My Argan Oil Beauty Experiment

To kick off this week’s content, I’m sharing a beauty experiment that I’ve been doing for the last few weeks…

nyc $95 million penthouse

Thanks to my job in the fitness industry – coupled with a semi-recent cross-country move – I’ve gotten very good at simplifying my beauty routine. (Plus, who doesn’t love to de-clutter their bathroom cabinet?)

I was cleaning out my bathroom in my New York City apartment a few months ago, and what really astounded me is just how many beauty products I acquired over the span of my time there. Like, hoarder status. Anyone else with me on this?

You’ve undoubtedly read about oil-based beauty products in the last year (anyone else try oil pulling — once?), but there’s one in particular that’s proven to be a stand-out skin-saver among bloggers & beauty gurus alike: Argan oil.

Argan oil (often referred to as “liquid gold”) has become this beauty cure-all, as it’s this multi-tasking miracle that claims to combine the benefits of a moisturizer, softener, brightener and more – all-in-one. And you can use it on your hair, nails, body – anywhere, really.

… Say what, now? A single, simple magic ingredient that benefits practically any part of the body you put it on? Sounds too good to be true, so I decided to take one for the team and put the declaration to the test.


Of course, in my exploration of the product (slash before I lather it all over my face), I did some research up-front: 100% pure Argan oil is loaded with Vitamin E and essential fatty acids, so it has healing properties and conditioning benefits that improve your skin’s brightness, tone, texture, and elasticity. It’s extracted from the nut of the Argan tree, which can only be found in the Moroccan desert.

And with that, I was convinced. Bring on the two-week beauty experiment.


On, a more specific, product-focused note:

The oil I’ve been using – called Physicians Formula® Argan Wear™ Ultra-Nourishing Argan Oil –is a new, affordable Argan oil option available in drugstores, like Ulta, Wal-mart or Target. (Yaaaas!)

It retails for under $15 (it’s $13, here) — and the best part, in my opinion, is that there’s nothing in the bottle but 100% pure Argan oil in the bottle. No fillers, no fragrances, no preservatives. Nada. (Again, yaaas!)


Here’s how I’ve been using it over the past few weeks — and what results I’ve seen:

… As a facial moisturizer.

So, I’ve used Argan oil both during the day and at night, and I’ve found that I like it much better as a night treatment. After cleansing, I rub three small drops between my fingertips and onto my skin while it’s still a bit damp. The next morning’s result is dewy and moisturized-looking – and you really don’t even need an additional moisturizer. (I still use an anti-aging night cream, though.)

Over time, Argan oil is said to reduce the appearance of fine lines; most immediately, though, I can say it definitely brightens dull skin, giving you that younger-, youthful-looking glow without leaving a greasy feel or finish. (I have oily skin, too, so this was a concern of mine!)

I’ll probably start to use the product during the daytime come winter when my skin is on the drier side in an attempt to give it that lit-from-within glow.

… On my lips.

Why not, right? This actually worked really well to smooth and hydrate my lips after I’d applied a quick, exfoliating lip scrub. (Again, applied at night.) It’ll be a perfect, quick fix for chapped lips as the temps continue to cool.

… As an overnight treatment on my feet.

This is gross, but let’s be real: Feet need some TLC. I spend much of my day exercising, walking and on my feet in general, so I’m always looking for a solution to naturally moisturize dry, cracked heels. (During boot season/in the winter especially — I know you know this struggle.) Twice a week, I’ve been applying two or three drops of the oil on each heel and sleeping in fuzzy socks – and waking up with softer feet in the AM.

… As a cuticle oil.

Massaging a few drops of the Argan oil onto your cuticles softens the area and encourages nail growth, but the biggest benefit for time-starved me is that it seems to stretch my manicure a few extra days (three and counting – so far)!


… As a body lotion.

Not as an actual body lotion, but when applied in the shower on damp skin – the water helps to stretch it a bit. Also worth noting: I’ve read (/researched) that Argan oil helps diminish stretch marks on pregnant bellies, too.

… As a lotion booster.

