Barefoot | Ko Phi Phi, Thailand

Three day weekend ahead and we’re halfway there, guys.

ko phi phi don thailand

To help pass the time (or to simply induce some major wanderlust vibes), I thought today was as good of a day as any to share another batch of photos from my trip to Thailand this year.

To bring you up-to-speed, here’s where we last left off — it’s one of my favorite days thus far!


After spending time in Japan, Hong Kong and a few beaches in Thailand, my friends and I were spending a week living on a catamaran — rough life, I know.

For the final leg of our boat trip (before docking in Phuket, which I’ll get to/share photos from next week), we stopped to check out Ko Phi Phi Don. The Phi Phi islands are grouped near the coast of Krabi, and the only way to get there is by boat. Think no cars, beach bars, wild dogs, lots of locals and rarely any need to wear shoes. We truly felt like castaways wandering Gilligan’s Island.

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Note the spelling of the word “cheep.”

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No shoes, no… pants, (no shampoo, no make-up), no problems.


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… Now, herein lies one of my favorite stories of the trip:

Before we went ashore, our Captain, Brian, (you met him in this post) warned us that we needed to be back to the Dingy (a small motorboat that we took ashore rather than swimming) before 6 p.m., which is when the tide started receding.

Yep! Sure thing, Brian. That means, like, 6:20, right? On a New Yorker’s agenda, anyhow…

Of course, as you can see from the photos above, we had other priorities — like getting an extra few minutes tacked onto that Thai massage, spooning mouthfuls of fresh coconut and drinking lots of local beer. By the time we got back to the Dingy, sure enough…



The poor guys in our group had to carry us to deeper waters — which took around 45 minutes. And they were definitely not sober, which made for many hilarious stumbles. Our boat was anchored about half of a mile away, too, which was a bit too far to swim (especially with booze in our stomachs).

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Sorry, Brian! Next time we’ll take you seriously… But FIRST, lemme take a selfie (TRAIN).

selfie trainko-phi-phi_21sunset in thailand

*Click below for more on my travels in Japan, Hong Kong and Thailand:
Tokyo | Kyoto | Hong Kong | Thailand

Photos via Hallie Wilson


  1. Hahah, that’s awesome about the dingy. My best friend just did a week long sailing cruise down off the Virgin Islands and I have no idea how people do that. Granted, I can’t swim so that’s part of my problem, but I just couldn’t imagine spending that much time on a boat!

    • You can run marathons but you can’t swim? I don’t believe it. Sailing cruise is next on my list — get me outta this concrete jungle (only so I can return to appreciate it ten-fold. : )

  2. Hahaha, so funny what happened with the dingy. Looks like you had such a fun time! The pics are all beautiful…so jealous!

  3. These pics are awesome, and I love when misadventures turn in to memorable stories. Speaking of, today’s post on FY! is about my hubby getting hammered and voming (Is that even a word?) in the streets of Paris. If you’re up for a laugh, check it out 🙂

      • Very exciting! October will be here before you know it. When it gets a little closer, let me know if you want any recs. At the very least, I’ll fill you in on which “must see” sites kind of suck and which “must visit” stores are no longer open.

  4. Your trip sounds amazing! What a great idea to rent a catamaran. I never would have thought of it. Thanks for sharing photos.

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