It’s Not Goodbye

Good morning, my friends. An update on the personal front that I’ve been holding off on sharing publicly for some time…


I’m moving.

Away from New York.

… In three weeks!

manhattan t-shirt

I know. You’re like… Wait, what? Really? Why?

There have been so many changes happening in my life over the last six months (how is it June?) and I’m still in a bit of shock, but I’m so HAPPY to be able to share the news with all of you… at last. FINALLY!

I have been quietly putting these plans into place for some time now, but I wasn’t able to share them until paperwork was signed, leases were broken, new apartments were found and whatnot. Formalities, you know?

But alas, away I go. And here’s why…




In a nutshell, I’m moving back to Chicago with SoulCycle to open (/teach at) the brand’s second studio. In the LOOP, baby! (On Wacker between LaSalle and Clark.) I can’t even BEGIN to explain my excitement and gratitude for this opportunity.


Despite my adventurous spirit, SoulCycle is home. It just really, truly is.

If you don’t believe me when I write shit like this, I really encourage you to come take a class if/when you can. (And for those of you who are still wondering “What the hell is SoulCycle?” don’t worry; I’m almost finished with a post on this — but here’s the back-story on my journey, if you haven’t yet read it.)


You know the story of how I found Soul and let it change my life — but what I haven’t really talked about is how it’s helped me come to terms with the notion that “home” isn’t actually a geographical concept to me anymore.

So, I’m going, going, back back to CHI-TOWN, CHI-TOWN. Can’t wait to ride with you guys!



Man, I’m excited. And honestly, I hesitate to tell you that I’m moving “back” to Chicago — because I’m not reverting “back” to anything. Like, at all. Location-wise, sure (I lived there for six years after I graduated), but when you have a renewed sense of passion, fulfillment and purpose, it makes everything feel new, exciting and fresh.

After all, your perspective is reality, right?

goose island Chicago, summertime chi



Now, this is the hard part. The conflicted nostalgia (where that writer’s block crept in).

New York City has been the backdrop for oh so many snapshots of my mid- to late-twenties — and that encompasses the good, the bad, and the very hungover.

I have a lot of thoughts on both loving and leaving New York — and at the moment, it seems impossible to put into writing how I feel about the unpredictable, exhilarating, heartbreaking nature of a city that’s truly shaped me over the past few years.

So, I ultimately decided that that’s a post for another day — closer to the move date (you know I love an excuse to write about my love affair with this city).

In all honesty, though, here’s the thing: I’m ready. I’m ready to leave New York.


I’m surprised that I feel that way, too, as I used to think this city would never ever have an expiration date for me.

It does — for now, at least.

More than two years ago, I moved to New York with less than two weeks’ notice and the passion of something newly discovered. I remember feeling an utter certainty that this was the only place on earth where I needed to be in order discover exactly who I was… And I did. New York has 100% made me into who I am.

I love this city. But she’s like that lover hurts you over and over, yet you forgive and forget time-and-time again…


That isn’t to say I am disappointed I moved here in the first place — quite the opposite, actually! And I’d do it all over again, too.

Here, I’ve worked amazing jobs, met some unbelievable people (you know who you are and I can’t wait for you to visit!), and created more memories than I could have ever even imagined. I’ve tasted success, I’ve felt (a lot of) failure and I’ve learned to live on a dime.

New York City exposed my creative soul, unleashed a more adventurous spirit and — quite frankly, brought out just a hint of masochism. (Where else does one willingly forfeit their work/life balance, credit score and a rent-stabilized living space?) It unearthed my passions, led me to a stronger purpose, and gave me a platform to leverage in sharing my voice. And damn — for that, I’m really grateful.


Later this month, we’ll talk about the behind-the-scenes from the last two years.

For now, though, today’s post is simply this: I’m ready to move on. I yearn for what’s next.

I am mentally checked out of New York — which (I didn’t realize at the time, but) I think was partially evident when I chose not to attend Fashion Week back in February. Remember that?




So one day a few months ago, SoulCycle presented the opportunity.

They asked the question… And of course, my answer was yes. A resounding FUCK YES!


Life is chaotic and unexpected, but that’s the way it’s always going to be. And it’s important to follow your heart.

You can’t just sit around and wait for things to fall into place, because that’s what happens when you actually put one foot in front of the other.

As I’ve learned from leaving Chicago and quitting my full-time job, it will never be exactly the right moment (to do anything). Never. But, you know what? You’ve just got to trust the timing of your OWN life.


