Resolution Ready

All right, Monday. Who’s ready to do the damn thing?


My favorite aspect of a New Year is the seemingly magical, refreshing sense of renewal that it ignites…

But let’s face it, even the most well-intentioned New Year’s resolutions get played out quickly. (Guilty!)

The first full week back at work, especially, is all about re-energizing and refocusing.

On my end, the year is all about simplifying. Everything from my diet to friendships and relationships all the way down to — yes — my shoe collection. (Believe it or not, I donated more than 30 pairs over the weekend!)

baublebar-necklace Personally, I don’t usually make big, sweeping resolutions each year — it just sets me up for failure. For example: The minute my body hears the word “diet?” GET THE DOOR — I need pizza. Deep dish. Extra cheese.


I think of my New Year’s resolutions more like mental shifts than essential improvements. So, instead of zeroing in on a handful of things that need “fixing,” I just try to maintain a more intentional, mindful perspective of self-awareness. (In other words, I do whatever the hell is going to make me happy in that moment — but not selfishly so, you know what I mean?)

That’s the idea, at least. Resolve less, do more. Also, is anyone else craving pizza?


Most immediately, I’m kicking off 2015 by resolving to ‘stop’ doing things — like doubting, waiting and comparing. Or feeling obligated and saying ‘yes’ to things I don’t actually want to do.

I also do this thing where I apply meaning to other people’s actions, so I’m going to stop doing that, too. (Anyone else the type of person who assumes someone is *always* mad at them?) Bye Felicia.


Anyway, we’ve got five full inbox-heavy days ahead of us, so let’s try not to burn out right away.

The best way to avoid this, I think, is to take things in strides — little sprints, not a full-blown marathon. (Metaphorically speaking, they say that interval training is the most effective way to see change, right?)


Bring it, 2015. Here’s to resolving less and doing more. To diving fully into something that you truly love.

Now, Monday. Let’s get on with it. Better make it a Venti!


*In this post:

Striped sweater: c/o Vineyard Vines (on sale, similar here)
Plaid blouse: Equipment (more styles here, love this version)
Statement necklace: BaubleBar gum drop strand
Skinny jeans: c/o Old Navy (on sale)
Booties: Vince Camuto via Zappos (on sale here and here)
Bracelets: Loren Hope small ‘Sarra’ cuff and ‘Mirabel’ cuff
Lipstick: NARS matte lip pencil in ‘Never Say Never’
Nail polish: Essie ‘Tomboy No More’

*Click to shop: Equipment blouses | Loren Hope jewelry | Old Navy denim
click to shop (below):


Lydia Hudgens Photography


  1. To simplify life in general sounds like a great tip. To let go of stuff/emotions/restrictions can definitely add more value to life than adding some more clutter and more rules and to-do´s. On the same boat!

    I love your style and outfit above - if you would´ve posted this before it would have been my choice for January´s SBQL (Song, Book, Quote, Look) last week and not cute cashmere sweater of yours that I chose instead! :)

    Happy New Year! xo

  2. Doing more is something I can get behind! And the fact that you love deep dish cheese pizza as much as I do tells me we would get along juuuuust fine in the real world 😉 I’m off to swan dive into my next big adventure!

  3. 2014 was the shittiest, shit, shit, shit year there ever was. I was so thankful to have people like Jessica (26 and Not Counting) to remind me that there were better days ahead. I got rid of some much stuff in my life which eliminated a lot of stress and I want to continue to do that going forward this year.

  4. I’ve been working on simplifying every aspect of my life as well! And you know what? It’s SUCH a good feeling when things are less complicated and the energy I give to something/someone is returned. Go get ’em, Hallie! xx

    • Couldn’t agree more. Once you start clearing your life of mental, physical and emotional clutter (/thebullshit - wink), it’s amazing how much simpler and pure your life seems to be. Cheers, Maria - happy New Year! x

  5. Fabulous post! Love the idea of simplifying. I am going for that too. And that sweater is fantastic!


  6. I’m always putting words and thoughts in people’s heads—always assuming they’re mad or immediately thinking I know what they’re thinking. I definitely need to stop and I’m glad I’m not the only one! I loved this post, you’re awesome so keep being fabulous!

    Happy New Year!


  7. I love this casual look on you and the idea around more positive mental shifts. I want to empower myself vs. beat myself up for things this year. Celebrate little things more and embrace the awesome things that are in my life. Glad to have you as a friend the inspires!!

  8. This mix of patterns is so striking. I resolved similarly this year - I made resolutions along the lines of ‘more or less’, ie, doing more of the good and less of the bad, negative, unhelpful. Basically, it’s about balance. Good luck with resolving less and doing more! xx

  9. oh my goodness - i swear i didn’t read your post before writing my most recent one! we’re definitely on the same page, girl! hope your 2015 is off to a great start!

  10. Love your take on new year’s resolutions! Most definitely should be focusing on mental shifts instead of drastic changes. People should start saying “new year, same you” because you’re already awesome.


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