
As a busy New Yorker and practicing work/life/blog balancer, I frequently find myself daydreaming about a weekend away from the city’s ever-hectic pace.

Thankfully, as I alluded in yesterday’s post, this is a reality that’s fast approaching.

travel quotes

I’m (we’re) going to Thailand! … And Hong Kong. And Japan!

pictures of tokyo, islands in thailand


For the upcoming holiday season, a few friends and I are traveling halfway around the world to spend two three weeks in southeast Asia. (We keep extending our trip, ha.)

Our first stop is Japan, where we’ll spend a few days exploring Tokyo and Kyoto. Then, we’re flying to Hong Kong — a city whose skyline more than rivals that of Manhattan. Many, many Instagrams will be had.

Next, we’re off to Thailand, where we’ll spend the bulk of our trip: Ringing in the New Year on a beach in Ko Sumai, exploring Phuket, Chiang Mai and Bangkok, and — most excitingly — chartering a catamaran to island-hop across Krabi and Ko Phi Phi, among others. (Don’t worry, it’ll be winter in Japan, so I’ll be suffering in my cold-weather wardrobe just like you… For some of the time, at least.)

During my time abroad — and leading up to then — I will, of course, share stories of wanderlust and photos from the outfits stuffed into my inevitably over-the-weight-limit suitcase. They’ll be similar in nature to my Fashion Week recaps, so I hope you’re excited to experience southeast Asia right along with me.

If you’ve been to Japan, Hong Kong or Thailand and have recommendations for what to see and where to go, I’d love for you to leave them in the comments below.

Three weeks of wandering like a tourist and partying like a local. Is it December yet?

Top photo, Hallie Wilson; others via 1 / 2 / 3 /4 /6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10


  1. You are going to love Thailand and you are going to all the best spots! Ko Phi Phi is the most beautiful island I’ve ever been to. One of the best trips of my life. So jealous but in a good way! Bring big suitcases 🙂

      • Hi! Delayed but here is a snap shot of our trip: http://101thingsilove.blogspot.com/search/label/Thailand
        Hard to sum up such an amazing experience!

        Email me if you want hotel and resto info. Attractions…happy to share! I loved every hotel we stayed in; esp Ko Phi Phi!

  2. STOP IT RIGHT NOW. I’m so freakin’ jealous of you–three weeks?! You lucky lady! I can’t wait to keep up via your blog/Instagram/Twitter/any other way I can stalk you.

  3. OMG I’m SO jealous! I studied abroad in HK and traveled in Japan and Thailand while I was there. It was the most amazing experience EVER! However…. keep in mind the crazy temperature difference you’ll experience in all three countries in December. I went from warmish (60-70) in HK to tropical in Thailand to snowing in parts of Japan all within two weeks.

    Rebecca {at} Preppy Panache

  4. No way! This trip sounds absolutely amaaaaazing! I’ve spent quite a bit of time in Europe but have always wanted to travel to Asia! Can’t wait to love vicariously through you in December 🙂


  5. Ahhh so exciting!! I’ll obviously be stalking you and all of your forms of social media (no different than usual) to try to experience this trip of a lifetime! You guys are going to have a blast!! But for reals though, what the heck will I do for TWENTY FOUR DAYS?

  6. Ah! Hong Kong was one of the greatest cities i’ve ever visited. you MUST go to the Peak, but go on a weekday not a weekend (trust me, tourists, not fun). Eat at a restaurant called Jimmy’s (it’s famous for this clay chicken experience), go out in Lang Kwai Fong (It’s the CRAZIEST collection of bars you’ve ever seen. Be sure to explore the little alley ways, you’ll find the best bars and clubs). Finally, use the subway system as much as you can. It’s an awesome experience and the efficiency is really impressive.

    Have the most amazing time!

  7. You are going to have an amazing time!! I’ve been to Japan/HK/Bangkok, but I am dyinggg to go to the beaches! I cant wait to see your posts and Instagrams (and outfits of course!).