Now, the first question everyone asks me after I tell them I’m moving is: “How’s Jess handling this?”

Seriously. Like, everyone. (Jess of Bows & Sequins is my BFF and partner-in-crime.) I’ll let her answer that question, though, as she’s sharing an update on her end today as well… Read her story here!

nyc blogger collaboration

So, three weeks left in my beloved New York.

It’s pretty crazy to think about how much has changed since I started writing corals + cognacs nearly five years ago. I know that some of you have been here since the humble beginning — which, not so ironically, began in Chicago.

It always comes full-circle, doesn’t it?


Chicago, I’m coming home.


To be continued…


  1. Yay congrats! Starting a new SoulCycle in Chicago sounds like such an amazing opportunity. I’m making a big move in the next few weeks too! It’s all happening…


  2. Congrats!!! I can totally see now how this was hard to write. A lot of feelings you’re probably still processing. That’s a huge deal! But it sounds great for you! I’m a big believer that life isn’t meant to be lived in one place. Also, I was one of those people in my head thinking WHAT ABOUT JESSICA?! I found your blog because of hers actually 😉

    Good luck! x. Morgan /

  3. Good for you, Hallie! You have such an admirable outlook on life and everyone should learn something from how you chase after your dreams and make things happen. So glad you and Jess will be in Chicago together and can’t wait to see where things take you! Good luck and enjoy the last three weeks 🙂 xoxo

  4. Congratulations! This sounds like a really exciting opportunity for you! Looking forward to reading about your Chicago adventures 🙂

  5. Good, we could use some good trendsetting bloggers here with a fresh new ‘tude Your dollar goes a long way here vs NYC for sure. I will miss your trials and tribulations in NYC as my 24 yr old daughter moved their after college. I always got a taste of what her life must be like. The other gal sounds very bitter. She needs the afternoon Cubs game and dance all night at Sluggers treatment.

  6. Yaaaaaas! There are so many awesome blogger babes here now and we are adding two more! See you in SoulCycle, Hallie! Happy you’re coming back!

  7. Congratulations!! This sounds like such a wonderful opportunity and I’m excited to hear more as you continue on your journey. I also just realized that there’s a SoulCycle close to my office in Florida! I can’t wait to give it a try!

  8. Hallie! This is so exciting. The fierce and brave decisions you make for yourself are inspiring. I’ve found myself in a rut recently and pulling up your blog to check out the adventures and how you always follow your feeling pushes me. I’m so excited for you, Chicago is one of my favorite cities so I will have to stop by Soul next time I’m there!


  9. Super excited for you, Hallie! Congratulations on the big move! I’m also excited because Chicago is so much closer to me and we’re there pretty often so hopefully I’ll get to see you soon! xo Nina

  10. I didn’t start reading your blog until the end of 2014 so I was vaguely aware that you had lived in Chicago before (so do I). I have never done SoulCycle or any spinning - I’m a runner and aerialist - but I’ve been wanting to try SoulCycle and now I think I am fully convinced to try and take one of your classes! Welcome back to the Windy City and this new chapter in your life. 🙂

    • Looking forward to meeting you! Chicago’s lake-front running path is one of my favorite things about the city. You too? And I’ll be in need of an aerial yoga studio, so would love any recommendations you have, too. x

  11. Beyond excited for you to take on this next chapter with the same passion, intent and humor I’ve been lucky to witness with you here in NYC! You will be so truly missed my friend but I can’t wait to follow along on your life in my ol’ stomping grounds and of course, visit soon!

  12. OMG so excited!! Sometimes, sometimes the Great Lakes states just can’t be beat. Maybe I’ll have to hop on a train from MI to come take a class with you 😉

  13. CONGRATS, HALLIE! Chicago can’t wait to have you back! I’ll try to garner up the courage to give Soul Cycle a try. 😉

  14. This post is so bittersweet for me. I am a big believer in forward motion, but I’m also not ready to let you go. So happy we had the chance to celebrate the other evening….you are such an inspiration….and a beast on the dance floor. xx

  15. Well I thought you were taking a break from blogging, and I was going to be sad. (Saw the preview on SnapChat). Congrats on your new endeavor. It sounds exciting to start anew. I’ll be glad to hear of a new city. I love your photos and blog so much. 🙂

