10 Best Quotes from LuckyFABB

At the moment, I’m in LA for Lucky Magazine’s annual LuckyFABB conference.

los angeles hollywood sign

There’s a wealth of insight I’m eager to share (that I think you’ll find interesting regardless of whether or not you’re a blogger), but I’ll summarize my experience in a more bite-size manner given it’s the weekend.

Here’s the 10 best quotes I’ve heard thus far at LuckyFABB:

  1. “It’s more important to have an audience than it is to have followers.” I couldn’t agree more, Chriselle.
  2. Author and NASTYGAL founder Sophia Amoruso speaks like a true #GIRLBOSS. “I’m not sure that I’d give advice to my 20-year-old self, because then it wouldn’t have led me here.” Wisdom! There are no mistakes in life.
  3. Another favorite from Sophia: “Don’t act like you’ve arrived if you’ve only just gotten the invitation.”
  4. Such a simple, necessary reminder from Lucky’s Editor-in-Chief, Eva Chen. “You have to hard-wire yourself to be positive. Choose happiness.” Yes! And no, Eva; we don’t think you look like a 14-year-old boy in your Instagrams.
  5. House of Harlow designer Nicole Richie knows best: “You need to be non-stop working on your craft — live it and breathe it.
  6. “People who talk behind your back will stay there — behind you. Ignore them.” Yup. Haters ‘gon hate, Aimee!
  7. This actually isn’t a quote, but Nicole Richie’s Givenchy blazer really and I mean really spoke to me. As did Karolina Kurkova‘s colorful prints by Preen.
  8. “Your mobile phone is your mobile office.” I felt this was telling of the shift we’re seeing in digital. And if anyone knows it to be true, it’s Conde Nast’s Executive Director of Strategy, Raman.
  9. Having a distinct point of view is the ultimate differentiator.” Well-said, Cassandra. Especially when the Internet makes it so easy to be a carbon-copy.
  10. Hillary is a “stealth shopping” genius, which is a concept we were laughing about during her panel. She’s also quite possibly my soulmate with this: Find a boutique that’s someone’s name — then, when the bills come in, you can tell your husband/boyfriend/sister that it’s your therapist.” I see you, Dr. Shopbop.


More to come next week. In the meantime, you can follow along my updates from LuckyFABB (and LA in general) on Twitter and Instagram. Have a nice weekend!

images creds: 1, 2


  1. Love The 1st one. I have a higher audience than per se “followers” which I know means that I am driving traffic to my blog. I see girls with thousands of “followers” that and low page views, so just because you have “followers” doesn’t mean you have an audience :)

    Oh and the 2nd one! Pretty sure I’m going to write that down and post it in my house somewhere. SO so very true! Enjoy LA & go to Gjelina for me. {The mushroom toast to TO DIE for!} So wish I could have made it to this! Next year :)


  2. Pingback: Weekend Reading: Links I Love | Success on Stilettos

  3. Hi Hallie! Thanks for coming to Lucky Fabb, and i’m so glad that you got some useful tips out of it! Just checked out your blog..the content is amazing and the layout is so clean and beautiful! Keep blogging and never stop dreaming! Lots of love! xoxo Chriselle

  4. Pingback: LuckyFABB 2014 Recap | London, Like the City

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  7. Pingback: Link Love, Vol. 9 | corals + cognacs

  8. Obviously, I’m a little behind on my blog stalking, but #9 is my mantra. While it’s true that it’s better to compete with yourself than against others, it’s also true that in order for a blog to be widely successful, it has to have readers or a large audience, and that audience only has a finite amount of free time. So, I have to find a way to make the audience want, or better yet need, to read my blog rather than the 1,234,567 other blogs out there. It’s exciting and exhausting, and you get it, which is why Corals + Cognacs is one of only a handful of must-reads for me.

  9. Pingback: Old Town - corals + cognacs

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