Link Love, Vol. 9

Well, my intention was to have an outfit post lined up for today, but instead…


… I decided to enjoy the weather and too much white wine.

Just one of those weeks, you know? I’ve been abiding by my mantra lately: Living your life will only inspire your work, right? That is, unless you do it so consistently that you can’t queue up blog posts — haha. As a result, I thought I’d round out the week by sharing a few links I’ve been loving:

image via Paper & Stitch


  1. You & me both on the “living life” thing…blogging went silent for an entire week with 3 half-finished posts sitting around…oops! Cheers to spring, though—I’ll drink plenty of white wine to that!

  2. Love the quotes of 21 successful people! I needed a little pep talk today! As for the white wine… I highly recommend a glass of Cambria Chardonnay. It is my favorite California wine!

What do you think?