  16. Where do I begin??? I am a new follower of your blog, but I truly adore it. I love your enthusiasm, honesty, colorful language… I especially love your adventurous spirit. You have inspired me in many ways, but, probably the most important (to me) was a renewed interest in a blog that I started many years ago but had abandoned. I dug it out of the internet dungeon, dusted it off & stared @ it for a few weeks, then typed something. OMGosh, such slow going, but, yay, me, I’ve created 3 new posts in the past month & a half, LOL. Thank you. It so happens I will be in Chicago for the first time EVER in a few weeks - your recent post about visiting there was of particular interest & I have been planning my wardrobe ever since. I wish I could meet you there but I will be leaving as you are arriving. I would definitely seek you out just to shake your hand & say thanks in person - AND, I would take a SoulCycle class! Thanks for sharing your journey with us - I cannot wait to read what happens next. ALL the BEST!!!

  17. Congrats, Hallie!! I’m going to have to drive down from Madison for a Soul Cycle ride! Also, are you listening to “Homecoming” by Kanye on repeat? That’s what I would be doing. 🙂 Congratulations!!

    • Literally, yes. Haha! And “I’m coming home” by PDiddy (#TBT) has been one we’ve been playing in class, too.

      And yes, please do drive down to take class — make a day of it! Chicago is wonderful in the summertime, which I’m sure you know.

      Thanks for reading! x

  18. Congratulations! Such exciting news and a wonderful opportunity. I’m not sure why but j even shed a tear or two for you on the nostalgia of looking back at your two years of New York and how much it’s made you who you are. I look forward to reading more about your new adventure and wish you all the best.


  19. Congratulations Hallie! I am so excited for you!! I’ve been pursuing my dream in a city for 7 years now. I too love this city and the people, but it is time for me to take the person I have become and all the lessons I’ve learned along the way to a new city and on to a new adventure. Sound familiar? 😉 I’m moving in August! I love how open and excited you are about the next chapter in your life. I’ve been following you for almost a year now and love that you seem so, so happy and passionate about your new direction! I was planning on taking a SoulCycle class with you when I visit NY in July, but I guess I’ll have to visit Chicago now-I’ve never been! I cannot wait to follow along as you embark on your next new adventures. All the best!!

  20. Congrats on the big move! I’ve been reading your blog off and on for awhile now, and just started to read it on the daily since your foray as a SoulCycle instructor at the beginning of this year. I absolutely love your lifestyle posts, your more thought provoking posts, posts about life and posts about SoulCycle (and I’m eagerly awaiting your weight loss journey post!) I am so excited to see where this move takes you and how you will reflect that on this blog. Good luck!!!

    - Kelsey

  21. Congratulations on your move and this next chapter of your life! Selfishly I am soooo excited because 2 of my favorite bloggers are moving to my hometown! Just read Jessica’s post too, this is like Christmas morning! Chicago is such a great city, you will have a blast (again!)

  22. Not to creep you out, but I FULLY intend on stalking you in your new Soul Cycle class in Chicago. I am so excited to finally meet you/ride with you! Congrats on the move. xoxo Samhita

  23. How exciting! I had a feeling when you went to Chicago the other week because I know Soul Cycle is rapidly expanding and sending employees everywhere to open new locations (I’ve had a friend go to Boston and one to Miami). But that is so exciting that Jess will be going too! I’m ready for a move but the thought of leaving friends is extremely tough! Good luck with it!


  24. Congrats girl! Do you guys have Kanye’s ‘Homecoming’ running through your mind nonstop?! Haha that’s the first thing that came to my mind! Excited to have you back in Chicago-good luck with the move and hope to run into you soon!

  25. This is such exciting news, Hallie! I’m so happy you’ll be just a hop and skip over the river at the SoulCycle Studio there (I’m at State and Wacker basically). Your stories continue to inspire me daily and I can’t thank you enough for always sharing them with your readers!

    Good luck and enjoy the rest of your time in New York! Chicago can’t wait to have you!

  26. No joke as I was reading this, my initial thought was how much rose will Jess and Hallie need at their goodbye party? So glad you’re able to go on the journey with your bff by your side! This was an awesome post, and I cannot wait to hear about what is in store for you in this next chapter. This post was so well-written, you go girl!

  27. Hallie, I am so excited for you!! I was so bummed that I couldn’t come to your Soul class when you were here visiting, but I had an inkling that you would be back :). You initially inspired me to check out a class and I cannot wait to tap it back with you!!

