Let’s Chat: An Update

Today’s post is a bit different than what you might be used to around here, but let’s chat for a sec.


Yes, you and me. And no, you’re not in trouble. (Don’t you always assume you’re getting fired when your boss asks to talk? Me too.)


Blogging is weird. Like, really fucking weird.

As a blogger, in many ways, you are your blog and vice-a-versa. To illustrate: People often refer to me as “corals” in-person (and come to think of it, that should totally be my Starbucks name). I never mind — because if you’re doing it right, your personality is your product.

As as a blogger, I pour as much of my best self as possible into my site and @handles. And as a result, it can be discouraging and downright hard to admit that life is not, in fact, one big highlight reel. I’ve always prided corals + cognacs on being a blog known for its authenticity and relate-ability, so I’m going to be totally honest with you here…


Like, an “I’m just going to take off my make-up, close my computer, and sit here with a glass bottle of wine” type of minute. You know what I mean? I need. A. Minute.

I am, by nature, a very happy person. I don’t allow myself to be outwardly negative — especially on the blog. But wow, girl — that Universe really knows how to serve up a shit sandwich.

Life is not perfect. It never will be (where’s the fun in that?), but the peaks and valleys are what make it so valuable.

Unfortunately,as a blogger, going through any sort of “valley” or period of personal distress makes it very hard for me to write. Or do much of anything else blog-related, in all honesty. Content has been light around here this week – and I do apologize for that — but you guys deserve more than half-assed articles that are published for the sake of putting out posts, so that’s why.

But hardship can be very motivating.

I have always been a believer that every single experience carries meaning – and sometimes the best (or the only) thing you can do is find it. You likely won’t get the answer you’re looking for right then-and-there, but the mindset will open you up for the guidance and direction that’ll ultimately take you where you’re meant to go.

… Don’t worry, I’m getting the point.

So on a similar note: I’ve been sitting on today’s blog post for a while – mainly because I couldn’t figure out how to write it with context. But since I’m going through a little period of self-reflection, I figured there was no time like the present.

Today, instead of opening yet another draft only and staring emptily at the blank document, I thought I’d flip the conversation back to you.



I’ve been blogging for three years and some change. (Please do not take that as an incentive to start trolling my archives. Yikes!) Not so recently, I’ve started to think about the bigger picture of my entire online persona. These thoughts include: What’s next for corals? What’s the purpose? Why are you, the reader, even here? (Not you, Mom – thanks for visiting and clicking on all of my links like I’ve taught you to. Love you!)

A lot has changed in those three’ish years, but for me, blogging has always been a platform for conversation. A two-way street, a method of sharing inspiration and – most importantly – a way to establish a genuine relationship with you, the reader. Consistencies aside, sometimes it’s just good to…

COME UP FOR AIR. (In both life and in blogging.)

In a lot of ways, the blogosphere has evolved into an industry that’s driven by Internet fame and c/o, c/o, c/o. This shift – as well as my aspirations for c+c – have prompted me to sit and REALLY think: How does the reader feel when she visits my blog? Am I making a difference? Or am I just hitting “publish” a few times each week because that’s I’m expected to do?

nyc-blogger-styleoutfit details

So, just as a restaurant asks you to fill out their feedback card, I’m turning to you guys with a series of questions. How can I make my blog better? What do you like? What do you hate?

Most of the public comments I receive on my posts are from other bloggers – which is great, but we tend to be supportive of one another to a fault. Meaning that we often only tell each other what we want to hear – versus what we might need to.

So, with that – tell me. Tell me what you want. Whether you’re a newbie (hi!) or you’ve been with me for the long-haul (much love!), I’d love for you to take this two-minute survey and help shape the direction of corals + cognacs. I’m hoping that this will be a way to hear feedback, comments and criticisms from ALL of you.


I’m not saying that a lot will change. I’m not saying it won’t either. That’s up to you, really. What I am saying is that I’m committed to you and to making c+c a more enjoyable, useful and frequent online destination for life, style and laughter.

For now, let’s you and I go back to basics and work together to cultivate our future together (wink). And please – be honest! Give it to me straight.

I’ll take a few weeks to assess your (anonymous) feedback in order to (1) develop a big-picture direction, (2) create content that really resonates and (3) put even more intention behind every single post. But don’t worry, my regular posting schedule and satire-laced sentiment will continue on in the interim. And yes, of course, there are Fashion Week recaps coming up in a few weeks …


Man, that feels good. Thank you for letting me clear the air — and even if you don’t want to take the survey, I appreciate you reading.

