Link Love, Vol. 17

Hello and happy Friday, guys! Doesn’t it seem like post-holiday work-weeks are painfully longer than every other week imaginable? Like, infinitely so.


I’m off to San Fran next week (on the coat-tails of a trip to Chicago), so this weekend is all about New World Order in the house of c+c. Meaning, I need to unpack my freakin’ suitcase just so that I can re-pack it.

Back-to-back travel always motivates me to simplify various facets of my life — closet cleansing, kitchen cleaning, make-up tossing… You name it.

I’d cite Feng shui and all that for my behavior, but really, it’s just because I will freak the f-k out coming home to an apartment full o’ clutter. Garbage chutes are fun. Real fun. (Picture Oprah: “YOU get a car! YOU get a car!”)

In the interim — a few links and looks I loved this week:

image via // the general store, an SF shop I hope to visit next week!


  1. So many great links today, Hallie! I especially love your peony candle idea b/c I can’t bring myself to spend money on something that dies. Do the math, people! $10 a week X 52 weeks in a year = $520 or a Mansur Gavriel bucket bag. I’ll take the latter, thank you very much!

  2. I love having fresh cut flowers, but hate spending the money. Luckily, I have a ton of flowers in the backyard (and steal the occasional neighbours) to fill the house!


What do you think?