While it work as a lotion (as mentioned above), I think it work must better as a lotion booster. Simply add a drop or two to your favorite body moisturizer (or facial moisturizer in place of using it like a serum, as mentinoed above). It’ll give it a nice “glowy” boost.

… For everyday hair styling.

Here’s where I pumped the breaks. For everyday styling, this one wasn’t for me. While the Argan oil did make my hair decidedly shiner, the end result was kinda piece-y – and not in a great way. I have fine hair, so my locks looked weighed down more than anything else.

If you have hair that’s thicker or coarser, though, this may work better for you. If you want to try it as a styling product, use two drops, rub your hands together and run your fingers through your hair to create shine and tame frizz. Stay away from your roots!

I haven’t had a chance yet, but I’m going to try Argan oil as a nightly conditioning/hair treatment this week.


In sum, here’s what I’ve found:

The product (Physicians Formula® Argan Wear™ Ultra-Nourishing Argan Oil) has done exactly what I’d hoped: Quenched my “blah” looking and simplified my beauty routine with some awesome, youthful, non-greasy benefits. It’s light, hydrating, all-natural and absorbs easily (anywhere on your body, as we’ve discussed) without feeling oily or looking slippery. It smells good, too — and as mentioned, there’s no added fragrance or fillers.

Another observation: I’ve been using the 1 oz. bottle for just over two weeks, and it’s apparent that a little bit goes a long way – which makes this head-to-toe beauty elixir a pretty cost-effective purchase. (It’s much more affordable than others that you’ll find on the market). If you’re looking to give your skin a “drink,” your lotion a boost, or your hair is on the dry side, I’d highly suggest picking up the product to do a little experimenting of your own. Perfect timing and all, with winter around the corner. (Ugh!)

In full disclosure, of course (as always): While Physicians Formula® initially reached out and asked if I’d like to try their product, I’m genuinely glad I did. I’ve been really happy with the all-over results I’ve been getting from consistent use of the product, so I’ll definitely be picking up another bottle on my next Target run.

What questions can I answer about Argan oil? Or have you used it in any other ways?


Thanks to Physicians Formula® for partnering on this post.

[top image via]


  1. I love argan oil! I was on the macadamia train for a little while but it just wasn’t doing what I wanted so I switched back. My favorite (this is slightly embarrassing, haha) is OGX’s argan creme shampoo and conditioner.

    I have coarse, thick, and wavy hair so I can always use a hydration boost. I’ll definitely be picking up this oil to try for my skin during the winter season (thanks, Michigan).

  2. Argan Oil is the best! I’ve been using it on my face, along with my moisturizer, for the past few months and the results are awesome! My face tends to dry out even with moisturizer, but just a few drops of this really makes a huge difference. I also love hair products with Argan Oil!


  3. I totally know what you mean with acquiring so many products over the years-it’s quite shocking actually. (…when you are sitting there, going through everything, and realize you are surrounded haha.) I will have to try Argan oil this winter. I just moved to Colorado from Texas, so I’m thinking I will definitely need something for the drier weather here. Thanks for the insight!


  4. Perfect timing on this post! I got an email that my birchbox points were expiring soon, so I used them on some Argan Oil. I tend to have dry, sensitive skin, so hopefully this will be good for it!

  5. First of all, I love your blog and have been following it for some time! Secondly, I love argan oil, and I know you were asked to do this review for this particular brand BUT on amazon you can get a 4 oz. bottle of 100% pure certified organic argan oil for only $16.95 from Insta Natural. I got a free bottle form them to review early last year and I’m STILL NOT DONE WITH THE BOTTLE. Lol I use it for everything! I just wanted to share a little tip.


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  10. Sorry, I’m just now seeing that you replied! I use it on my face sometimes but mostly in my hair. With the skin, a little definitely goes a long way! But my hair is another story lol

  11. I just picked up a bottle of this and cant wait to see how it works for me. I just finished up a bottle of the Josie Maran Milk intensive hydrating serum, I was not impressed. I saw no change in my skin really. But, I am excited to see what this versatile bottle of argan oil can do. I’m a Colorado native and yes, it’s pretty dry here. Look forward to some results!

What do you think?