Lastly, you should know: This survey was inspired by you. Your tweets, comments and e-mails motivate me to create the most compelling, interesting content as possible; I just want to continue doing so.

And since we’re on the topic of adding value, let me bring today’s post full-circle: We all have our own dreams, details and distractions to deal with. Smile and know that yours are working out the way they’re intended to. Someday, everything will make perfect sense. For now, there’s wine.

prada-sunglassesoutfit details

And if all else fails: Big sunglasses, extra-strength Visine in your purse and waterproof mascara on your lashes, my friends. You just never know. x


Click to take c+c’s anonymous reader feedback survey

Click to read more from corals + cognacs:


  1. Bravo. I’m still fairly newish, but I keep coming back because I can hear your voice speaking to me and I like it. Taking the survey now and hoping you find some clarity in what we all have to say!

  2. I have been feeling this EXACT way and also grappling with how I feel about NYC overall and what my experience here has meant / will mean in the future so I’ve been trying to put down the emotions in the hopes of seeing if people can help provide some guidance and perhaps even some inspiration but each time I sit down to write, I stall out 100%. Thanks for this post and honesty girl. Cannot wait to see you tonight!

  3. I was just going to write “Hallie, YOU GET ME…” but Jess hit the nail on the head with “I can hear your voice speaking to me and I like it.” So, DITTO.

  4. Yes. This. Exactly. Are you a mind reader? I have been feeling this exact same way and in fact, I did take a minute (more like a week) off from my blog recently. I kind of want to go away to some remote cabin in the mountains and get away from everything for just a bit.

    Thanks for always keeping it real and I’m off to take your survey now!

  5. Well, I’ve been reading and following for over a year now Hallie, (aka Corals, if that’s what you like haha) and have never commented, but I felt compelled to comment today (and yes, don’t worry I will take your survey next!). I have to say that out of my many daily blog reads, I appreciate your authenticity and sarcasm. I don’t have a blog, and as a fellow Midwesterner (oh hey Chicago gal!), I feel a kinship to your voice on the blog. Please remember to keep that no matter what this survey tells you! I’m in a professional “valley” now and I completely understand this whole post. Thanks again for just being you and keep it up!

  6. Hallie, your blog has long been one of my favorites since I first discovered it through Jess’s over two years ago! I remember doing a tad bit of archive surfing back then (I used to read pages and pages of blogs at a time when I first discovered them!) and, sure, design and photography have changed and grown and gotten better—both for you and the web in general—but your voice has always been consistent and I’d be a loyal reader even if I didn’t know how awesome you are in person, too. Sending positive vibes your way for this this valley you’re in. And what you said resonates, because I feel that way a lot too—I hate posting just to post but often find I’m lacking the energy/motivation/inspiration to get my thoughts on a page. I’ve started writing at night, outside of blogging, just to get my thoughts down, sometimes it’s only a paragraph sometimes it’s two pages, but I feel like it’s helping. Regardless, I’m looking forward to seeing you grow even more!

  7. Thank you for being your no-nonsense, honest self…and I’m not just saying that! When things change, one of the most important things to do is to stay true to yourself, and I’m so glad your authenticity (and wit!) have stuck around as thing shift in the blogosphere. Wherever you take c+c, I know it will be fabulous (and there will be wine).

    Much love,

  8. I very much appreciate your honesty! I hope everything is ok, and I can totally relate to sitting back and wondering where to take things with your blog - I’ve been feeling a similar way lately. I’m happy to fill out your survey!

  9. this is probably the most raw and open blog post I’ve ever read and i loved every minute of it. This is absolutely phenomenal!
    PS: I can totally relate to the wine moment, yesterday i bought two bottles. When you need a moment, you JUST need a moment!


  10. I never ever comment, anywhere. For some reason this made me want to comment.
    Im a 24 yr. old reader from and living in Colombia (the country!) and I get your voice, I relate to it. This really doesn’t happen to me with many bloggers. I think you have a great gift, in that you are able to communicate with a wide range of modern women, from many diverse backgrounds, through writing - not many people are able to do that!
    If its through your blog or anywhere else, I def think you have a real gift!

  11. First and foremost, I hope this “valley” in your life is short-lived and that soon you’re souring again. As c+c’s self-proclaimed #2 fan (It sounds like your mom takes the top spot.), let me know if there’s anything I can do, aside from filling out the survey which is next on my ‘to do’ list.

    Second, thank you, sweet baby Jesus, for saying what I’ve thought so many times. “Blogging is weird. Like, really fucking weird.” Most days, I just don’t get it, but I’ll spare you my frustrations b/c this post isn’t about me. It’s about you, and I think you’re freaking fabulous.

