An Announcement

in miscellaneous, new york minutes

I have exciting news to share today, you guys…

new york city skyline


Holy. Shit. I don’t know how I was able to keep such a secret quiet from you for this long (even though I’ve only known for a week), but yes, after nearly six years in Chicago, I’m moving to Manhattan.

And fast… Like, next week. I won’t bore you with logistics — partially because I’m still figuring them out — but in a nutshell, my amazing ‘rents are coming up this weekend to take a few miscellaneous items and my out-of-season shoe collection (yeah, really) back home. I’m sub-letting my apartment furnished, packing two suitcases and hopping on a one-way flight.

new york city dreams, new york city quote

So, there you have it. Exactly one week from today I will be a (slightly homeless) resident of New York City. I am so excited to take this leap of faith in my life and I’m so grateful to have my readers along for the ride. WE’RE GOING TO NEW YORK! Can you believe it?

Stay tuned, you guys (and follow along on Twitter and Instagram, if you’d like) … It’s about to be one wild ride.

Here’s to being single, going broke and chasing your dreams.

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