Link Love, Vol. 76

Happy Friday, my friends. What’s on your agenda this weekend? My ‘rents are in town this weekend, so I’m looking forward to spending some time with them.


Peaks & Pits

Peak: I had a really awesome meeting with the Nike team in Chicago on Monday (I wore my favorite Air Max sneakers, natch).. It’s been a long-time dream of mine to become more closely affiliated with the brand — I’ll share details with you very soon!

Pit: I subbed some very early classes over the last few days (5:45 a.m., which we call “rooster rides” at SoulCycle), and I haven’t had much luck sleeping this week. I’m beat, to say the least!

More coffee, for me — and here are this week’s links:

Sales & Such


Links I Loved

Trending on c+c this week


Have a happy weekend! You can find me on…
Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | snapchat (@coralsncognacs)


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