  28. This is my second time reading this and I have tears in my eyes-why I don’t know but you’re such an inspiration and I’m so happy for you! I’m so happy you’ve been so fearless and just take life by the balls! I cannot wait to follow your journey to Chicago and see what’s next! 🙂

  29. Congratulations!!! So happy for you and Jess- I know this move will be great for both of you! I had a feeling for a while that this post was coming. I hope that you’ll be happier in Chicago and enjoy your amazing opportunity with Soul Cycle!!

  30. Loved reading this, Hallie! I’ve been following your blog for a while now and made a similar transition myself last year when I moved back to Chicago from a year in Washington, D.C. It’s a great city to come back to, especially in the summer 🙂 I honestly teared up out of happiness when I landed back at O’Hare.

    Might finally be the motivation I need to try out my first Soul Cycle class, too. Hope to see you around!

  31. Congrats on the big decision!! Glad to hear you’ll have Jess with you for the transition.

    I think this means I’m probably out of excuses to not try SoulCycle now. Here’s to seeing you in class one day soon!

  32. Congrats! I’ve been reading your blog since a little before your move to NYC and while I love the fashion, the witty banter is whats kept me coming back. As a Chi-town native and workout enthusiast I can guarentee I’ll be seeing you in a soulcycle studio soon!

  33. Congrats on your new opportunity girl! You seem so happy. I know you do love NYC (I mean….how could one not?!), but, I can’t say I’m too surprised you’re heading back to Chicago; you did seem to slightly hint at it in some of your past posts. Again, congrats, I know you’ll be awesome! 🙂

  34. Hallie!

    Congrats! I am a Chicago native living in LA and I found myself getting a little jealous that you get to move back. You really don’t realize what you have until its gone!

    I hope to catch you at a SoulCycle class when I visit! Good luck with everything!!

  35. I’m super sad you’re leaving the NYC, I’ve always loved seeing and reading about the city through your eyes and you’re one of the very few blogs that do it so well. BUT congratulations on your fantastic new opportunity! I’m dying to try out Soul (alas I live far to far away from the London classes and there’s no branch in my city at the moment *sad times*) and following your journey taking on and embracing Sou has been really inspiring to watch.
    Can’t wait to see what’s in store for you in Chi-town - totally another place I need to tick off the bucket list at some point!!

  36. I knew when I saw your insta yesterday this had to be what you were hinting at, but now that it’s real I couldn’t have more conflicted feelings. I’m so excited for you and your new journey (and I can’t wait to read all about it), but at the same time you have always been the best at laughing off the hard moments in the city (and there are a lot of those). This city will be missing you and I’ll definitely miss your relatable 3rd ave snapchats (those creepy psychics) and running into you at random events.

    Cheers to your next chapter Hallie!


  37. Congrats, Hallie! Finding your purpose and having the courage to really live it is a gift not only to yourself but to the world.

    And since I’ve left Chicago, I’m not-so-secretly happy that you’ll be back there sharing more shots of life in the Windy City on your blog. I’m sure there are a ton of friends who are elated you’ll be back and up to hijinx in no time. 😉 Hooray for you and enjoy your last few weeks in New York!

  38. First of CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! This is big milestone. I have a huge crush on the city of Chicago and am excited for all your pics and posts from the Chi.

    Second. I was jealous that you’ve had all these life changing moments in a short period of time but then I re-read “You’ve just got to trust the timing of your OWN life.” #inspiring (that should be an Instagram Quote).

    Third. It’s amazing to watch you grow through this blog.

  39. Ahhh, huge congrats Hallie! It’s been such a pleasure reading your blog (it just keeps getting better and better honestly) and the few times we’ve crossed paths I’ve been completely struck by your warm nature and inviting attitude. I have no doubt this next step for you is an exciting one and I can’t wait to follow along!

  40. Congrats on your news!! Sounds like an awesome opportunity for you, and I hope I’ll get to take your SoulCycle class when I’m in Chicago for the marathon in October!!