  8. Oh my goodness how exciting! Sounds like it will be a blast! I have never traveled there, but am getting more and more interested in visiting Japan! Can’t wait to read your posts during your travels!

    Bold Subtlety

  9. WOW! Sounds like a fabulous trip. I have never been to that area, but I am sure you will have an amazing time!


  10. Hallie that is so exciting!! While in Hong Kong make sure you shop & eat in Tsim Sha Tsui, Causeway Bay, and Soho. It’s literally a non-stop shopping trip once you arrive so have tons of fun shopping! Also if you are not shopped out and want to play tourist make sure you visit the Big Buddha and the Chi Lin Nunnery. Hong Kong is my second home bc of work so I know you will totally love it 🙂

    • You were on my list to e-mail, girl. Thank you for beating me to it! These suggestions are fantastic - really appreciate it! Hope all is going great with you in Chicago (it seems as such). x

  11. ugh, love/hate you girl!! so freaking jealous. that’s going to be such an insanely amazing trip and hope you get to unplug for a while. I’d love to be somewhere and have no one contact me for a few weeks. 🙂 Might freak out at first but those views will be so worth it. Can’t wait to experience it through your photos, and ps: adore this collage! xx

  12. Ah! I’m so jealous! My family did pretty much your Thailand trip for winter break my senior year of high school! We went to Bangkok, Chaing Mai and Koh Samui!! I absolutely loved it!! In Chaing Mai we did zip lining through the jungle and we went to an elephant reserve and were trainers for the day! I highly recommend both of those! They were so fun!

    Have fun on the rest of your trip! It sounds amazing!

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  14. You will love HK. Though I must warn you the prices at stores are higher than US for the same stuff. Like Reva flats were $350 instead of $235. Not to be a downer. Just something to consider. The markets however are awesome. And you can get a legit massage for $40. Also super random but my best friend lives in the building next to the ICC which you posted! Can’t wait to follow your travels!

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  18. I can’t believe I just saw this post that you are going to Asia!! I’ll actually be in Tokyo in January too, I cannot wait!!

    A few places you should visit:
    Tokyo - I had the best french toast of my life at the Grand Hyatt… no kidding. You have to check it out. Also, my BF’s favorite restaurant in the whole world is in Tokyo - it’s called Champion BBQ (it’s a Korean BBQ resto… in Tokyo… again, not kidding lol) and the cuts of meat were amazing! He also likes the crazy intestines and heart and weirdo stuff like that but that’s not my cup of tea. I didn’t get a chance to go to one of the tea gardens but hopefully I’ll be able to when I go this time! Oh and find a store called Diana… there’s one in Harajuku and I think a couple other locations but they are made-in-Japan, real-leather and amazing quality shoes and bags. I got a pair of nude cap toes and by far best investment ever (and by investment, I mean $100 bucks… yeah such great prices!) And you’ll be astounded by the customer service in Tokyo. It’s amazeballs… you will never experience anything like it!

    By the way - the weather transition from Tokyo to Hong Kong will basically give you whiplash… I went from 32 degrees and snowing in Tokyo to 75 degrees in Hong Kong… and I definitely didn’t pack light enough! It was hot, super hot. But at night it gets super chilly so bring a layer or two.

    Hong Kong - definitely go up to Victoria Peak to see the amazing view of the HK skyline. However, do not go up by bus… I almost sh*t my pants… the scariest ride of my life! The tram is the way to do it. Go for high tea somewhere, we did the Mandarin Oriental but I’m sure there are plenty of options. Are you going to have time to go to Macau? It’s about a 2 hour ferry ride from HK - it’s still a province of China but you’ll have to go through immigration and all that back and forth. It’s basically the Vegas of Asia but we went for a show and it was awesome - not sure if it’s still running but it was called The House of Dancing Water.

    I can’t remember everything else we did but you will have an amazing time and I cannot wait to see pictures during/when you return!! Be safe!


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