That’s Not My Name

Story time.


I like to party. I just do. You know? Especially in the company of good people, and I’ve been lucky to find a lot of them in New York City.

On one particular night when Jess and I had a few cocktails, we got to chatting and the conversation turned to blogging, as it often does. Ten minutes later (which is really, like, 10 seconds in martini time) we were really adamant about changing the name of corals + cognacs.

Dead-set, actually.

The inspiration? Not many people can pronounce (or spell) my name. Like, almost no one. Haley, Hailey, Holly… You name it. [For the record, it’s Hallie — pronounced Hal-ly. Like Halle Berry. A phrase I may or may not feel the need to shout over loud music in crowded bars. And thanks, lovely reader, if that’s what you’ve been thinkin’ in your head all along!]


At any rate, back to that one night: We stumbled along in our stilettos to the first bar we could find with wifi to both research and purchase the domain name we’d so brilliantly concepted: “That’s Not My Name.”

So incredibly brilliant, right? Wrong… So wrong.

Thankfully, the domain wasn’t available. Which is not shocking.

I’m not sure where the unwavering idea came from, but boy, were we certain that a handful of vodka sodas had rightfully changed the course of any and all success of c+c.

For the time being, I wouldn’t change my brand. Or I’d certainly ask you guys first-and-foremost. “corals + cognacs” is very significant to me for reasons I can’t quite articulate, but that’s not the point of today’s post…


As they say, living your life will only inspire your work.

I don’t think this is an instance that “they” were referring to, but it’s kinda relevant. Right?

As of lately, there’s been a few exciting opportunities in my life that have resulted in a bit of writer’s block. And by writer’s block, I mean I (crazy fun) late nights and (rather awful) subsequent hangovers.

My friend and fellow blogger Hilary Rushford taught me the notion of creating seasons for our lives (at last year’s Pepperologie): Some seasons, you may be passionately enthralled in your work, blogging or hobby. In another, your priorities shift to places and people — saying yes, going out more, et cetera.

This type of mindset has taught me to listen to my gut and alleviate the stress of constantly feeling overwhelmed by the expectations I project onto myself — like putting up a blog post five times per week, answering every. single. e-mail. in my inbox, or feeling guilted into happy hour requests. You’re nodding, aren’t you? Do you think the notion of seasons is relevant to your lifestyle?

For now, I’m in a season of living. A season of not digitally enslaving myself. Of making good memories, not good choices. But, don’t worry, I’m gonna blog about it… Some of it. The PG-13 stuff.

That said, how ’bout a mimosa?

*Wearing: rag & bone top, Gap skinny jeans (really want this distressed boyfriend pair), BCBG pumps, 3.1 Phillip Lim medium Pashli satchel, thrifted Chanel necklace

Photos taken by Jessica Sturdy

PS… My Starbucks name is Helen.



  1. haha well I’m happy you didn’t change the name, as I love it. I like the idea of splitting your life into seasons. Although I’m not quite sure on what season I am right now lol, but I think we can all share that feeling of being overwhelmed but hey that’s life I guess. You look great love the white jeans :)

    • I feel you, lady! Sometimes it’s an in-between-season type of situation. Or maybe one of self-reflection and channeling focus. I wouldn’t feel the need to define it *too* much — it just kinda happens and one day you realize that’s the “season,” you’re in… If that makes sense. x

  2. I think you’re absolutely right and I love Hilary’s idea of seasons. Things happen in life that take up our attention and then things happen that should take up our attention. We can’t feel guilty if we give more attention or less attention to certain things because moderation is key, sometimes you’ve got to put more time and effort into something else in order to stay happy. And you can throw down a little non-PG13 stuff and no one would complain!

  3. Love the idea of seasons! Speaking of, when is spring gonna arrive?! PS I totally sympathize with the name mispronunciation thing - ugh!

  4. I was one of those people nodding reading about the seasons! It’s so true and I love the idea behind it. It definitely makes you feel less guilty when you’re not as passionate about something 100% of the time. Also, I love the head-to-toe black and white on you!

  5. I just freaking love you. period.

    This post resonates with me so well because everyone thinks my name is Lucy.. which is understandable.. I mean it is called lovelucygirl.. but that’s my dog’s name.. haha. I’m not sure that anyone would understand why I named my blog after my dog but I get it and it’s cute and catchy, right? Okay.. we’ll just go with that.
    Anyway.. it’s SO awkward when I get “Hi Lucy,” emails.. I mean I DO have an about me section..

    Please keep us updated on your crazy fun life - LOVE reading about it and you look fab as always! HUGS!


  6. I’m so surprise people don’t say your name right - I had been reading it in my head properly and it seems so obvious! Bonus points for me! People mess up my name all the time too (it’s Annick). I’ve heard Anneek, Ahhhnick, Monique, Annette, Ainnick, Annika,… and just no, it’s Ah! Nick! I can’t really blame anyone though, it is French. So I hear ya on this one!

    I’m loving this black and white look - simplicity at its best! <3

    Bold Subtlety

  7. Thank you for writing this!!! The pressure I put on myself to be connected is the worst part- because it takes away from enjoying the real life things to do. I like this approach.

  8. Girl (or Halley, Holly, Hale….) your stories are awesome! I hear ya though on the living life part and making memories. Actually LIVING my life and being “digitally ensalved” or pressured is something I constantly struggle with. I mean, I love both aspects or “seasons” as you put it, but eventually something’s got to give and you’ve got to find the right balance. Well, kudos to you chica! :)

  9. Pingback: friday favorites | Comfortably Chic

  10. Great story and I love the idea of ‘seasons’ of our lives - so true! A mimosa sounds fabulous right about now..

    p.s. my Starbucks name is “Lola” because it sounds sexier than Kristi

  11. Pingback: Seasons - Channing in the City

  12. Pingback: Link Love, Vol. 9 | corals + cognacs

  13. Pingback: Packing Under Pressure | corals + cognacs

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