Link Love, Vol. 88

Happy Friday, my friends! Let’s get to this week’s links and the like…


Peaks & Pits

Peak: Snagged a four-day ticket to Lollapolooza this week, wahoo! Music festival season is my JAM. No pun intended.

Pit: I have been working non-stop this week… Taxes, e-mails, packing, packing, repeat. (I’m moving next Wednesday, GAH!) Not that weekday working is a bad or unexpected thing, but I get major cabin fever living my life in a triangle -meaning: SoulCyle, work, home. You know?

Here’s looking forward to a weekend of beer with friends and ample amounts of college basketball.

How was your week?

Sales & Such

*Shop this week’s links:



Links I Loved

Ask me anything (newish!)

“I love your blog - but I stopped receiving it for a while - why was that? Do you get dropped off for not commenting?”- Christie, via comments

Ugh. No, that’s not it — unfortunately, my host server (the place on the Internet where my website essentially lives) was hacked/crashed earlier this year, and when my Host provider ( switched me to a new platform, I lost all of my subscribers as a result.

You can re-opt in to receiving e-mails in the right-hand column of my site, shown below. Sorry for the inconvenience!

subscribe to corals and cognacs

Trending on c+c this week



Have a happy weekend! You can find me on…
Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | snapchat (@coralsncognacs)


  1. I loved Anna’s post and while I agree that the Internet is over saturated with blogs/media sites, I love that there’s not only one thing for everyone, but choices!

What do you think?