Link Love, Vol. 43

Well, shit. I’ve sat down to write this week’s “Peaks & Pits,” like, three times now, but I just have too much to share — thanks to you guys. (No, really. You’ll see.)


Here’s what went down:


Do you guys remember that award I was nominated for on behalf of Better Homes & Gardens (Best Fashion Blog of 2015)? Well, I won the Editor’s Pick! Thank you — truly — so much. Your support means everything to me!

Next on the agenda: Starstruck moment! I had the chance to hear Arianna Huffington speak in-person this week, which was awesome. I scored a copy of her new book, Thrive, which I’m going to read (and recap here/on Twitter, if you’d like). Here’s my favorite nugget of wisdom that she shared:

“Live your life like everything is rigged in your favor.
Even the ‘bad’ stuff.”

Yep, so true. SO true! You never know what even worse luck your “bad” luck is saving you from, you know?

Last, but not least — and this might be my favorite highlight from the week — catching up with out-of-town bloggers is one of my favorite things. Despite a jam-packed schedule of sightseeing, Alyson from Crushing on Clothes (along with Aileen and Rose) came to one of my SoulCycle classes. And crushed it, obviously. (My schedule is up and updated regularly; you can see it here!) Afterwards, of course, there was carb-loading. Like ya do.

PIT: Taxes.

Sales and such


Links I Loved

  • OMG. Apparently, Martha Stewart is a beast at roasting — people.
  • Because this one’s worth repeating: 29 Things I Learned in my 20’s.
  • Here’s some great advice from Andrea on finding success on Instagram.
  • Music lovers: I shared my favorite workout songs on the Nourish blog today!
  • Love this: The science of why you should spend your money on experiences, not things.
  • Congrats to my girl Kate on her engagement! This timeline is the reason I’m single. (Kidding, but no really.)
  • Last night, I came across the blog Live Your Vie, a website devoted health, happiness well-being. Needless to say, an hour later I’m finally hitting “Schedule” on this post.


Trending on c+c this week


*Outfit originally posted here


Have a happy weekend! You can find me on…
Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | snapchat (@coralsncognacs)


  1. Thank you so much for including my IG link on your round up, I sincerely appreciate it, and am so excited, since I follow you on IG (I think from my personal account), and love your style! Congrats on your award too!

  2. Congratulations on the award! SO well deserved and I’m really happy for you!

    Isn’t Arianna a great speaker? I saw her when she came to Penn State a few years ago and was so inspired by her. Afterwards I emailed her and she replied back (or someone else more likely) and invited me to write a post for her site. She’s an amazing woman and is so inspirational! Before hearing her talk, I would never have the guts to email anyone even half as important as her, but she emphasized the need to be courageous and put yourself out there. I still use her lessons to this day! I hope you got a lot out of her speech as well!

  3. Dude, you killed it on the podium last night! My hammies were still feeling it this morning. Congrats on being Editor’s pick and hope to see you on a bike real soon :).

  4. What I wouldn’t give to be riding side-bar at one of your classes… EVERY DAY. Also I about died laughing at Martha’s roast. WHO KNEW? Lastly - I think I’m incapable of shopping if it weren’t for you and Jess. I LOVE my Joe’s white jeans. And I hate you a little for bringing these boyfriend jeans into my life. WHICH I JUST ORDERED. Have the best weekend! xx

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