  12. I don’t think you realize how inspirational you are. It seems like you always have the perfect post, just what I need to hear right when I need to hear it. I hope you continue to blog about everything you’re passionate about and stay true to yourself. Love your voice and style.


    • Aw thanks, Katherine. That’s so sweet of you to say! I think we all very much are the same people/we go through similar things at the same time. Kinda cool to know that you have a community of people to relate to, isn’t it?

      Appreciate your sweet comment. Hope your weekend is a great one!

  13. Love your honesty here. I’ve definitely noticed that blogging has changed a ton since I started reading them in 2009, a bit for the better and a bit for the worse. It’s tough to be an online persona, so kudos to you for putting yourself out there! Off to take the survey!

  14. Oops, just filled out your survey but totally forgot to mention that your outfit blooper posts are EVERYTHING. So hilarious, so honest, and so not anything that anyone has done before in the fashion blogging world (at least as far as I can tell). I should’ve mentioned that I LOVE them for how funny and creative they are! Keep up the great work.

  15. Just filled out your survey and I would love to say in person (if that’s possible because we live too far away from each other): your blog rocks! It’s my very first visit here and I think you’re doing great so far!! There’s so much honesty in this post, I love it! It inspired me to do the same thing. Hope to be as funny as you in my own blog. 🙂
    Big hugs and keep up the great work!

  16. Pingback: Link Love, Vol. 22 | corals + cognacs

  17. Pingback: w&w weekly roundup | WIT & whimsy

  18. Like everyone else already said here- you’re just real. Honest, funny, a great story teller and TRUE. You talk to us like you’re TALKING to US. Just some girlfriends sharing some wine and chatting. I think everyone feels a connection with you. If you need a minute- take a minute. We won’t be selfish. We get that you have a life and a job- and frankly, for me, that’s what makes me feel connected to you even more. It makes you relateable. Keep doing what you’re doing. We’ll be here. And just like the best girlfriends- we’ll be here with a cocktail, snacks and some crap movie waiting for you. xoxo

  19. Hope everything’s ok lady! It’s also difficult when your job and blog are so similar (as both of ours are) to separate the two and figure out which direction to take your blog in. I feel ya! But like Ashley said in her tweet yesterday, I don’t read your blog for the fashion…most fashion blogs other than yours and Grace’s bore me - I read it for the Hallie 🙂

  20. Pingback: Weekend Notes: 08.23.14 | Skirt The Rules | Life & Style in NYC

  21. Hallie, you never fail us. Whenever I need a good laugh, I scroll through your homepage and catch up on the latest update in your life. I’m sure you hear this all the time, but you’re an amazing writer. You have a strong voice and most women our age can relate to what you have to say on most subjects. Keep up the good work!

    Can’t wait to hear about your Starbucks stories as Coral. An Instagram photo is a must!

  22. Pingback: District Sparkle:10 THINGS - District Sparkle

  23. Absolutely adore reading your blog for your ready wit and humor! Because pictures don’t do all the talking and each of us can take ourselves a little less seriously! I’m inspired by your writing as I write my blog, and I can’t wait for the post-survey extra goodness! 🙂

  24. Pingback: Weekend Update (+ a NYFW giveaway) | corals + cognacs

  25. Pingback: Fashion Week Facts + My Advice | corals + cognacs

  26. Pingback: Lou What Wear | Style Spotting in Louisville

  27. And THIS is why I keep coming back. I know I’m a bit late reading this one, but you basically say everything I think in my brain. I haven’t been blogging for nearly as long, but even so I can feel the same way. Keep it up girl. I know even greater things are to come for you 🙂 & know that when I make my way back to the city I’ll be tweeting you for a cocktail get together. I’d love to say hi in person!

  28. Girl, I only follow three bloggers regularly and you are one of them. I never forget to check your blog because the content and the sass is always right on par with what I feel like reading. Thank you for always being hilarious and well dressed. I will take the survey for sure 🙂

    • Ooooops just realized it’s over lol! It’s all good - my comments would have all been “gahhh I love your blog!!!” anyway lol!

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  30. Pingback: Link Love, Vol. 30 - corals + cognacs

  31. Pingback: Link Love, Vol. 35 - corals + cognacs

  32. Pingback: My SoulCycle Journey | @coralsncognacs

  33. Pingback: Advice on Working Smarter, Not Harder | @coralsncognacs

  34. Pingback: thursday thoughts. | j'adore couture

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