Me & Public Speaking

Some things in life are better in moderation… Like me and public speaking.


I’m candid. Really candid. I’m a woman with too many thoughts and questions and things to say.

I always wonder if people realize what they’re getting into when they ask me to speak openly at their panels and conferences. Like, LOL! They trust me? Do they read the weird shit I write and project onto the Internet?

Okay, then. It’s cool if I say exactly what’s on my mind and make no apologies for potential discomfort, right?

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Pier 62

You ever have one of those days where you just. do. not. want. to. do. anything?


Totally, right? That was me last night — despite a slew of after-work events I’d over-ambitiously committed to. Some days (most days), the only thing I want to RSVP to after a long day at work is my ass on the couch with $25 worth of delivery.

But, about last night — obviously, I rallied:

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