
THE CONTRIBUTOR >> Hello, bonjour, ciao! I'm Hallie (hal-lee). Thanks for stopping by! Here's a bit about me.
  • My style is... Constantly evolving.
  • My fashion philosopy is... Be confident and comfortable.  
  • When shopping, I... Choose quality over quantity and invest in key pieces. Those items will add an exclamation point to any outfit you're wearing.
  • What you'll find here... Chronicling my fashion fixation by discussing trends, sharing shopportunities and blogging self-styled outfits. 

THE IDEA >> corals + cognacs. By traditional standards, they clash. When done just right, they pop.
THE IDEAL >> Fashion (and writing) is about bold customization and tailoring your wardrobe (or blog) to fit your personality. 

corals + cognacs is a fashion and lifestyle forum that aims to achieve a balance similar to that of the color conjoint done right: Combining style and character while exuding a humorous penchant for designers, duds and diction... decidedly. 

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