Cool Sh*t to Share, Vol. 9

Happy Friday, guys!


Peaks & Pits

Pit: Man, I’m beat. I can’t decide if it’s felt like a long week or a super-short week… Have you been on-the-go non-stop this week, too?

Peak: Jess returned from Amsterdam. I feel like she’s been traveling for weeks — so nice to have my partner in crime back-in-action.


Here are this week’s links:

  • Fellow blog babes, read this article on “How to Not Pitch a Fashion Editor.” I swear I was nodding, thinking “yep, yep, yep” after every single point. Too real!
  • My friend Katie shared a good, quick read on how to create a floral arrangement.



Have a happy weekend! You can find me on…
Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Snapchat (@coralsncognacs)


  1. I am OBSESSED with the tony canal cottage. You can follow her on instagram too at whitneyleighmorris. I die for her aesthetic and skills of making a space that tiny work.
    Also that Buzzfeed article, hysterical. Almost laughed out loud at work.

  2. I can honestly say from last Friday through Today has seriously been the best week in a really long time and I haven’t smiled this much in god knows how long.

    That Tony Canal Cottage is unreal. Thank you for sharing. Going to follow her now for everything!

    Haha that Buzzfeed article.

    Have a great weekend Hallie!

  3. Happyt friday too, Hallie, Pleasure to meet you.

    Seems like you are enjoying the day wearing gorgeous dress. You are looking so cute in all black view really 🙂 Your black bag is looking more beautiful due to matching with your nice black outfit. The photos of you are captured very well and looking quite pretty. Your shoes is well suiting on you too. Now a days, women love to watch such new trendy look which you have wore here.

    Love these links and enjoyed lot reading some of interesting article. Thanks for the posting. It’s not enough, I come back soon so keep sharing such interesting post. Be continue..

    Have a great day.
    - Ravi.

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