    • Haha, yes, very serious about that bit! I may take you up on that. I was/am planning to figure out my living situation when I get to the city. Lucky for me I have a great group of friends that don’t mind my couch/studio surfing! Thank you, Rebecca!

    • I mean… best compliment ever, Kayla. Seriously — thank you! Of course I will be posting about my New York Moments and (inevitable) apartment hunting nightmares. 🙂 Thank you for following my journey, lady! xoxo

  3. CHEERS to you! Following your dreams are scary, but every risk you take will make you stronger! You should do something every day that scares you a bit 🙂 I cannot wait to see Corals in NYC! p.s. As I write this, I too, next week am moving to Los Angeles! I totally know what you are going through 🙂 BEST OF LUCK!!!

  4. SO exciting!! Can’t say I’m surprised 😉 …but I’m so glad you’ll be more than just a visitor here! Let’s get a drink once you’re settled.

    • So happy to hear that. I am sooo excited/happy/anxious! Next time you’re in NYC we’re making this get-together happen. Still can’t believe how quickly Fashion Week came and went. See you SOON and thank you so much, Alix!

  5. “Here’s to being single, going broke and chasing your dreams.” - love this.

    You know how sad I am that you are leaving, but I am SO proud and excited for you! Already planning my first trip, obvi! XOXO!

  6. Just when I get here and we FINALLY get to meet in person! You will love NYC. Of all the cities I’ve lived in, I love and miss that one the most. Can’t wait to read all about your crazy adventures out there. - Katy

  7. I’m a new reader but many congratulations on your news! I’ve only been in NYC for a little under 2 years, but there really is no other city like it 🙂 Best of luck with your move!

  8. Congratulations Hallie!!! You deserve it and more. Hope you have a safe flight and can’t wait to see your pics of the day from

  9. This is so exciting. I hope big things are in store and I can’t wait to hear more.
    Flying by the seat of your pants will surely be an exciting experience. I’ll be following along.

  10. YEAH, Hallie! This is awesome on so many levels.

    Most of all, I’m excited to see all your new blog posts with backdrops and cityscapes I don’t recognize. (Of course it may be a bit more difficult to get them without people in every shot…) This is gonna be fun for all your readers/followers, too.

    Having all that new energy and inspiration every day is going to make your life unfreakingbelieveable! Congrats, girlfriend. See you online! xo

  11. So sad to see you go after 6 years but I’m so happy for you that you are fulfilling your dreams. Thanks for showing me the ropes in Chicago; it won’t be the same without you!! I can’t wait to come visit you in NYC, maybe even for Fashion Week! Love you!

  12. Wow! Congrats & best wishes! You and my blogger boo Channing (In the City) are gonna set the Big Apple on fire! Continue to be fab and I can’t wait to hear about your fab adventures!

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  14. Hey Love! Congrats on this BIG step! New York City is looking forward to having you !! BTW thanks for the great wedges via Poshmark! Love love love them ! and now I’m addicted to your blog.. lol. Good luck with the move!

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  16. Congratulations girl!!! This is positively huge!
    It seems like you know NYC pretty well, but if you ever need a native NYer’s help/advice (from transportation to renting to shopping to dating), I’m your girl. Hope we can finally meet up for drinks/brunch soon =)

    Hudson East

  17. Best of luck!! Even though I know you don’t need it!! You’ll do awesome! 🙂 Can’t wait to read about your adventures (and get style tips, of course!) -Abby

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