  41. Pingback: Friday Things

  42. Pingback: Weekly Roundup - wit & whimsy

  43. Hi Hallie,
    I’ve come across your blog before (through Bows & Seq) but I have to be honest, I wasn’t following it regularly. Until recently. Through your this latest post (excited for your new found passion and life decision) I was linked to some other ones, your most personal ones, and I really enjoyed reading them. More than the fashion posts (sorry)! You’ve got to be one of the very, very few bloggers out there who keep it real and tell it how it is. It is something I have been searching for, for awhile and wasn’t able to find from other bloggers. Here on your site, I found the answers to many questions that I had asked other bloggers, but were never addressed by them - which is kind of discouraging. They include topics like blogging advice, blog-life balance, professional-blogging etc. I appreciate your honesty and I enjoy reading your posts - they’re filled with honesty, inspiration, positivity AND so much TRUTH. I wish people would write more like you. I can relate to you on so many levels. Blogging is not about just posting some pretty pictures…they’re so much more that comes with it, the good and the bad. And for that, I wanted to thank you! Keep up the good work 🙂

  44. I’m probs not your target reader given that I’m almost 40, live in the suburbs and have three kids, but I’ve followed your blog for so long because I love your voice, your humor and your style! (And the fact that you always look so cute in your Nike’s). So now I’m happy that you’ll be back and I can get away with inviting you to events because you’ll be local. Congrats on coming back to Chicago, I will defs try and take one of your classes soon!

  45. Pingback: Link Love, Vol. 51 - corals + cognacs

  46. So happy to hear you’re headed back here to Chicago. The city has really been embracing SoulCycle so much and it’s exciting to have you back in the city on this journey. Congrats and I’m looking forward to hearing more as the journey unfolds! XO


  47. Pingback: Glam Round Up # |

  48. Pingback: Weekend Reading. - The Stripe

  49. I’m so excited to hear this! I literally just moved from NYC to Chicago last week and am feeling emotional during the transition, but so excited to be here. I can’t wait to take your class at new SC spot!

  50. Phew! When I saw that title on snapchat, I thought it was the end and got so sad!!

    I just wrote a post on that funny feeling of change. Change is always hard but necessary. It’s what keeps life moving and interesting. There’s this quote that I think might resonate with you as you count down your final days as a New Yorker. It says, “You get a strange feeling when you leave a place. Like you’ll not only miss the people you love, but you’ll miss the person you are at this time and place because you’ll never be this way again.” Here’s to loving who you are but realizing there’s always room for growth. xo

    • Amen, sister. Those periods of transition are really scary/weird, but that’s where growth comes from. Just read your post! I love that quote, too — thank you for sharing both!

  51. OMG! WOOO for the Midwest! Next time we come to Chicago for a long weekend I am definitely going to look into taking a class! 🙂

  52. Pingback: Weekly Sundown Rundown - Randi with an "i"

  53. Pingback: West Village Walks - corals + cognacs

  54. Pingback: This Week

  55. Pingback: Blush-colored blazer | @halliekwilson

  56. I work in the Loop and all of us are really excited for the new Soul Cycle around the corner. Can’t wait, and congrats!

  57. GIRL! CONGRATS! And also, please have a sale of all your home decor or wardrobe items that you won’t be needing when you move and please sell everything to meeeeee!! You have the best taste! lol.

    So excited for you and this amazing new journey. Following your blog is really freaking awesome, and seeing you go from full time 9-5 to blogger to trainer in such a short period of time has been great to follow. Thanks for being open and letting us along for the ride!

    xx Larisa@

  58. After a month of traveling through Europe, I’m finally caught up on all things in the blog-o-sphere and I just wanted to say congrats and good luck on your big life change! You’re one of the realest and most inspiring people on the internet, so I am obviously (and selfishly) excited that you’re coming back to the Windy City. You’re adventures in New York have been amazing to follow. I can only imagine how much fun it will be to read about your new life in Chicago.

    I have walked past the new SoulCycle in the Loop about 100 times in the handful of days I’ve been back. Since I’m at a career crossroads of my own, I keep toying with the idea of applying for the front desk position. Knowing you’ll be around might be the kick in the butt I need. Regardless, I’ll certainly sign up to ride with you and keep an eye out for you on the mean streets of Chicago.

    All the best to you Hallie! You deserve it!

  59. Pingback: Summer Stripes - corals + cognacs

  60. Pingback: Link Love, Vol. 53 - corals + cognacs

  61. Pingback: A festive outfit for the Fourth | @halliekwilson

  62. Pingback: Perfect outfit for chilly summer days | @halliekwilson

  63. Pingback: What I'm Into Volume 43 - A Pop of Pink

  64. Pingback: Weekend Round-Up | bows & sequins

  65. Pingback: Review: Physicians Formula Argan Oil (You Need This!)

  66. Pingback: Link Love, Vol.70 - corals + cognacs

  67. Pingback: The Vault, Vol. 2: Most Popular Posts of 2015 - corals + cognacs

  68. Pingback: One Year Anniversary - corals + cognacs

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